Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Learned Hand
Learned Hand
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As of 10:00 am today I am retired from my career in EMS. After 1 week short of 40 years as a Paramedic, I was retired against my choice, but life is life and I will have a lot of time to continual to grow my business. Here is where you all come in...spend money please!  Lots of trials ahead and it will likely change all plans I had for the year but life is good. I am only 59 so I am sure there is a market for old paramedics. My bike is paid for so they can't take that away. Life does not always turn out the way you hope or expect. We keep moving our feet and tomorrow will come and I will still be me. My well being is nor has it been wrapped up in being a Paramedic. It was a calling and I did my job well rising to the top of my career ladder. Now that I will have more time on my hands, you will see more of me! Eddy 
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Congrats Eddy!!! You have done your part and now it's your time!! Well done my friend, it takes a certain breed to do what you have done and I thank god for people like you!! Will we see you in Ga once in awhile now lol
ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Too bad it was not your choice friend. You'll be working on finishing the garage then? 
"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" : William Shakespeare
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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"Oh Man I only ride 'em.I don't know what makes 'em work". Donald "Oddball" Sutherland
"Don't let the bastards get you down". Kris Kristofferson
"I am only paranoid because everyone is against me". Larry [Frank Burns] Linville
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Sorry to hear that, Eddy. Glad the bike is paid for.
Hoping the best for you.
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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There is life after employment Ed. I have worked part time for over a year. It works out very well.
Good luck.
I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Saddle Sore
Saddle Sore
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Don't worry Fast One, that Indiana Billy will put you in the black. I bet he be like all giddy now and stuff.  Congratulations, sir ! 
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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05 Speedmaster,Reverse Cone Shortys,Thunderbike AIR Kit,K&N Air Filter,Snorkel Removed,Dynojet Stage 1 Kit(126 main),Needle-Clip 1 From Bottom,42 Pilot,NGK Iridium Plugs,Progressive Springs,Hagon 2810's,Barnett Green Springs,TTP Safe-Start,MOSFET R/R
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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3/4 Throttle
3/4 Throttle
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Dearest Edward,
So they put the old stud out to pasture. Never give up and never surrender. Life has a way of opening doors all we have to do is recognize the opportunity and hang on. I have been plastering you all over facebook and I guess I will to work on putting together another order.
Road Rash Heals. Freckles Grow Back. Ride
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Enjoy your retirement Eddy. I retired 3 years ago after operating 2 businesses concurrently for 30+ years averaging 60-70 hrs per week. Now I wonder how I ever had time to go to work. The best part about retirement is that your week will only have 3 days in it........... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.. if you didn't do it yesterday you might consider it today or you can do it tomorrow. 
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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The best part about retirement is that your week will only have 3 days in it........... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
I like that  I often work on the principle, "why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?"
I was going to post that yesterday ...
"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" : William Shakespeare
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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"Why do tomorrow what you can leave until the day after?"
"Oh Man I only ride 'em.I don't know what makes 'em work". Donald "Oddball" Sutherland
"Don't let the bastards get you down". Kris Kristofferson
"I am only paranoid because everyone is against me". Larry [Frank Burns] Linville
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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If I knew that last week I would have added something extra to my order, oh well there is always next week.
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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That day comes for all of us one way or another. I'm sure you won't make just lemon aid but rather lemon meringue pie. 
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Learned Hand
Learned Hand
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Anyone familiar with the Insurance world, I need health insurance for my wife. She takes very expensive meds each month that total $3,000 a month. At least that is what I totaled them up as a year ago when I was thinking of quitting.
I loved my job, loved the people that I worked with just did not love the folks who drive the boat, but I was not alone in that. I am under no allusion that if I go somewhere else it will be any different. Always one constant in the universe, there is always a better way to do it and when you are around long enough you notice that nothing is new, just re-hash of the same old thing.
What I love more has been my business, it is the only place where even if things go wrong, I can make it right or try very hard at it. Those who have met me know I am the real deal.
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Learned Hand
Learned Hand
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eddy, congratulations on shaking off the yoke of corporate oppression. this may be the opportunity needed to really getting your business to the point of being a steady and viable income source. sucks about the insurance though.
05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Saddle Sore
Saddle Sore
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Eddy, would the misses be eligible for SS disability ?
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Welcome to the growing world of "retired but didn't really want to" guys. Have you looked at any of the AARP plans to see if one might work for the missus?
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
 Re: Well, I am officially retired from EMS!
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Eddy, I wish you the best in this next phase of life. Enjoy where retirement leads you!
2013 Speedmaster Matte Black