I had the Chatterbox bottom end of the line, something like an HJC 50.
Things to consider:
Communication device
Bike to bike
Operator to Passenger
Com ports
Sold separately
Type of: Ear Buds or not
To get a system that is adequate, you will need to lay out at least 4 bills. More if you are really above the
adequate needs level. Quality headphones and quality transmitter/receiver are a must. Not for short rides under 50mph, but for long rides at highway speeds. You might consider a windscreen as well. The rigs that have a com system standard, Golden wings, etc, have sound dampening in a major way. Think of a Kenworth as a golden winged beast and a Nissan Frontier 4cyl as our ride. A radio is useless in the frontier, the KW man can hear the purr of Kitty in the sleeper. Get my drift?
Now re bike to bike, nice thought, but the biggest issue here is that the other bikes MUST have a com system too. If your concern that at times you get out of sight of your riding friends, then cell phones can bridge that gap. Chatting among the bikes. Why? Isn’t the reason we ride to get away from the talking heads? Let the talking commence at the latte stops.
So what am I saying exactly?
If you want to listen to music, OK. Get a good mpg player with some nice ear buds. You want to talk to others while you ride, break out the $$$ or take the cage.