
What metal/ tools/ bolts would you need to make the brackets?

I made mine by using a small piece of 90 degree bracket from an aluminium window frame to provide the bend, then bolted a sheet of stainless (for looks) to that. I used some left-over door edge chrome strip to finish the edges of the stainless off, removed the straps from my bag, and bolted it to the stainless.

You could get away with nothing more than a hacksaw, tin snips, and a power drill to make it, and if you've got a lightbar just use the existing bolts to mount it to the forks, and some smaller bolts (say 3/16") bolts for fittings. I always use stainless bolts - rust aint pretty. Just watch the lowest point of it all, as the forks have a fair bit of travel and you don't want the bag hitting the front fender.
