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Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
RobBA05 #156462 06/09/2007 7:14 AM
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You know I've heard that same stupid "pipes point away from your can't be heard Bull SH!T Argument so many Fkin times it makes me want to puke till my fkin balls shoot out my nose...and the blood from them dis-lodging chokes me a bit before I hurl a huge clotted mass out....So what your saying is loud pipes can only be heard from behind the bike....then your puke harley riding neighbor must be waking up the whole fkin town at "6:30 sharp" by backing on to each fkin lawn and aiming his pipes at the windows the reving the motor as he goes by each and every house!!!! stupidest argument I have ever heard...they don't point forward so they cant be heard....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I gues thats why I can't hear that bike comming up behind me on the Highway either...OH WAIT YES THE FCK I CAN...!!!!!

FKIN AMA WERETHENICEGUYS ARGUMENT!!! Now I know why I can only see Harleys and other motorcycles approching AND THEN when THE PASS is when I get to hear them....up untill then it's like someone hit the FKIN MUTE mute button on my world... I guess I got to get my horn on my truck out from under the hood pointing at the ground cause that explains why no one ever hears it AINT POINTING AT THEM!!!!! PERHAPS I should carry a portable marine air horn so I can direct the sound at the intended target!!!!

Ok Rant over...

Ok Rant over...

Okay, you have convinced me - go take your blood pressure medicine, and I'm heading for the muffler shop to put straight pipes on my cars so I can be safe and save lives no matter what my ride. Yes, that left turner heading towards you will hear your loud pipes - I understand that there has never been a biker taken out who was running a loud exhaust system by a left turner. It's a wonder our dumbass legislators don't mandate loud pipes for safety. Yes, the City of Daytona Beach, Florida agrees with your assessment, and as a result will write your silly a$$ a ticket for your loud pipes.

By the way, we are signing up members for our new debate team - your application has been denied!

I know you have a closed mind on the issue, but you might want to read this perspective:

And perhaps this:

What is happening is that more and more communities are enacting legislation against motorcycles - some have even banned them. Guys like you will make it such that eventually I will get ticketed in a place like Daytona for running relatively mild TOR exhausts!

Having said the above, I'm sure you can find endless articles by ABATE and people with interests in selling you loud exhausts that will support your groundless point.

BTW, it would be a wonderful environment out there if suddenly groups of automobile drivers decided that they are safer with very loud exhaust systems. I wonder if those guys with their music so loud that the sides of their cars buckle in and out think they are saving lives also?

Motorcycling IS an inherently dangerous activity, but as bikers we accept that risk. Our activity gives us no special right to disregard exhaust noise ordinances, and disturb the non-riding (and more than a few riding) public. If you can't ride without making lots of noise, use your car!

I am a skydiver with 657 jumps. Skydiving is inherently dangerous, and every time I jump I have to save my life. I have personally watched three people die while engaged in skydiving. I accept the risks, because I love the sport. I accept the risks of motorcycling because I love to ride. I get no special dispensation by virtue of that love to noise pollute our environment!

And finally, I know that one can never win a debate or perhaps find even one supporter when speaking against loud exhausts on a motorcycle forum. It would be like going on the NRA forum and arguing that members shouldn't be able to have a certain kind of gun. So what I guess I am trying to say in conclusion, save your further rants folks, because I know that you disagree, and I have heard every reason imaginable as to why you do. And again, I thought like you for many years, so I do understand your invalid points!

Last edited by pedalmasher; 06/09/2007 7:57 AM.
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
pedalmasher #156463 06/09/2007 8:47 AM
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Now Sandy...How did you know I took BP meds????

And further I don't ride my pipes for "safety reasons" nor do I subscribe to the reasoning that "loud pipes save lives"...I don't have any helmet stickers that say that, nor do I run straight pipes....I run Specialtiy Spares because I like the 67 Mustang ran Thrush Hush muffs because I like the sound, and if my 97 truck's stupid stainless steel stock system would just need SOMETHING done to the exhaust I would change that to something "throatier" too...MY point is/was/and always shall be just because your pipes don't face forward doesn't meen you cant hear the bike from all angles...and the left turners who dont pay atention...well if they wont pay attention to something they can SEE right in front of them...why should they pay attention to some thing they hear somewhere near by....stupidity isn't restricted to only one of your can still be a raving moron with all 5....but I have noticed that people who ARE paying attention seem to notice my presents more when I run pipes that are not wisper quiet...particularly on the hightway when I'm approching from behind...I see the head bobs from mirror to mirror looking...which is fine with me...perhaps they weren't thinking about a lane change...then again perhaps they were...and I did read those links...and I find most points well ...interesting...but when you start telling me that pipes pointing rearward cant be heard (a pure work of fiction and a fact unsupported by every audio expert ever to design speakers) then I start to think that the rest of your "facts" might be equally laded with crap!...and Again for the record I ride my pipes becasuse I like the way they sound! period, end of sentance, not for "saftey" not for my small white guy pen_s size, just because I like the sound!

THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
RobBA05 #156464 06/09/2007 9:08 AM
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Okay Rob, the committee has re reviewed your application for the debate team, and you have been accepted! As an aside, in your profile you give a URL to what I believe is supposed to be your home page, but when I click on it, it does not seem to work. I took my own advice, took my BP medication, and feel totally mellowed out.

This has been my medium this morning for venting some of my aggressive energy. I am racing in the Florida State Cycling Road Race championships this afternoon at 3PM. I usually race in the morning, and I'm pacing the floors waiting to jump in my car and drive to the site.

Speaking of sweet sounding Stangs, I actually stopped a guy in a new Mustang whose exhaust was so sweet I had to tell him. It turned out he was running Flowmasters and headers - wonderful sound!!

