child perverts
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Just read another article about a 50 year old man in the town just north of me and his arrest for performing a sex act with two children, ages 2 and 3. This is at least the 6th such article about such things in the last 12 months. So here's the question; It seems that I read more and more about this the last decade or so. I seem to remember it was a lot more rare to hear about when I was a young man. Is this stuff on the rise or what? And why? Are we becoming such a sexually expressive society that its driving perversion like this to increasing levels? When I was a kid, we rode our bikes, by ourselves, all over town and mom and dad never worried about us. Now, parents sweat bullits if the kid even plays outside their own house. No wonder parents are ok with their kids spending all their time inside watching brain sucking machines. 
Fidelis et Fortis
 Re: child perverts
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I think it was kept hush hush years ago and we didn't have the total media saturation we do now so now we hear of things we wouldn't have before.
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 Re: child perverts
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The proliferation/epidemic of porno probably hasn't helped
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 Re: child perverts
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When I was a kid, we rode our bikes, by ourselves, all over town and mom and dad never worried about us. Now, parents sweat bullits if the kid even plays outside their own house. No wonder parents are ok with their kids spending all their time inside watching brain sucking machines.
That's so true Rich. I used to go out wherever and as long as I was home before the street lights came on it wasn't a big deal. I have two young boys now, and I'm paranoid to even let them go play in the fenced in back yard for fear that some perv is going to snatch them up. It's pretty sickening. I think we should put bullets in the heads of these f*****g kid touchers, no jail time or anything, boom, dead. F'em.
06 America 904
 Re: child perverts
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Saddle Sore
Saddle Sore
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It' s always been with us, like said above, now we are saturated with the Internet for perversion. I read that in London around the century turn, child molestation was at epic proportions.
 Re: child perverts
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Second Wind
Second Wind
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And maybe we don't punish them properly either.
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
Edgar Allan Poe
 Re: child perverts
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So how did this free flag flying, go out and see the world, we can do anything generation that when young was told to go out and play with friends and not come home until dinner turn into a bunch of paranoid parents?
Somewhat of a rhetorical question and this web page speaks volumes as to why.
 Re: child perverts
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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And maybe we don't punish them properly either.
Punishing them won't change them. I've read somewhere that child molesters have a 95% "reocurrance" rate after they get out. That's the reason some lawmakers try and create laws to keep them in prison indefinately, and the reason behind "registration" laws. But I do wonder, like as said, if the huge pornographic availability doesn't encourage them. The man that I referenced had child porno on his cell phone, and the police are always confiscating puters that have that crap on them. Still, even though I abhor their behavior, I feel a little sorry for them. It must be a horrible curse for them to have their brain wired so wrong.
Fidelis et Fortis
 Re: child perverts
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Ooops, I posted this in the wrong place. Sorry, Mods. Maybe you can move it?
Fidelis et Fortis
 Re: child perverts
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Learned Hand
Learned Hand
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I recently read an article that said that the psychiatric doctors are considering categorizing this as a orientation, and that is the beginning of legitimizing this sick behavior. Scary.
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If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and will never be.----Thomas Jefferson
 Re: child perverts
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And maybe we don't punish them properly either.
Punishing them won't change them. I've read somewhere that child molesters have a 95% "reocurrance" rate after they get out. That's the reason some lawmakers try and create laws to keep them in prison indefinately, and the reason behind "registration" laws. But I do wonder, like as said, if the huge pornographic availability doesn't encourage them. The man that I referenced had child porno on his cell phone, and the police are always confiscating puters that have that crap on them. Still, even though I abhor their behavior, I feel a little sorry for them. It must be a horrible curse for them to have their brain wired so wrong.
