I picked up a few old magazines at the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group rally last weekend and I’m posting a couple of ads from a November 1969 Cycleworld.
One was for Vetter fairings - a one inch single column ad in the classifieds. Vetter was never a big big company but this must have been really early for them – I’m sure they would have moved out of the classifieds later.
The second one that caught my eye is some guy selling a Norton single with sidecar and FOUR(!) Vincent singles. He’s asking $950 for the Norton and $800 each for the Vincents - oh, and $1,450 for the Black Shadow! It reads like a real ad although it mentions Santa’s Workshop which is a bit odd. The thing is, though, there was a theme park in upstate new york called Santa’s Workshop – I dunno. Anyway, the ads are fun.