Stupid Question
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Is there a way to search the users list by locale? (State, zip, City or the like)
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Check Pants
Check Pants
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There used to be (by state/country) on the original board. But not with the new software package. Now it's all back alley conversations and rumour  jh
"It's not what I say that's important, it's what you hear" Red Auerbach
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Pssst....over here Bill. Let me tell about this "freedom" character here. Ya can't trust anything he says.  (I mean, would you trust any Yank who always puts "u"s in places where they don't need to be???...huh???!!!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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"Lighten up, Francis."
"Lighten up, Francis."
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It's all those Brits around here. They're rubbing off on him...
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Yeah, John. That's the ruMOR I've heard TOO!!! 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Stickman Yogi
Stickman Yogi
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It may be just a rumour but they spell like that in Canada too, or so a neighbour told me and I honour his opinion.
Live to love, love to live.
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Well Keith, remember in your Car Show thread where I said that B.C. is probably too close to Washington State? Well dude, the GOOD part of all that is that because of this close proximity to each other(I mean, we ARE a heck of lot closer to you guys up there than those Limeys way over there are, RIGHT?!)...well, maybe as I was sayin' because of this close proximity here, EVENTUALLY you folks up there in Canada might someday realize that americans, while maybe not possessing the greatest taste in things, have at least "streamlined" the english language a bit, and thus have made it, well let's say, a little more "user friendly"!!!  (and sooooo MAYBE in the near future, you guys UP THERE might just eventually "throw off the shackles of the superfluous U", as we freedom loving Yanks did centuries ago, thanks I might add to the brave, patriotic, and of course, freedom-loving american lexicographer, Mr. Noah Webster!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Stickman Yogi
Stickman Yogi
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Ya Dwight... I remember what you said in the car show thread about us in BC being too close to Washington State. And you know what? You put up a good argument about the 'u' thing. I can tell by the way you write that you are an avid reader, and good a reader often equates to a good writer. But I gotta tell you... as a man your age, I have habits that will never change. And I will probably go to my grave writing longhand with the 'u's wherever they land. But ain't it beautiful to be as diverse and colourful as we all are. There... I gotcha with another one! God bless America!
Live to love, love to live.
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3/4 Throttle
3/4 Throttle
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americans, while maybe not possessing the greatest taste in things, have at least "streamlined" the english language a bit, and thus have made it, well let's say, a little more "user friendly"!!!
Hmmm poor taste I can only agree this is the country that gave us that culinary delight "The big Mac"
Streamlined ...thousands of children world wide wandering around who are impressed by being able to communicate in the manner of unintelligable rappers.
The English language being bastardised to the lowest common denominator..this is not something we should be promoting.
As for "user friendly" is this similar to text speak or microsoft windows user friendly....
Uuurgh I will keep my vowels thank you.
But just so you do not imagine this is my american bashing session. You have given us some real good stuff. Gas guzzler cars, the atomic bomb, Southern Comfort and shiny stuff for our BAs or speedies.

Now compare this with Scotland. An abbreviated A-Z of Scottish inventions
Anaesthetics Beta-blockers Bicycles Cash credit Colour photography Cotton-reel threads Continuous electric light Criminal finger-printing Decimal points Fax machines Financial services by telephone Fountain pens Electro-magnetism Hollow pipe drainage Hypodermic syringes Insulin Kaleidoscopes Lime cordial Motor insurance Noble gases Paraffin Postage stamps Quinine Radar Reflecting telescopes Retail banking Savings banks Tarmac Ultrasound scanners Universal standard time Vacuum flasks Waterproof mackintoshes Wave-powered electricity generators
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Hey Kidhaf You left out a few serious Scottish inventions, like the Kilt, the telephone and inflatable rubber tyres.  And BTY congrats on spelling everything correctly. 
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Nice list there, Eric! Yep! Very impressive indeed, ol' buddy! But you know that one on your list there: "Colour Photography"? Well dude, I hope you know that THAT baby THERE really wasn't "perfected" until those bright boys out here in Hollywood California USA devised that process known far and wide as...are ya ready now...yep...tah daaaah......TECHNICOLOR!!!  (and notice the complete absence of the "superfluous u" in that baby THERE, will ya???!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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as we freedom loving Yanks did centuries ago
I thought you said we couldn't trust anything he says? Are you saying he is a lovable liar? 
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Anesthetic...Scotch? Beta Blockers....something to prevent new programs? and as for Noble Gases..I can do without the farts of royalty!  Wasn't hollow pipe drainage Roman? They even found some in pompie (how ever it's spelled)  As for the rapping and bastardized lowest common denominator, I have to agree,that stuff really bugs me.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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Check Pants
Check Pants
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Interesting dialogue (dial-a-log) for certain, but back to Bill's original inquiry, in lieu - lew - lou - loo of software sorting, you can get a sense of "member location" by grammatical, or is it linguistic, stylings.
Personal preference in adult beverages being a close second.
"It's not what I say that's important, it's what you hear" Red Auerbach
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Nice list there, Eric! Yep! Very impressive indeed, ol' buddy!
Dude, you left out 'macadam', arguably the most important Scottish export (besides whisky) for motorheads worldwide. MACADAM 
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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3/4 Throttle
3/4 Throttle
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2003 black and silver T.B.A A1 removed,Specialty Spares long slashed Pipes .
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and HAGGIS, praise the wee one.
University of Da Nang
Class of '68
In the End, the Captain stands alone...
" Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Dean Wormer
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I saw in a movie where insulin was invented by a Canadian eh? He was killed on an airplane being shuttled to the Brits before the USA got into the war (WWII.)
Its more fun to be ridin'! I'm still ridin