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Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
#501225 09/09/2012 6:45 PM
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erle Offline OP
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What a WONDERFUL time !!!

After being a member of the ( web site for several years, I decided it was time to venture out and meet some of the characters I have interacted with over the years.
It started out as a plan for a four day, twelve hundred plus mile, five hundred dollar trip for one, and quickly morphed into a thirteen day, twenty two hundred mile, fifteen hundred dollar adventure for two that will surely be one of the most cherished, memorable times of my life.
It started with the only destination being Dahlonega, Georgia, a trip for one, for the annual Georgia Rally. After establishing a "No Highway" route on Google Maps to Dahlonega, a quick tab on the west directional arrow showed that Adairsville, GA. was only a short ride, and it would afford the perfect opportunity to visit with my fathers side of my family for a day.
While contemplating lodging in or around Dahlonega, that little light went off in my head, as I quarried how far away my sister (Laura) and brother-in-laws' (Richard) vacation cabin was. SURPRISE! It's like, fifty eight miles! COOL! And here's where that bright little bulb goes off again. I've always heard of the Tail of the Dragon, and the other six or seven notorious roads in and around North Carolina and Tennessee, and a little twitch of the finger on Google Maps showed about sixty eight miles from the cabin. BAZINGA !!! The trip is now finalized, or so I thought!
I'm going from Orlando to just outside of Hayesville, NC., to the cabin tucked in the woods along the Hiawassee River for some peace and quiet time to reflect on my existence and the last few decades of fatherhood, raising two wonderful and beautiful children, and my beautiful wife sent straight from the Heavens above, into a life that is less than she deserves.
After a few days alone, I would leave Friday morning and ride into Dahlonega, to meet up with the two dozen or so people that I've never met, with the only common thread being an interest in one specific model of one specific brand of motorcycle, the infamous Triumph America (Bonneville America), and it's cousin the Triumph Speedmaster. After a day of traversing the North Georgia Mountains, there would be some social time before retiring, readying myself for a second day of riding, followed by a hour or two travel to get to family in Adairsville, GA., Then the trip home.


While discussing the itinerary with the wife, JUNIOR SPOUTS OFF, "I WANNA GO !"

PERFECT ! Now I truly saw the trip in a different light. What a wonderful thing to look forward to. But, here comes that little light again! What about John, my other son. We could rent another bike for him, and it would be the Three Amigos ! PERFECT ! Well, John couldn't get away from his work in Melbourne on such short notice, so here's how the excursion went down.

Steven and I left Orlando on Monday morning, the 14th day of May, 2012.
We had 545 miles to go (according to Google Maps), and two days to get there. We arrived with 600 miles on the odometer, possibly due to a missed turn or two.
Monday we traveled various sections of US 441, FL 19, US 17, US 1, US 23, GA 121, GA 15, GA-4, with the ONLY common denominator being NORTH !, and rode into HazelHurst, GA., at about 6 PM. The plans to use the pool after a diner in town didn't pan out, as, for SOME UNKNOWN reason, we passed out in our motel room watching some TV before going to the pool. Go figure.

Tuesday, 5/15, we followed some of the afore mentioned routes, along with portions of GA 19, GA 27, US 341, GA 24, US 129, GA 105, GA 385, GA 17, GA 75, GA 2, US 76, GA 515, NC 69, US 64, (I'm NOT making this up!), numerous by-pass routes, and a handful of local roads (trails/paths?) to arrive at the cabin around 6 PM.
We unloaded the gear from our expandable, over stuffed, bulging baggage and made a trip back into town for groceries, only to push the capacities of our bags to the extreme once again. When we got back to the cabin, we were overcome by the freezing (conditioned) air inside the cabin, and again, rendered unconscious.

Our plans for Wednesday got canceled by popular consciences, WE WERE SORE ! WE WERE TIRED ! and we WEREN'T leaving the cabin !

We did manage to make short trips into town for more groceries. We made a trip to Bear Cove at Fires Creek (a luxury mountain community developed by Richard & Laura), a short trip into the Nantahala National Forest (until I realized that on the way back out, we'd be closer to the cliff into the abyss, instead of the wall of doom on our right as we rode in), and a short resting spell at the Bear Creek Pavilion on the Hiawassee River before heading back to paradise for the rest of the evening.

Thursday, 5/17, we planed to ride some of the roads we heard about around NC/TN (the Dragon, etc.), but Steven wasn't feeling well enough to ride. The anxiety from all he read about The Tail of the Dragon MAY have had something to do with that, not to mention his experiences with the forest/mountain roads we traveled over the last two days.


