I posted last summer that the Lexus dealership I'd been writing service for since 1999 had let me go after a couple of outpatient back surgeries less than a year apart.
I worked for an Audi dealership from October through the holidays, then took some time off compliments of our wonderful unemployment insurance system.
Not really looking to go back into the new car dealership business, (looking to not have to work 11-hour days and Saturdays), and having no desire to commute 2 hours/day, I found opportunities close to home fairly limited, and I really wasn't even sure how or where to start.
By chance one day, I get a call to send my resume to an independent repair shop.
I am now the Service Manager at MOTORCARS LTD. They've been in business since 1972, and we specialize in Jaguar and Land Rover.
Most of our clients are second-hand owners, if not outright collectors. I do feel for the "yuppies" (can I still call them that?) who own the Rovers to have the status symbol, and are totally dismayed by the repair needs and mechanical breakdowns those vehicles suffer....I see 8-10 Rovers come in a week, and maybe 3-4 Jaguar.
I've also got a Classic Cars repair shop specializing in vintage Jaguar, MG, MGB, Austin-Healey, Triumph, ect.. I even had a 1960 Sunbeam Rapier in the shop over the last month. He picked it up Friday.
Virtually no voice mail, only 2-6 incoming vehicles/day, I have 3 techs, a couple of support techs, a machine shop, a salvage operation, an extensive inventory of used Jaguar and Land Rover parts, an assistant up front with me, and a wonderful gentleman that owns all of this that I know appreciates me as much as I admire him.
In short, I'm in car repair heaven, if there is such a thing from someone with my perspective on it. It's only 4 1/2 miles from home, without even having to get onto a freeway, it's ultra-casual dress code, and if it ever quits raining and cools off just a tad, I'm going to ride to work every day. I even come home for lunch every day and let my dogs out.
We're BRITISH all they way!