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Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
#5116 02/27/2005 6:32 PM
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well i bit the bullet and bought and installed the digital speedo i've wanted since i bought the bike in july of 2002!! install was easy once i figured out how to connect the triumph speedo cable to a too big sending unit for the speedo. i ended up using a 1/2 inch conduit connector!! there is no lateral pressure on the cable or sending unit so i just needed to hold the dissimilar sized pieces together and this seems to have worked so far. as far as installing the too small for the tacho hole speedo unit i used a thing called 'paint saver' that goes around harley gas tank bungs and had the inside of it cut to a hair over 2 1/16 inch. i'll post pics of the guts later.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5117 02/27/2005 9:35 PM
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Looks really clean. Is there a tach on that model?

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Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
nuthin #5118 02/28/2005 1:26 AM
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Looks really clean. Is there a tach on that model?

thanks and no. this model is only speedo/odo/trip. the hly-3015 has all the bells and whistles. or you can can get just a tach. dakota digital

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5119 02/28/2005 2:28 AM
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I checked out the link and I can see why you went without the tach. The combo unit is a little pricey. I really like the look though.

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Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5120 02/28/2005 9:26 AM
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wow that looks great!! I remember talking to you a year ago about this ptoject!!!

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
Joker #5121 02/28/2005 11:11 AM
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Looks outstanding. Got anymore pics? Guts? Bike profile? Caretaker | Friarsride |
Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
FriarJohn #5122 02/28/2005 12:47 PM
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i have to do a tear down to finalize/tie up some wire runs so i'll take pics, probably tonite.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5123 02/28/2005 3:55 PM
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here's some more info. it totals around $350 with the speedo being $260 and the SEN-1011 converter being $30 plus shipping and the adapter for the "dash", carlini's paint saver plus, around $25. the speedo is 2 1/16 inches in diameter which is smaller than our tach/clock hole so an adapter must be fitted. having looked at many options i went with the 'paint saver'. after removing the rubber gasket it was a near perfect fit on the dash but needed to be opened up to fit the speedo. the husband of the owner of the shop i bought the 'paint saver' from works in a machine shop and made the hole in the center of the 'paint saver' a hair over 2 1/6 inches by mounting it in a lathe and cutting the center circle out. for free no less!! next i had to figure out how to get the dissimilar sized speedo cable end and the "converter" for the speedo to match up. the converter has a 5/8 threaded coupling for a speedo cable and ours is 12mm. after much thought and checking and rechecking i decided that if it would work at all it would work with just the inner cable (the part that spins) inserted into the converter and it wouldn't matter how the outsides of the speedo cable and the converter were held together so long as it was a solid union. i decided to use a 1/2 inch metal conduit coupler which test rode satisfactorily. the newly joined converter and speedo cable (barely) go into the headlight bucket which is also where i picked up switched pos and neg power off of an unused connector (which btw i have no idea what it was for, i'll post pics). i just followed the included simple directions for wiring and positioned the included waterproof push button momentary switch which is used for calibration and display options including resetting the trip odo. making the wider "u" bracket for holding the speedo and adapter to the dash took some fine tuning as all i had was 1 inch flat zinc coated metal, which is too wide and had to be cut down. i may do it again with a piece of 1/2 inch and i may move my electric pickup to the clock harness under the dash (which i found after looking for everywhere except under the dash! doh!). a combination of a 6-wire plug in the back of the speedo, solder/heat shrink and dielectric grease filled crimp on quick connects makes the dash, with the speedo installed, completely removable. and i know, without pics this is a little pointless so i'll try to get some tonite. i haven't had the opportunity to calibrate it yet but it acts like its supposed to, speed increases, holds and decreases as expected. it was cool doing 195 mph sunday and 27 miles in around 12. you calibrate it either by following a vehicle at a known speed or by running a measured mile. i do not expect any calibration issues but you may want to wait until i can get mine done before jumping into this as it's the only unknown left. it's snowing like crazy right now but maybe by this weekend it'll be clear enough to give it a shot at calibration.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5124 03/02/2005 3:27 AM
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Say, a friendly local gendarme might be willing to drive his always-calibrated police cruiser with you at a pre-arrainged rate (50mph?) if you ask him "real nice like."

Just a thought....

By the way, did you use a drop of Loc-Tite on your conduit set screws?