Some of these were merely glorious Mountain Goat Trails! Paved, BUT THAT'S IT! Like eight feet wide at the most! The blind, steep grade, 200 degree plus turns provided a white knuckle, squeeze-the-tank-with-your-knees-till-it-pops experience like no other. Most had MAYBE two feet of shoulder before you were off into the top of the trees (river IF you were lucky) on one side, or into the face of the mountain on the other! When you bitched about it to the locals, they responded "they were paved!?" WHAT was MY problem!??
Anyway, I decided to go ride the Dragon myself, and see what it was all about.
Well, in reality, the most dangerous thing about the Dragon was the PEOPLE! The butt holes that thought they were Gary Nixon (DANG! Showin' MY age here, ay!), posers with WAY too much power in they're throttle hand, or in the case of the "Tuners", under they're foot! When I got back to the cabin, after a short twenty minutes caught in the COLD rain, I was able to tell Steven that the Dragon was NOTHING compared to the roads we rode around Hayesville, the cabin, and the Nantahala Forest. I think he's ready to give it a go now.

Friday, 5/18, Steven and I left Hayesville for Dahlonega, to meet everyone (most everyone) for the Rally. I believe there were about 18 bikes, and about 25 people. Due to the slower speeds we traveled, we barely made it to the gathering spot, with about ten minutes to spare. We rode some beautiful, challenging mountain roads into the afternoon,
before heading 18 miles south to Dawsonville, GA., where we had reservations at the Super 8 motel, due to the sole reason that they had an indoor, heated pool and spa. That was very much one of the biggest pleasantries we experienced after twelve hours of travels. Just like a great massage. Man!, was that needed!

Saturday, Steven was having one of his days again, and couldn't get out of the room for the ride. I went alone to meet everyone for the last day of the Rally. We rode a different route through the mountains,
but this time, I was SOOO... much more relaxed. Do you know the stress, fear, and anxiety of riding with a loved one, your CHILD, on technical, challenging, unfamiliar roads, with THREE dimensions when your only used to two !?? It ALMOST negates the joy. Anyway, Steven didn't totally miss out on a vacation day, he went to the theater behind the motel and saw two movies, The Avengers and Dark Shadows. We both enjoyed the spa in the evening and did a little sunglass shopping at the local mall. (which keeps the town on the map)

Sunday, expected to be spent with the family in Adairsville, was a BUST! Talking to a family member revealed a major feud was in full swing amongst the family's. Threats to shoot, sue, maim, harassment, you name it, they were at it. No place to be, even though we haven't seen them in two decades. Dang! Well, anyway, we just took a leisurely ride back to NC., and another trip to the grocers, before just enjoying a slow paced ride along the Hiawassee River,
and an evening with only the fireflies and stars. Very relaxing.

Monday, 5/21, was PICTURE DAY!
We went around Sweetwater Bend Road, Lance Cove Road, along the Hiawassee River, ventured out East and West of Hayesville, and walked around some of Sweetwater Bend snapping off pictures like we were at a wedding reception. Tourists!

Tuesday, 5/22.
Ah Tuesday! Manly man day. Weekend warriors at their best! Out to set new records on some of the most notorious, treacherous technical roads in the world! (or at least to make it look that way in still shots). Yes, Tuesday was the day for the father and his son to tempt fate, test their skills, and hopefully survive to tell the tails from the most coveted roads in the motorcycle kingdom. The Dragon (US-129), Moonshiner 28 (NC 28), and The Mile High Legend - Cherohala Skyway (NC 143 & NC 165)

The Tail of the Dragon.

From the cabin it took one hour and 35 minutes to go what is twenty-five miles by way of the Crow. Before entering the Dragon, we passed the Cheoah/Fugitive Dam (used in the television series "The Fugitive"), where Lake Calderwood changes to Cheoah Lake, and stop for reflection at the Crossroads Of Time- Deal's Gap.
The next twenty three miles (out & back) provide some of the most nerve racking, off camber, one hundred and eighty degree (plus) hair-pin turns (in THREE dimensions) we've ever encountered. With names like "The Wall", "The Chicanes", "Gravity Cavity", "Busa Bash", "Brake or Bust Bend", "Copper-Head Corner", "Little Whip", "Triple Apex Corner", "The Whip", "Pearly Gates", ... Well, you get the picture.

Now the adrenalin won't stop. We take the Moonshiner 28, pass Fontana Dam, and some of the Cherohala Skyway, before lunch in Robbinsville.
We agree, we're tired, fatigued, and most ready to kick our feet up and just relax, so it's a "Full-on" run to the cabin. Sleep never came so easily.

