I went to Martins motorsports yesterday for there demo days.I jumped right off my America and within 15 minutes was on a t-bird with all the bells asd whistles.My first impression setting on it was the tank was way to big and kept me from feeling like I was part of the bike.It had floorboards which made me feel like looking for the power window button.Then we were off on the ride which consisted of very good twistys and a good stretch on a country main road.The bike had some HP thats for certain and it was very responsive for a 700 plus pound bike,it didnt stop pulling all the way to the 80mph I was able to get before riding up the tailpipe of the guy in front.Then the twisty parts,it handled well but was nowhere near as nimble as my bike [not prejudiced,I really wanted it to be better but it wasnt].The speedo and tach on the dash rendered them both useless to me as I will not look away from the road when I ride.The bike needs an option to have the speedo higher,to heck with the tach.For looks,I like it alot,for power,I say wow,very nice.For twisty,not for me,for straight rides blowing away harlys,,,,yup.I also rode the tiger and the speed triple which made me forget all about the t-bird and for a little while

my America as well.Then I rode home today with fresh mind and clean conscience with no t-bird on my mind with thoughts of just how
d@mn well my bike carves corner.But the Tiger will be my next bike,,,,,,thats a step up,not sideways