Re: 2011 NorEast Rally
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more prizes back of shirt xl bottle opener 1 bottle opener 2 shirt and patch sign up in the next few days Ed  Ed 
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some other changes this year...... you must go to the camp office and register..and pay for the nights your staying at the group camp area ..you can do this after you set up or when you get there....they will give a pass to put on your bike  I will no longer go around get the money from everyone and then pay the bill and rember if you are camping at the group area it is only $2.50 a night a person what deal  cabins are still open $41.25 a night the one right next to bucky is still open  ED 
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memorial ride friday.....for DEON & POPCORN lost members from the NorEast Rally
we are doing a memorial ride Friday.. going to ontario county park it has a great over look and we have never been there ..there is no entrance fee everyone is welcome... but understand if you don't want to go...
 Re: 2011 NorEast Rally
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ED, Do you or Bucky have any bunks left to split the cost or will I have to go to another cabin? Don't like sleeping on the ground, getting old! Trying to work out the details on my end but maybe this year is doable. I know I said that last year  Steve_Sixmil
Where's my $6 million??
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Steve, there's room for you. Let me know if you can't make it.
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bump  Ed & Vicki 
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down to 4 cabins....  Ed & Vicki 
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Hey Ed, How close are the cabins to the showers and bathrooms? I guess that nothing is supplied like sheets or towels?
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Hey Ed, How close are the cabins to the showers and bathrooms? I guess that nothing is supplied like sheets or towels?
hi matt here is a pic of the cabins...
and here is a pic of the bath & shower right across
maybe 30,40 feet for these cabins
and these cabins have have nothing no power no heat nothing ..no sheets or towels..
now if you need a clean sheet to cover the bed let me know I"ll just bring one for you..if there is any thing I can do to help please let me know

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for any one coming if you need a tent or cot please say so ..i have couple big tents ..that any one can use...just ask Ed & Vicki 
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2007 NorEast Ed 
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some of you have sent me e-mail about going to the falls and wanting to go look at ................................. Classic Iron Motorcycle Museum....it is no longer there I believe it closed some time in 2009.. shame it had some really great old Triumphs from the 2006 rally..  there are 4 cabins left at camp grounds ... Ed & Vicki 
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Saturdays ride to Watkins glen this year Vintage Grand Prix map of the ride to the glen... web pagethe weather will be a big factor if we go or not ... Ed 
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I am looking forward to this....
Weather will be a big factor if I even come..... I dont ride in the wet, so if the weekend is going to be crappy.... I will not be there....
But room and trailer are booked.... cant wait...
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we will ride in the rain and wet.. but they won't race.. and the main reason some are going is for the car show ..and if going to be a rainy day ..these guys are not going to bring out there classic car's and the tickets cost to much to get in so if it's crappy we will do something else.. Ed & Vicki 
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Hi, new to the forum as being a memeber. I plan on attending the rally. This will be my first long distant ride on a bike. I would like to know if any one from Maine is going.
2009 america
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hi Jerry...welcome to the forum ...it will be good to meet you.. what do you ride ... speedy???America.. any don't be shy  and if you would like a rally shirt please sign up click on this>>>>> web page it will be good to meet you.. Ed & Vicki 
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Welcome Jerry. I'm leaving out of Northwest CT near where US route 7 crosses into CT from MA on Thursday morning the 8th, rain or shine. I'm going from there over to Newburgh, NY on Interstate 84. I will likely stop at exit 6 and meet up with another rider or hopefully two. I 90 is a might boring. 17 is quite a bit more scenic and almost as fast as 90. You and anyone else who reads this are more than welcome to join us. Brand / type/ size / color of motorcycle not relevant. Even trailers are welcome -- been there, done that too ;-) ) "It's all good."
I haven't looked at a map, but if you're leaving out of southern ME & I 90 is your best route, to divert to Newburgh then route 17, is maybe 25 or 30 miles longer than the I 90 route. See also MA Pike / I 90 to exit 2, to 102 west, then 7 south.
Plan B - if the guy(s) I mentioned above can't go, I would probably follow route 23 through the Catskill Mountains over to 17. I'd love to go back roads all the way across, but time won't allow, and so it's 17 for me.
If your schedule and routing offers you an interest in the above, I can provide more details if you wish.
It's a great rally you are sure to enjoy.
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Green fields and rolling hills omg everytime I hear of a yankee rally i get to jonesing bad. real bad. Riding is, IS! addictive. 3 months off the swtf and it seems like ... It's been so long
Blowing gravel off rural roads
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Green fields and rolling hills
omg everytime I hear of a yankee rally i get to jonesing bad. real bad. Riding is, IS! addictive. 3 months off the swtf and it seems like ...It's been so long
you know you need shot glass to with that beer glass you won last year.... put her in the wind and head north
Ed& Vicki 
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I hope to meet you at the same gas station for this event. Uncle (I so need to ride with Bucky to a rally) Charlie
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I hope to meet you at the same gas station for this event. Uncle (I so need to ride with Bucky to a rally) Charlie
 it will be great to have you there ...
Ed & Vicki 
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Dang Ed, I just started reading this post and came across this the last time we went over as group one member was asked to to pull over and go into customs "canada side" had a DWI many years ago he said yes ..the custom guards inside thats its ok your free to go.. it took all of 5 min's and he was back with the group..they did not make him fill out any forms or pay moneye.. now a little insite on this he did not act a "fool" he answerd all questions honest and with respect ..goes a long way ..... Man, I can't believe they still had that on record... twenty two years later!!! But I must say the lady with the rubber glove was quite gentle... 
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...It's been so long
She lived a mile or three down the road, atop - wait for it - "Music Mountain", which she did not name. It was named many years prior to her arrival. She employed many local folk and no one had a bad word for her. She has since sold the house and is no longer a local.