Wednesday, 5/23, we didn't want to do anything! Our Fatty Cells squeezed out just enough Testosterone to ride over the Chatuge Dam,
ride to the Boundary Waters Resort & Marina to check things out for a water day tomorrow, NO MOTORCYCLES!
We also checked things out at the public swimming park in Hiawassee, the Resort Marina, as well as a run through Hiawassee, before returning to the cabin for the evening.

Thursday, 5/24, we swore-off the motorcycles, and changed things up for a water day on Lake Chatuge.
We went back to Boundary Waters Resort & Marina and rented the little "Graig-Cat" we checked out yesturday. What a BLAST! I suggest anyone who's going to rent a watercraft consider one of these, even as an accessory to a larger boat or pontoon. It looks like a sheet of plywood with lawn chairs, a outboard motor, and the mandatory bimini top. It's like a go-cart on water (and styroids).
With Steven at the controls, and music blasting from the on board CD/radio, we did some really "stupid dog tricks". Isn't it amazing what you'll allow to be done when on a rental!? Kinda like when I'd rent a Harley for a day, and when I was done, and the "Kids" wanted to ride the bike, I'm like "Sure, take it". How many fathers would say that to their eighteen and twenty year old kids? Anyway, how we got back without assistance (and in one piece) I'm not quite sure. We ran all over Lake Chatuge. From the remote south end to the dam closer to the north end. Steven would throw that thing into a full on power turn, do a "donut" until it's motion stalled, and back off again into what ever direction it was pointed. I believe the dock attendant KNEW something was up when we brought it back, with both of us giggling and smiling like the Cheshire Cat, almost unable to look him straight in the eye. Yes, we got our monies worth (and adrenaline rush) out of that one.
On our way back to the cabin, we stopped at Fun world to rent some go-carts. We were lookin' forward to the smell of tire smoke on asphalt, but they stopped renting the carts a while back, and only had an indoor skating rink, and many, many games.
We left and rode to the Brasstown Valley Resort,
thinkin' we'd enjoy a Hot Dog and a Burger, but when we parked, looked around, and looked at ourselves, we decided we probably wouldn't be welcomed. At least NOT at the front entry. Calling a close to the day, we made one last blast through Hayesville before relaxing with the computer and bedding down early in preparation for an early departure tomorrow for home. Oh yeah, the On-line service or modem was not working properly the other night, so we had an appointment with the service provider for 4:30 (1630 hr's) to get it sorted out. Right! Any thoughts on what service is like that far up in the mountains!?? Anyway, NO, it never happened!

Friday, 5/25, Oh Friday! We were packed and ready at 10:00. I'd be lyin' if I tried to say that we were lookin' forward to the days ride. Have you ever heard the saying "Too much of a good thing"? Steve and I know just what they meant. It was pretty good to get out of the mountains, and get back to two dimensional turf. We planed the whole trip excluding all major highways, so the roads were really good, and basically traffic free. No congestion like we're accustom to in Orlando. Traveling the old school way (Well, NOT by the stars and shadows, but NO GPS either) makes for a, shall I say, different experience, when on motorcycles. No one can study the map while you proceed on down the highway. No sir, when you finally realize you MAY not be going in the right direction, you STOP and pull out the map. This added a great amount of stress to me, and, by the look Steven would give me, a bit of displeasure to him.
We finally got to our pre-determined half way point, and again spent the night at the McDonalds Lodge in Hazelhurst. Man, was the pool a welcome sight! We floated in that pool for over an hour, before heading out to the local Pizza-Hut. I got us lost looking for it, and finally gave in to Stevens insistence that HE knew right where it was. He did.
Back at the lodge we turned on the T.V. for some relaxation, but it wasn't necessary. We were BOTH out like a light, before the screen even lit up!

Saturday, 5/26. THE LAST DAY !