None of this "his daddy didn't love him.His mummy abused him"crap.Interfere with children and that's it.No excuses. Castration.Chemical or otherwise.death penalty comes to mind.Rabid animals get destroyed.As has been said there's no cure for these perverts. Put them in with the general prison population.They'll take care of them.Sorry to sound a little harsh but this stuff seems almost an epidemic these days
"Oh Man I only ride 'em.I don't know what makes 'em work". Donald "Oddball" Sutherland
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"I am only paranoid because everyone is against me". Larry [Frank Burns] Linville
 Re: child perverts
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Should be Riding
Should be Riding
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sex crimes are as old as turning tricks. the nature of child crimes are horrendous. The innocent child. Like a pup, all they want to do is please their owner/parent: adult. then a pederast comes along... We are a bit luckier. We have the knowledge of evil. For example, how many times have we not put our side stand down due to the environment? Me? many times. I ended up in Hueytown back in 2007 when I wanted to bed down in Birmingham. All the way from 78 to Hueytown, there was not one place where my sidestand was touching down. Gosh that was a black hole (astronomical term with no other connotations). Took me about 2 hours to get out of Hueytown and over to Leeds. I recall seeing a familiar name though...
Blowing gravel off rural roads
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Last edited by moe; 03/24/2014 6:16 AM.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
 Re: child perverts
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Second Wind
Second Wind
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And maybe we don't punish them properly either.
Punishing them won't change them. I've read somewhere that child molesters have a 95% "reocurrance" rate after they get out. That's the reason some lawmakers try and create laws to keep them in prison indefinately, and the reason behind "registration" laws. But I do wonder, like as said, if the huge pornographic availability doesn't encourage them. The man that I referenced had child porno on his cell phone, and the police are always confiscating puters that have that crap on them. Still, even though I abhor their behavior, I feel a little sorry for them. It must be a horrible curse for them to have their brain wired so wrong.
I read somewhere that most of the offenders were victims of sexual predators themself when they were children. I wonder how many of these victims will grow up and commit the crime committed against them. We must learn to break the cycle some how. We may need to get serious about helping children deal with the damage done in these cases as prevention. It could save them from a horrible future. Oh and notice I said properly.
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
Edgar Allan Poe
 Re: child perverts
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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I'm not sure castration would work, but I wouldn't be against it if it took away the desire. It'd actually be a blessing for them. Castration has also been reccomended for rapists, but I understand that won't work because rape is a crime of violence, with sexual domination only being the vehicle. Historically, humans have waffled as to whether sex with children is ok. Same with homosexuality. In ancient Rome, it was sometimes considered ok for an old man to have a young boy at his disposal. And Greeks were notorios for child sex slaves and homosexual behavior. Weird, I know, but it goes to show how different cultures and different times are hard to comprehend through our present lense. I do know one thing though. With our present day ability to "express our dirty laundry", it is clear through the many, many reports of people who have been molested as a child that the act really screws them up later. And it is scary how many young girls AND boys are reporting this trajedy.
Fidelis et Fortis
 Re: child perverts
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I have seen and read it is a mental illness that is why the re-offending rate is so high. They can't help themselves. I don't give it a pass because of that. They need to be removed from society permanently, no parole or release , ever. I am not saying super max state side for life but maybe more of a minimum security setting or even a hospital setting once they have done their time. I actually knew a guy who did molest his daughter who was very young at the time. Don't remember exactly but about 3 I think she was. He was caught by his wife and he vanished after that. I haven't seen his wife in years now and have no idea if he was ever brought to justice. This was a very big man too, over 6' tall and probably over 300 lbs. He better hope the cops got him before one of us who knew him.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
 Re: child perverts
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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Years ago many of these things were handled under the radar. When a child was molested and it was reported to the police they would often "chastise" the offender without going to court. Having the molesters know that they were being closely watched, and that a second occurrence could have catastrophic consequences, often worked. Additionally, by keeping it out of the courts and press the child would likely be much less traumatized than often happens now.
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
 Re: child perverts
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I recently read an article that said that the psychiatric doctors are considering categorizing this as a orientation, and that is the beginning of legitimizing this sick behavior. Scary.
Call me cynical, but is it just a matter of time before people call you a hater and intolerant because you don't approve of this activity? What's next? Why can't a person marry their sister, aunt etc.?
About a year ago, a story was shown on the local news of a man being arrested for child porn on his computer. The name/face rang a bell. I found the guy in an old college annual. It should be mentioned that he was forced to resign from the school board.
Didn't buy into the hype, you can keep the change.
