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Re: Irrelevant Truths
The_Dog33 #309467 01/13/2009 5:45 PM
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What!!! You can't write down names, numbers, addresses and directions with one hand while holding the phone with the other and the steering wheel with your knees? Man, you've gotta learn to be more versatile.

Yes! I am a Redneck. Any Problems?
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Rainmaker #309468 01/13/2009 6:02 PM
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And you may see me tonight With an illegal smile J. Prine
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Rainmaker #309469 01/13/2009 6:10 PM
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Numbers or no numbers, can you honestly tell me that you have never almost been hit by an idiot not paying attention because they were on a cell phone? I have been numerous times, as I said, in the car and on the bike. JUST a little bit more nerve wracking when on the bike. That is the point. I do not care what laws are already out there or not. If it is considered acceptable for people to drive distracted, society accepts and considers it the norm then guess what; people will still continue to be distracted idiots instead of the ol' ordinary garden variety idiot. If that's the case, why the heck do we have laws against driving while intoxicated. I'm not distracted, I just react a little more slowly. Why bother with any laws or societal norms at all for that matter. I cannot have my freedoms crushed. C'mon, I'm threatened, you are threatened, as we all are. I am not necessarily promoting a law and I am way surprised by the reaction of some of this board. I am saying that it is a dangerous trend that we are following in this respect and many of you can only whine and cry because you are supermen capable of juggling a bowling ball, chainsaw and a parakeet while driving. Don't taze me bro and all that crrrrap. Just leave me to do my own thing man. Don't crush my freedom dude. Blah blah blah. More power to ya. Leave things just the way they are. But please, please, please stay the freak away from me so that you not only don't crush my freedom but you don't crush me!

Ride On! Airguy -------------------- You gotta' be smart to be lazy(and get a job done)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
airguy #309470 01/13/2009 6:26 PM
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The argument for a law against cell use is not logical is all I am saying.

Coupled with other driving conduct the police now can stop that cell using driver and issue a ticket for inattentive driving or improper lane change etc. The person driving down the road paying attention but takes or makes a call should not be punished with a ticket because of the bad drivers.

I have seen them. I saw the same things in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s before everybody had a cell. They were putting on make-up, changing the cassette tape, talking, tuning the radio, reading books, eating burgers etc.

Stupid distracted drivers have always been and always will be. The govt. is not the answer for all things that bother us. Ban the cell phones and the same bad drivers will still run you off the road. Its in their DNA not the cell phone.

I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
Re: Irrelevant Truths
airguy #309471 01/13/2009 6:31 PM
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And don't forget folks...Driving is NOT a RIGHT, it's a PRIVILEGE!!!

And IF you DON'T believe me here, I invite you to check out the wording that's usually located on the FIRST PAGE of each of your individual state's DMV Drivers Code pamphlets, which they hand you before you take that little thing called a drivers test.

But YES! For those so inclined towards the ol' "Slippery Slope" argument when it comes to regulating the actions of John Q. Public, I WILL grant you that ANY argument about almost ANY social subject CAN, but SELDOMLY DOES get to the point of something such as "the government regulating talking to your passenger while driving", BECAUSE....EVEN the idiots that WE idiots vote into office in this country are NOT THAT BIG of idiots.

(well, USUALLY not, anyway!!!)

Re: Irrelevant Truths
The_Dog33 #309472 01/13/2009 6:53 PM
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I will say one more thing and then I'm done with this no-solution thread.
I've noticed that people who use cell phones while driving can't even maintain their speed. The first thing that happens when someone starts using that phone is their speed starts decreasing. Then, it usually becomes erratic. Alright, I'm done. Where's my phone, I'm going for a ride.

Chris '03 Speedy.
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Yota #309473 01/13/2009 6:59 PM
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I text while riding the bike!