Saturday, 5/26. THE LAST DAY ! The last day!? Oh NO! Such a bitter sweet day. All kinds of thoughts going through my head as we hit the road this morning.
I'm following Steven, watching his every move, reminiscing about the last twenty three years raising that boy. I'm thinking about just how much I love him, how much joy he's brought into my life, the hard knocks and the hard row he's had to hoe. I'm thinking back to the decade in Scouting, the BMX racing, the soccer, shooting sports, bow and arrows, dirt bikes, and how he was always ready and willing to help me work on anything around the house. I'm watching him lean and wiggle the bike down the road, and taking his hands off the handlebars, after I've chastised him for this type of behavior over and over. I'm sure he does it on purpose, JUST to get a rise out of me. Damn kid!
John has left our house, and is living in Melbourne. Steven is the last tangible link I have to my life as I've known it for the last twenty plus years. When he leaves, there will be a large void in my house, and in my heart, and selfishly, I'm NOT looking forward to that. As he meanders blissfully down the road, I think of just how nice this trip has been. Next year I hope John will be able to go. There's something about traveling to unknown places, without others, no distracting electronics, and being together all day, every motel and meal together, relaxing evenings with no distractions to wedge their way between good conversation, conversations about the future wishes, wants, and desires.
Our last photo is at the "Welcome to Florida" sign as we cross the river between Georgia and Florida on Hwy 441.
At this point, for the first time since we left twelve days ago, I can truly relax and enjoy the sights. I know the way home from here, and no longer must I fret over where to turn, which road to take, and the thought of the time involved in making a wrong turn. No, from here the trip takes on a whole different feeling.
For the first time, time is no longer a concern. We'll be home today, sometime today, and it just doesn't matter when.
It's late in the afternoon, close to evening, and we finally make the last turn onto our street. Everything is the same, yet everything seems just a little different. One intersection, two, three, four, and there it is. Our house! Yep, "Our house, what a very very very fine house..." is running through my brain. We stop in the drive, and a minute passes before we put a foot down and remove ourselves from the saddle that has become one with our behinds. We struggle to climb the steps of the porch. We enter through the front door, and collapse in the living room. Donna's happy to see us, and has many questions she wants to know about the trip. It takes a few minutes to decompress, but we begin to relive the experience to her.
Now, it's less than three hundred and sixty days...

And you may see me tonight With an illegal smile J. Prine
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501226 09/09/2012 8:42 PM
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Nice write-up and great photos! That trip will have to be a lasting memory for both of you. Very cool that you guys got to do that together.

It was good to meet both of you in GA this year. Hope to see you again next year.


Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
Willthethrill #501227 09/11/2012 7:18 PM
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Thanks Will.

My other son just replied today. I think he saw the light. He said he was DEFINITELY in on the next one.

Warning though, It's not easy to tolerate the three of us.

(Hell, it's not easy to tolerate just me)

And you may see me tonight With an illegal smile J. Prine
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501228 09/11/2012 8:09 PM
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Stickman Yogi
Stickman Yogi
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Great story Erle... friggin' top shelf! You really outdid yourself with your son. Way to go and thanks for the post!!

Live to love, love to live.
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501229 09/11/2012 8:27 PM
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Nice write up and pics. BTW, you call that a "cabin"?

I rode a lot of that area back in the 70's. Would have loved to do it again with our son.

Sounds like you had a great and memorable time.

Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501230 09/12/2012 12:10 AM
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Superb write-up (and pics) of what appears to have been a wonderful experience!

Thank you.

Bedouin. Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501231 09/12/2012 4:33 PM
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Thawas a great read and a nice way to celebrate email restoration! Thanks! I'm tempted to edit your posst to include image tags, but that would only slow up the page for those that live online via dialup! And I wish I knew enough SQL code to transfer your post and all replies into the "Tales From the Road" thread!

Again, nice read, very nice read Erle!

Blowing gravel off rural roads
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501232 09/12/2012 4:37 PM
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Wonderful write-up! Thoroughly enjoyed it (just get your lad a proper bike ).

One day as a tiger is worth a thousand as a sheep
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501233 09/12/2012 5:03 PM
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suzuki leaks a bit less than your triumph

Great story

Last edited by Grzegorz; 09/12/2012 5:23 PM.

Grzegorz ......55 cubic inches 904WisecoTPUSAcamsTTPignitorgutted Airbox"breath"airIntakeKeihinCR-ScarbsBlackEpcoExhaustS/SwheelsPortedPolishedHead
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
Grzegorz #501234 09/12/2012 6:05 PM
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suzuki leaks a bit less than your triumph

Great story

No. I just didn't "relieve" myself at the last stop, he did.

And you may see me tonight With an illegal smile J. Prine
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
moe #501235 09/12/2012 6:14 PM
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erle Offline OP
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Thanks guys. I believe Chy is going to transfer it to the Tails From the Road thread when he gets a chance.


And you may see me tonight With an illegal smile J. Prine
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
erle #501236 09/14/2012 1:02 PM
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Absolutely enjoyed reading your write-up here, erle!

Terrific job!

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Erle & "The Boy" take the Southeast.
Dwight #501237 09/15/2012 7:13 PM
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some awesome px there..!

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