As an aside, I am a big Mustang fan and have owned 5 of them including a '67 which I stupidly sold for $200 back in 1980. My fav, however, was my 85 GT - the last year the GT ran the Holley 4 barrel carb. It was a real hot rod - they actually got a bit slower in '86 with the FI.

Pedal Till You Puke
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
pedalmasher #156465 06/09/2007 9:20 AM
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nah I just liked the quote and had no place left to put in that section it automaticly places a hppt in front ....I took no offence from your jabs ...hey I'm the one who WENT OFF...but not at YOU perse...more at "that" argument

And YES flowmasters do a wonderful thing for the sound of a car/truck...I love the new HEMI sounds too....engines should SOUND they for 2 4 or more wheels

THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
RobBA05 #156466 06/09/2007 9:40 AM
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I want a HEMI! In Cape Coral, FL, the police are equipped with beautiful HEMI powered hot rods. I love those black beauties!

Duh, I see now that it was not a URL - just a quote preceded by an http!

Pedal Till You Puke
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
pedalmasher #156467 06/09/2007 11:53 AM
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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What kills me is who decides whats too loud? Do the cops carry a decimeter to measure your pipes? Or does any cop with a sore hemeroid putting him in a bad mood write anyone up they decide arbitrarily is too loud?

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
The_Dog33 #156468 06/09/2007 12:30 PM
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I'm running 36" straight fishtails with 20" extensions and 10" samson baffles (have I mentioned this before?). We have a decimeter at work so I jacked around with it for a bot. The meter was 1' back and 2' up from the exits. At idle they are 80db. racking the rpm up to 6k and back down (kinda a vroom-vroom, not a steady hold at 6k) made 122db.

They were even louder before the baffles. I'm looking for some of the khromewerks HP Plus baffles if any one has some...

2002 Bandit 1200/ GSXR cams/ 1277 BB Kit/ Holeshot header and can/ 38mm flatslides/ a good head/lotsa hp/lotsa tq- lots of rear tires...
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
The_Dog33 #156469 06/09/2007 8:22 PM
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What kills me is who decides whats too loud? Do the cops carry a decimeter to measure your pipes? Or does any cop with a sore hemeroid putting him in a bad mood write anyone up they decide arbitrarily is too loud?

I believe in Daytona there is a decibel limit, and the cops can measure it.

Pedal Till You Puke
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
JackW #156470 08/09/2007 8:12 AM
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I was running Bub slashcuts and I looking for something louder! I took the 3 baffles out of my stock slash cuts but there was one more that I didn't remove.....after installing the modified stock mufflers I was dissappointed that they were not as loud as the Bubs. They did sound different but not louder? Should I take the 4th baffle out? or just buy the JCW 12'' shorties?

any advice?


Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
The_Dog33 #156471 08/09/2007 9:06 AM
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What kills me is who decides whats too loud? Do the cops carry a decimeter to measure your pipes? Or does any cop with a sore hemeroid putting him in a bad mood write anyone up they decide arbitrarily is too loud?

Yup I was written up for TORS being too loud. It was early in the year and there were very few bikes out.

However Big Poppy has the loudest set of Specilaity Spares that I have ever heard. He ordered them pretty much straight through.

Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
Dill #156472 08/09/2007 11:16 AM
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try banging out all the baffes in our stock pipes....its way louder than scepters...put it this way...same loudness as my dad's Harley Softtail with Pythons on it...and its free. need some rebar and a mallet.

Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
Itlnstalian #156473 08/09/2007 1:19 PM
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I 2nd the knock the last one out,that makes all the difference.Be sure to leave the reducer cone in though so you don't lose bottom end torque.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
The_Dog33 #156474 08/09/2007 1:34 PM
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I hate to differ but my son and son inlaw have Sceptres and I have the gutted out stock mufflers and mine don't come close to the Sceptres.


2006 neon blue speedmaster
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
mike57 #156475 08/09/2007 1:38 PM
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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My friend Tom (not Brokenfixed) runs the Sceptres and both mine and Wendys gutted pipes are louder than his and he runs the Sceptres as straight through as you can. When you look through his you see right out the other end.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
The_Dog33 #156476 08/16/2007 12:52 PM
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Well I knocked out the 4th baffle and it did make a big difference! I ran it with open headers and I like how it sounded but with the modded stock pipes it sound different.
I ordered the $20 Khromewerks and I'll give them a try next.


Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
downward #156477 08/23/2007 7:49 PM
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I don't think the Scepters are that loud.
I LOVE mine, and I won't change them cause they have
"That Sound" I wanted.
They also have the
"Eye appeal"
I wanted.
I attended the Vintage Motorcyle Rally at Mid-Ohio
And I did not see any other Triumph with Scepters!
In Getteysburg, at this years bike week.
I also seemed to be running the only set there!
Heck, I got to park with dealers cause I had them!

Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
BrianT #156478 08/24/2007 7:37 AM
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I am not a "saftey insturctor", but I have gone from loud pipes to quiet on consecutive days and noticed the change in awareness of the car drivers.

So I'm riding my '01 Bonnie Wednesday with it's stock pipes and upon leaving a traffic light the guy in the pickup next to me in the right lane just comes over right on top of me. No signal, no look and he looked at the bike while we were stopped at the light! Never happens with my America's Specialty Spares and they're not stupid loud...just a coincidence? I'm upping the output of the Bonnie a bit so it doesn't just disappear into the cell phone/satellite radio haze of the ordinary cager. Not stupid loud, just not too quiet.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Re: What are the loudest pipes besides Sceptres
oldroadie #156479 08/24/2007 4:06 PM
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I have changed my mind on loud, those pipes like on Toms (brokenfixed) bike that I believe to be the same as the trumpet ones from J&P Cycles are LOUD. Mine are louder when I'm on it but his are louder in general.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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