Shoot. One more thing. Hey Yota, seems your not the only one. I'm sure you've seen this but...
Texting on motorcycle

Chris '03 Speedy.
Re: Irrelevant Truths
DunnSpeed #309474 01/13/2009 7:05 PM
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Here in CT, there is a no hand held cell phone law.
It does no good, people keep yappin' away.
You have to look out for them,
Uncle Charlie

Re: Irrelevant Truths
satxron #309475 01/13/2009 7:11 PM
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The argument for a law against cell use is not logical is all I am saying.

what till the other state see what the state of NY makes off this law and it won't be long before they all have it..

and yes they wack you good here

and no you can't win or beat it...


Re: Irrelevant Truths
DunnSpeed #309476 01/13/2009 7:23 PM
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That was great, Chris!

However, after reading the commentary on that YouTube page such as these:

"me and my buddy text all the time while riding on the bikes... it; snot nearly as hard as everyone makes it out to be, you just gotta pay attention to wear your going...... the only thing thats harder to do is getting the phone out of your pants pocket and getting it back in your pants pocket.... thats it....."


"can u say SKILL??"


"Can you say Organ doner?"

...well, I think I see an EVEN BETTER REASON for outlawing ALL texting! And I'm NOT just talking about while driving or riding around EITHER! I'm takin' about AT ALL TIMES here!


Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309477 01/13/2009 7:59 PM
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my 15 year old can text from his pocket,while playing X box 360 with the other multi task constantly.Thats why most dont see it as a problem to text and drive.
Not saying its not a problem,just pointing it out thats all.

Bill. "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." -George Best
Re: Irrelevant Truths
billpvegas #309478 01/13/2009 8:05 PM
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Yep, Bill. And I'll bet he thinks he's "invincible" too, huh?!

(I know I DID when I WAS 15, and I'll ALSO bet that YOU thought YOU were TOO back then!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
billpvegas #309479 01/13/2009 8:07 PM
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Are you sure that he's texting with that hand in his pocket?

Yes! I am a Redneck. Any Problems?
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Rainmaker #309480 01/13/2009 8:10 PM
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Are you sure that he's texting with that hand in his pocket?

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309481 01/13/2009 8:11 PM
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As said previously, I would support a law on this one. Yes, I realize big brother is not a solution for all. If you know me at all you certainly know I don't expect the government to fix my shite. However, as I stated, I believe it to be more a societal issue (conveniently ignored by those who's argument or comment it doesn't serve) that could be dealt with if people acted responsibly. They don't and based on the responses by some even here, don't think they should or need to. I believe this a real danger, I and my friends and family have experienced first hand, people think there is nothing wrong, this is one of the few places I will look to big brother to at least make a go at changing societal opinion. Not a thread to win or lose. A thread to discuss an issue that I think is important to the safety of all of us on this site that ride, drive or even walk on or near the roadways. As you can see even on this site, people think they are better than they are and still do this. I personally hate it, hate seeing it and do not do it. If somebody calls me and I know they are driving I ask them to call me later or I will call them. My beliefs and I do my best to try to live by them. That is all. Just thought I would share with all ya'll.

Ride On! Airguy -------------------- You gotta' be smart to be lazy(and get a job done)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309482 01/13/2009 8:41 PM
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You're absolutely right, Dwight. I teach at a private, collegiate all boys highschool where expectations are pretty high.
I have seen a steady decline over the last 5 years in spelling and grammer at an alarming rate. It's quite sad.

Chris '03 Speedy.
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309483 01/13/2009 8:49 PM
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Are you sure that he's texting with that hand in his pocket?

Used to be called "Pocket Billiards" when I was around that age.

Re: Irrelevant Truths
DunnSpeed #309484 01/13/2009 8:54 PM
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It drives me crazy when these words are misused.
But, my mom was a school teacher(masters from Columbia),
and my grammer was always corrected.

Also, break and brake.
Hi Ian!
Uncle Charlie

Re: Irrelevant Truths
unclecharlie #309485 01/13/2009 9:05 PM
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It drives me crazy when these words are misused.
But, my mom was a school teacher(masters from Columbia),
and my grammer was always corrected.

Also, break and brake.
Hi Ian!
Uncle Charlie

When I went to school it was Grammar, or have you yanks altered it as in :-

Honour - honor
Colour - color
etc ??