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
PapaDean #5125 03/02/2005 7:48 AM
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By the way, did you use a drop of Loc-Tite on your conduit set screws?

not yet. after wrangling with the logistics for 2 days i just wanted to make sure she was receiving/processing a speed signal. i pulled her apart a little last nite for pics but i'm too close in my shed for anything recognizable. if it doesn't snow today i'll get pics done this evening and then loctite/wire tie where necessary for final install. but thanks for the reminder!!

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5126 03/06/2005 11:43 PM
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okay. i re-did the mounting bracket using 1/2" stock and loosened and then re-tightened the four screws required for installation (2 on the speedo bracket and 2 on the conduit coupler) using loc-tite. using a 1/2 inch bracket made for more room under the "dash". then i took a ride and calibrated the speedo using mile markers. i stopped at W0600 on md-895 and set the speedo to "cal" and then took off. at W0700 i hit the set switch and she immediately registered 62 mph which felt right. i grabbed the 695 exit and then washinton blvd to flip back toward home and then to double check i stopped at another mile marker and set the trip odo to zero and rode another mile. i about crapped when i pulled over at the mile mark and the trip odo registered 1.00 miles right at the front tire meeting mile marker!! i now am fully assured that this bike will top 105 mph!!!! long story short? this mod, though fairly expensive, works and works well!! i'm just sorry i waited almost three years to attempt it!!

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5127 03/07/2005 7:25 AM
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Nicely done Jethro! I love that clean frontend look without the stock speedo standing up there.

Eric "NQ Sonic" Nordin '03 Speedy lowered and bobbed '00 Speed Triple
Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5128 03/09/2005 2:16 PM
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Your speedo looks great. We talked about doing this about a year ago... didn't we? Anyway... thanks for doing the research & development. I've already ordered the speedo and converter. I called Carlini, the manufacturer of the "Paint Saver Plus" (they're a couple miles from my house) and he said they have 4 models and he asked if I wanted #1, #2, #3 or #4. Do you know? Do you have a part number?
Thanks, Case

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
Case #5129 03/09/2005 2:43 PM
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case, thanks!! the paint saver package is on the floor of my truck. will update with pics tonite. i'm slightly disappointed in the chrome/coloration of the paint saver. the bronze shows through a little next to our super chrome plastic dash. also one other caveat before diving in. althought this unit has a "Non-Glare, high contrast lens" and "High Visibility VFD display for sunlight readability" i found it a little dim in direct sunlight. readable but dim. shade or nighttime it's awesome, as is any Vacuum Fluorescent Display.

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Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5130 03/09/2005 2:57 PM
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Great. I can live with the display a little dim in sunlight. I want the giant speedo off my handlebars! I'm going over to Carlini's on Friday morning, so if you could respond with a part number by tomorrow (Thursday) that would be very helpful.
Thanks again, Case

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
Case #5131 03/09/2005 8:48 PM
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case, the number i have is PSP-1. i had to have the inside of it cut out to a hair over 2 1/16". i didn't use the rubber but i imagine it could be used.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5132 03/09/2005 9:38 PM
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Thanks for the quick reply....and thanks again for sharing this info.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
Case #5133 03/09/2005 9:48 PM
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i also just posted some pics.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5134 07/13/2005 1:24 PM
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here's a bump for wizard!!

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5135 07/13/2005 5:21 PM
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Sweet job 666,I'm looking at the ole lady's pocketbook..... no, scratch that idea. I'll have to win some racepools before starting this project. Thank for all the info,bro.

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Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
wizard #5136 11/01/2005 2:11 PM
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bump for buuuuuurrrrrrrrp, budweiser!!

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5137 02/09/2006 4:00 PM
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here's a bump for chuck!!!

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5138 03/09/2006 1:49 AM
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Dam! You bumped this thread 1 too many times. Just droped my 3 bills for the speedo. I went outside and took off my new screen to remove my forks, and all I could see was that huge speedo. Well thats all my cash this year, I'm done.

Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
Larkfarms #5139 01/21/2011 5:14 PM
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Oldie but goodie from waaaaaay back in 2005.

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Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5140 01/21/2011 7:57 PM
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Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
FriarJohn #5141 01/25/2011 8:28 PM
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Fred was asking me about it.

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus
Re: Dakota Digital HLY-3013 Speedo Installed!!
jethro666 #5142 01/29/2011 8:55 PM
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I was thinking about changing the speedo and I remembered Jeff was the first one on the board who attempted it. He did a really good job with the install. Could'nt remember the brand he used and had a few questions which I bounced off him. Glad he reposted this. Helped answer the questions I had.

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