Charlie, hope you can make it. I'm thinking exit 6 @ the Pilot truck stop to meet this year. If one of us is late (cough - who, me?) the other can go browse some naked chrome ladies for his mud flaps, & etc.
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Plans changed (what's new?). I was planning to work the vintage event at the Glen but recently received an invitation to a wedding in Dansville on Saturday. Dansville wins 2 events to one. I hope to see you all on Friday, at least.
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...It's been so long
She lived a mile or three down the road, atop - wait for it - "Music Mountain", which she did not name. It was named many years prior to her arrival. She employed many local folk and no one had a bad word for her. She has since sold the house and is no longer a local.
Charlie, hope you can make it. I'm thinking exit 6 @ the Pilot truck stop to meet this year. If one of us is late (cough - who, me?) the other can go browse some naked chrome ladies for his mud flaps, & etc.
what time do you plan to meet at the pilot TS?
if life gives you lemons keep them because hey,free lemons.
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...It's been so long
She lived a mile or three down the road, atop - wait for it - "Music Mountain", which she did not name. It was named many years prior to her arrival. She employed many local folk and no one had a bad word for her. She has since sold the house and is no longer a local.
Funny how one's ear/hand is guided by, luck/destiny? Wow.
Martin and Charlie, yous guys ride safe. Martin, may your chair stay upright through the nights of rallies. Don, Its been so long brother. I love you.
Blowing gravel off rural roads
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Moe, to say the least, we of a population of 3,300 were a might surprised to first hear the song. Canaan is generally looked down upon by the neighboring towns for we have a great deal of industry here, including 4 or 5 active limestone quarries and a Becton Dickinson (aka BD) plant that puts out around 23 millions syringes a week. The neighboring towns support NYC weekend tourists instead. We are known as "The factory town," 'cept, Carole King didn't' write a song about them. Quote:
what time do you plan to meet at the pilot TS?
I'm thinking 10 am at the Pilot if that works for you and uncle charlie. It's 4 & 1/2 hours (non-stop) from there to Stony Brook. That should put us there by around 4:30? Probably gets dark there around 7:30 with the trees and all. I'm OK with earlier than 10 too. I'm taking 1/2 of Wednesday off to pack and such.
Kenny, Charlie, & Bucky - There's a geezer parade if ever I saw one. Might better get us a chase bam-bulance?

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Bucky, I'll leave at 3 am from West paris Me. I plan on going through NH into Vermont then rt 4 into New York from rt 4 to either 87 to 88 or 90 to 88 then 17. It l;ooks like the quickest and easiest route. i would like to meet up with you on 17 some place.
2009 america
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I got 20 gallons of Speedmaster Red Azz Amber Ale fermenting away in the basement as I type. Should be ready just in time for the rally, bring your glass! 
A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice.
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That's not ale, that's mind elixir - help you get your mind right.
Jerry - Our paths cross at Binghamton, NY. If our 10 am Newburgh plan flies, we should be in Binghamton around 12:30 or 13:00. Let me know if that works for you.
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So what time will everyone get to the area on Thur?
I should be in area around 2pm.....
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Bucky, I will be able to meet up with you at Binghamton 12:30-13:00. Tell where I'll PM you with my cell number. I'm looking forward to the rally and meeting with everyone. 
2009 america
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Let's see, uuuuh I live here, I am there now. I gots Friday off too.
A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice.
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shirt order is in...patch order is in... the brew master is brewing the beer.. rider's are planing there route... yup it's rally time..  Ed & Vicki 
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I'm planning to head out from work Wed. afternoon and probably spend the night around Harrisburg Va. Then should be at the campsite Thursday afternoon. If anybody wants to split one of the cabins, let me know. Those bunks (and mattress!) are looking pretty tempting after last year's cold, wet ground...maybe I'm just getting old. I'm going to plan on heading back south Saturday afternoon/evening, and get a few hours behind me. Then can take my time Sunday for the rest of the trip. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.  Will
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Jerry, according to my google study, it seems 86/17 is a might lite on westbound services near Binghamton*. The best I could come up with is Manley's Mighty Mart at 53 Downs Ave Binghamton, NY From 86 / 17 West Take Airport Road / County Rd exit Manley's Mighty Mart is on the right http://www.manleysmm.com/Looks like food, gas, & restrooms should be available (Hopefully not in that order...) See you around 13:00.  As you know, you gotta whole lotta miles to run by 13:00 (425 or so) so if you get delayed, don't sweat it for our sake & come along easy, and plan B might be indicated - Get off 390 at exit 4. On your left will be a gas station. Call me from the gas station and me or someone who can hopefully emulate at least partial sobriety will come out and show you the last mile or two to the campground. First time trying to find the place can be an adventure, especially after a 550 mile ride.  *I have a hard time reading or hearing the word "Binghamton" without thinking of:  Phun Phacts Rally Style: The campground was built by the CCC. The stonework there is awesome. There are acoupla beautiful waterfalls on site. There are no flying bugs there. Nada, nuh-uh, nuttin. I can;t explain it, but it's true. No skeeters, flies, noseeums, nuttin. I don't even bother to bring bug spray - don't need it. The fee to camp there is two fitty, as in ($2.50) per night. Pretty durned cheap.
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If anybody wants to split one of the cabins, let me know. Those bunks (and mattress!) are looking pretty tempting after last year's cold, wet ground...maybe I'm just getting old
Will, I not only have room, I also have some very close ties to the Piedmont. So, If my snoring doesn't keep you up all night, my reminiscing will... Seriously, you're more than welcome.
PM me if your interested.
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 Re: 2011 NorEast Rally
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All right!!! Good to hear your coming Uncle Charlie. See ya there. 
I've become comfortably numb