This is just so cool and way fortunate for this soldier-
The first soldier to survive after losing all four limbs in the Iraq war has received a double-arm transplant.
Brendan Marrocco had the operation on Dec. 18 at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, his father said Monday. The 26-year-old Marrocco, who is from New York City, was injured by a roadside bomb in 2009.
He also received bone marrow from the same dead donor who supplied his new arms. That novel approach is aimed at helping his body accept the new limbs with minimal medication to prevent rejection.
Being a BKA amputee myself now for two years and two months I can really dig just how hard it is for these young guys to suffer multiple limb loss and struggle through that. It is hard enough to deal with being just less than four but being none at all is quite a thing to rehab through. I am so happy for this young soldier getting a shot at being only two less than four.