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Got some cool stuff yesterday
#357782 10/12/2009 6:11 AM
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visiting my father in law, and he was in the basement cleaning out some "junk" along the top of the header of the basement wall, when he pulled out a stack of old roadmaps and license plates of his. Most of the roadmaps were in pretty sad shape, but I ended up salvaging about 8-10 of them, ranging from the late 40's to 1973 (only one was 1973, the others were pre-1965. Was funny to see on one map from the early 50's or might have been '49, that it said "National Speed Limit: 50mph". Talk about 55 putting me to sleep! The license plates were from CT and MI, with a couple 51's, a few 56's and a few others here and there, but all pre-1960. The '56 plates were neat, because instead of the sticker for the registration year on the plate, they have a sheet metal stencil plate with the year on it, which has tabs which go through holes on the plate and are then folded back to hold the "sticker" in place. Am going to keep a couple of them for myself and my kids to hang on the wall, as well as one or 2 of the roadmaps, but will hunt around and see if the others are worth anything to antique collectors or old car restorers. They are all in very good condition. Even found a service book for a 1966 Beetle in the pile, in almost perfect condition, although I had to get after my father in law, because he didn't have many of the service coupons filled out...

Re: Got some cool stuff yesterday
Gregu710 #357783 10/12/2009 1:17 PM
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Should be Riding
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I'm looking at a Gulf map of Ohio that although has no mention of copyright
date does mention that the population of cities is based on the 1930 census.

Most likely a 1939 map

BUSINESS DISTRICTS: 20 m.p.h. Greater
speed is prima fascia evidence of careless driving.
Signal before turning. Dim lights when meeting
reciprical with other states. ACCIDENTS: Stop
and render all possible aid; injury death or heavy
damage should be reported. Financial responsi-
bilty required. CAUTION: Never pass a standing
school bus. Don't pass any vehicle at any time
unless view ahead is clear. Do not drive under
the influence of intoxicants. Always carry opera-
tors license and registration certificate.

Not an interstate to be seen.

Some facts:
FARMS: 219,296 averaging 98.1 acres
Automoblie and Truck Reg-
istration for 1939 --1,910,468
ranks fourth in the Union

Also holding a Virgina Hotel Guide Book 1939
Recommended Hotels and Historical Places.
NORFOLK, Norfolk Co. Pop. 129,710 Located on ....
ATLANTIC HOTEL, 140 rooms (E.= European Plan) $2.00 up J. Frank Bell
FAIRFAX HOTEL 100 rooms (E.) $2.00 Hugh F. Galbin
THE MONTICELLO HOTEL. 274 rooms (E.) $2.00 up. Dan M. Miles.
Ghent Hotel
The Gilbert Hotel
The Lee Hotel
The Milner Hotel
The Nansemond Hotel
The New Virginia Hotel
Preston Hotel
The Southland Hotel
Victoria Hotel

Hum nostalgia away...

Blowing gravel off rural roads
Re: Got some cool stuff yesterday
moe #357784 10/12/2009 2:50 PM
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Most likely a 1939 map

BUSINESS DISTRICTS: 20 m.p.h. Greater
speed is prima fascia evidence of careless driving....

...Not an interstate to be seen.

...Hum nostalgia away...

Yep Moe! That right THERE reminds me of a little nostalgia of mine from the year 1962....

I was 10 years old the summer of that year when Pop and I took off along old Route-66 from our home in the suburbs of L.A. to his old stompin' grounds of Indianapolis in our family's 1959 Chevy Briarwood station wagon. We used Route-66 because the soon to replace it Interstate-40 had yet to be completed by that time.

Yep, the summer of 1962 when the theme song conducted by Nelson Riddle of the hit television series of the same name also became a hit song on all the old AM radio stations throughout the country. This was years before FM radios were to become commonplace in cars, you understand. And as we left the, even then, spawl of Los Angeles, I quickly took it upon my responsibilities as the "co-pilot" in this venture to "navigate" the radio in that Chevy's cockpit. And as we'd hit each and every weak and then short-lived strong and then weak again AM radio station's signal along the way, I'd twist that knob sittin' on the right of that ol' AC Delco unit and search for each new radio signal I could find on it.

Because the previously mentioned recording was such a big hit at the time as I said, I seemed to often easily find that song along the way as we'd come to each town that was large enough to have an AM pop music radio station tower sitting in or near it.

I soon, using the typical child's imagination, started thinking of that "older dude" to the left of me and behind the wheel and myself as some kind of "real life Buzz and Todd"s, the characters on that TV show.

Well, this journey along old Route-66 went pretty darn smoothly until we hit the small town of Williams Arizona, the railhead of the Grand Canyon Railway, and more importantly to me at the time, big enough of a town to have an AM pop radio station.

Well, as I ALSO was sayin' above, THIS was before Interstate-40 had been completed, and so because it was before one could theorically drive non-stop coast-to-coast at 65mph without slowin' down(let's forget about fuel stops here of course), folks driving on "The Mother Road", as you know old Route-66 has become known over the years, would have to slow down from that 65mph speed to a seemingly sudden 20 or 25mph as they'd hit and drove through each small town along the way.

And yep, I think you might have guessed what happened as we hit Williams AZ that afternoon. Yep, Pop got a ticket, if I recall correctly, for goin' 27mph in a 20mph zone, WHICH to put it mildly, he wasn't all that crazy about gettin'.

(it was very shortly after that and as we drove away from that town that "Buzz", who BTW was a man who USUALLY held his temper pretty darn well in check most of the time, blurted out to "Todd"..."TURN THAT DARN RADIO OFF, WILL YA?! I'D LIKE SOME PEACE AND QUIET FOR A LITTLE WHILE!!!")

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)

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