We had a great weekend tooling around in Western Colorado on the Thunderbird. The bike ran well with no issues to speak of, other than a bit of an oil leak (more on that in another thread).
The event was the 16th annual "Triumph in the Rockies" rally. I think there were about 35-40 bikes there in total. Two groups headed out from separate parts of Denver on Friday. A number of other folks met us there.
We rode out with a group leaving from the Red Rocks area (Morrison). Kickstands up at 9:30am, we took the long way. Down through Jefferson, Fairplay, and Buena Vista. Then up through Twin Lakes, across Independence Pass, through Aspen to Carbondale. We then came down 133 and approached Montrose from the north.
By the way, Independence Pass was one of the coolest places I've ridden. The weather was ****** as we rode through, as it often is in the early afternoon. But man ... absolutely crazy.
The "West Denver" group on the way out:

Saturday everyone broke off into smaller groups. We did a loop through Telluride and Durango:

Just the part ya'll care about:

And some bike porn:

After the Saturday Ride, the hotel provided a bike washing station for a little "Show N Shine" contest (shouldn't it be "Shine N Show"?). People liked the Thunderbird:

Some pretty great riding. And not too much trouble with the weather. The good thing about the dry air out here, even after being rained on pretty hard we dried up in abut 15 miles.
Also, Dani got the itch for longer rides and maybe seeing where some of those dirt roads go. I see a Tiger in our future.