 Re: child perverts
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I seem to remember it was a lot more rare to hear about when I was a young man. Is this stuff on the rise or what? And why? Are we becoming such a sexually expressive society that its driving perversion like this to increasing levels? When I was a kid, we rode our bikes, by ourselves, all over town and mom and dad never worried about us. Now, parents sweat bullits if the kid even plays outside their own house. No wonder parents are ok with their kids spending all their time inside watching brain sucking machines.
Our parents knew their neighbors and they knew ours. If there was any inkling of impropriety, our fathers would take matters into thier own hands. Most of us were just warned not to venture outside our own neighborhood. Now, we're too self involved and barely know our own neighbors. That works to allow the perverts to fearlessly live among us.
I finally joined Facebook after I retired and follow a couple of forums. The most interesting one is the one by kids who grew up in my neighborhood in the 50's & 60's. I always knew the adults spent a lot of time socializing at the club & pool, but I never realized the amount of behind-the-scenes involvement geared toward keeping us kids safe.
Sad to say, but it no longer exists here either.
 Re: child perverts
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There are idiots out there who unknowingly contribute to this activity. My wife was counseling a little girl and it came to light that her mother met a guy on the internet. After a brief internet romance, she moved the guy in. Well you know what happened next. Thankfully, my wife had a hand in getting this creep arrested.
Didn't buy into the hype, you can keep the change.
 Re: child perverts
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Nothing new accept there are more of us ergo it happens more often.
Not trying in any way to justify petafelia but now that we have media that loves to exploit such a story and the immediacy of the internet we believe we are more succeptable to harm and we tend to over protect. There are businesses that love this paranoid behaviour and exploit it ramping up the paranoia and the $$$ spent to guard against what ever you think you can guard against.
It will not get rid of such activity as there will always be sex drives that differ from what you believe is normal so IMHO just shoot convicted pedafials there is enough people on this earth that they will not be missed.
 Re: child perverts
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More often than not it's someone in or near the family.
ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
 Re: child perverts
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Bar Shake
Bar Shake
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There are idiots out there who unknowingly contribute to this activity. My wife was counseling a little girl and it came to light that her mother met a guy on the internet. After a brief internet romance, she moved the guy in. Well you know what happened next. Thankfully, my wife had a hand in getting this creep arrested.
That's a good point Eddie, The overwhelming majority of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. And the highest number is for child assaults.
Maybe our current society and destigmatization of the victims is adding to the number of reported assaults where it used to be handled (or mishandled) within the family sphere. "That no good ^&%$# molested my kid so I kicked his azz, he won't come around any more". That was the kind of thinking that prevailed until just the last few decades.
Of course often the child would be afraid to tell.
Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, tambiƩn
 Re: child perverts
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Joined: Nov 2009
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I think we all agree this is abhorrent behaviour, Yes ? We got off track in this forum for what it is meant to be and should call it a day on this subject. IMHO
 Re: child perverts
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Complete Newb
Complete Newb
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Has anyone considered that the title of this thread just may be the root of the actual problem? "Child perverts"? Between the fluoride in the water and the chemtrails in the sky I think that some of our children are being born as sex addicts and molesting innocent adults. Just a theory...
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
 Re: child perverts
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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Child Perverts? When I was about ten I was caught watching a friends older sister taking a shower. I think that was one of the nicer things she said about me. 
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
 Re: child perverts
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Old Hand
Old Hand
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And maybe we don't punish them properly either.
Punishing them won't change them. I've read somewhere that child molesters have a 95% "reocurrance" rate after they get out. That's the reason some lawmakers try and create laws to keep them in prison indefinately, and the reason behind "registration" laws. But I do wonder, like as said, if the huge pornographic availability doesn't encourage them. The man that I referenced had child porno on his cell phone, and the police are always confiscating puters that have that crap on them. Still, even though I abhor their behavior, I feel a little sorry for them. It must be a horrible curse for them to have their brain wired so wrong.
A few seconds with an axe would do the job.
Let's hope there's intelligent life somewhere in space 'cause it's buggar all down here. -- Monte Python
 Re: child perverts
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Learned Hand
Learned Hand
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My second Wife was murdered by Child Molesters. It took almost 35 years for their actions to end her life, but it was all their fault, and they knew exactly what they were doing. Once a child molester always one.
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