Maybe someone can help me with this. My 2009 America's speedo pegs itself past 120mph around town( 2nd,3rd gear) and stays there. Sometimes it will start to operate normally ; however just came back from a 40 mile ride and it gave the 120+ reading. The odometer seems to be accurate and I greased the cable and gears but this made no difference. Any thoughts? Thanks, Steve.
If and when you lubricate your speedometer remember it is a PRECISION instrument and uses a very thin type of lubricant. I can't recommend a lubricant as i have used too heavy a lube on a couple of speedo's and not been happy with the results. Maybe you can get the correct lube from a repair shop.
Sorry I haven't responded. Just got back online and saw the replies. Here's what I found. In order to get at the mechanism one has to remove the glass and bezel which is crimped on. It can come off by carefully prying the bezel lip that rests against the plastic speedo body. The body does get nicked up but is covered by the chrome housing so you won't see it. It was time consuming but can be done wo damaging the bezel.The mechanism is simple and contained no worn or broken parts that I could see. The odometer section is all directly gear driven and that was working ok. The speedo section has 2 drives. The first part is a gear driven'cup'. Inside of it is a disc to which the speedo needle is attached.These are not physically connected; one drives the other with a magnet(sort of like a torque convertor wo fluid).When I spun the drive with a drill it went to 120mph . Because there was no evidence of oil or grease in the magnetic drive I decided to clean that part thinking there might be something in there causing extra drag.I sprayed it with electrical cleaner and let it dry. When the drill was attached I was able to get different speed readings and could not achieve 120 mph.After its back on the bike this weekend I'll let you guys know what happened. Thanks for your input, Steve.
Just an update.The speedometer is working accurately again.All it needed was a little cleaning.Before it was reassembled I cleaned off the old grease on the gears and applied synthetic SuperLube grease which is safe for plastic. Most difficult part of the job was the bezel so I modified it to make it easier to take off in the future.Basically that involved trimming the bezel where it folds onto the speedo body, leaving a tab every 3/4" to clamp it to the body.Used a dremel tool for that.Liked the Andy Griffith video. Thanks again for all the input.
Just an update.The speedometer is working accurately again.All it needed was a little cleaning.Before it was reassembled I cleaned off the old grease on the gears and applied synthetic SuperLube grease which is safe for plastic. Most difficult part of the job was the bezel so I modified it to make it easier to take off in the future.Basically that involved trimming the bezel where it folds onto the speedo body, leaving a tab every 3/4" to clamp it to the body.Used a dremel tool for that.Liked the Andy Griffith video. Thanks again for all the input.
Glad to know that it's working great again. Nothing beats a good old-fashioned cleaning.