Re: Irrelevant Truths
dollarbill #309486 01/13/2009 9:19 PM
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Oops, you got me.
Never said I could type.

Re: Irrelevant Truths
dollarbill #309487 01/13/2009 9:39 PM
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It drives me crazy when these words are misused.
But, my mom was a school teacher(masters from Columbia),
and my grammer was always corrected.

Also, break and brake.
Hi Ian!
Uncle Charlie

When I went to school it was Grammar, or have you yanks altered it as in :-

Honour - honor
Colour - color
etc ??

Bill, my good man, by this time I would have hoped that most, if not all of our dear native english speaking "cousins" around the world who appear to still be "stuck" using that "superfluous U" in such words as "honor" and "color" would have realized by now that a certain american lexicographer of wide repute, who went by the name of Noah Webster(1758-1843), took it upon himself in his lifetime to revise the english language on the North American continent,(south of the 49th parallel of latitude ONLY of course, as those Canucks up there north of it have always seemed to wish to hang onto to those old "british cultural coattails" for some strange reason? ), AND in such a manner that said revisions would make the english language much more logical in everyday practice.

(ya know what I'm talkin' 'bout here, dude?!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309488 01/13/2009 9:52 PM
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Good onya Dwight!!

I knew it wouldn't be long till I got a bite.

Did see one of those Webster Dictionarys once, but it was about 6" thick and had no pictures, so was beyond my capabilities.

Re: Irrelevant Truths
dollarbill #309489 01/13/2009 10:03 PM
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Good onya Dwight!!

I knew it wouldn't be long till I got a bite.

Did see one of those Webster Dictionarys once, but it was about 6" thick and had no pictures, so was beyond my capabilities.

Well Bill, I think I've heard that there's NOW a brand new illustrated version available, so don't give up ALL hope that maybe one bright day in the future YOU TOO can proudly say that you've joined the "enlightened american culture"!

(yep...that's so's you can speek, reed and spel REAL GOOD TOO, jus' like most of us over here does!!!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309490 01/13/2009 10:17 PM
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Thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye out for it.

Speakin's easy, readin's a bit tuffa.

Re: Irrelevant Truths
Deon #309491 01/13/2009 10:54 PM
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Once again, we're trying to legislate against stupidity and the lack of common sense. It won't work, and the people who will lose will be the ones who use common sense.

Yeah just like they do with all those dammm!t we should just let them decide if they are too drunk to drive..."The Man trying to keep us down"...

Forget all the deaths caused by cell phone use while driving...after all it's really only the STUPID ones who can't handle their booze...I mean Cell phone...

In 2001 in California, for example, "at least 4,699 reported accidents were blamed on drivers using cell phones, and those crashes killed 31 people and injured 2,786," according to an analysis by The Los Angeles Times. That number can expected to be low, because of the lack of formal procedures for noting cell phone use as a cause of a traffic accident.

But I'm sure it's just the MAN trying to keep us down...

The estimates of annual deaths reported in this week's article (2,600) may well be low. The number, for U.S. deaths related to drivers using cell phones, comes from a 2002 study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis (HCRA). Researchers then estimated that the use of cell phones by drivers caused approximately 2,600 deaths.

But then again those of us who HAVE to talk on the phone, well obviously our NEEDS are more important than those who died...

It's MY a$$ on the line and those I love are often on the back...I'm sorry but your 'all important' phone call isn't NOW or will it EVER be worth MY life or the life of ANYONE!

And to those who say "whats next? can't change the radio...or talk to your passengers"

Get real...when those things have the kind of proof that they KILL that cell phone use has...then YES THEY SHOULD BE NEXT...

Emergency responders should be allowed limited use...

But that's it!

Now stop whining and face the facts...cell phone use IS THE SAME AS DRIVING DRUNK!!!

HANG UP and PRAY that the next time chuckle-head misses a light because he was going over the shopping list with his're not the one he hits...or perhaps you might just forgive him...after all he's just using the phone and everyone knows that's FINE...perhaps the two of you could go hang at the pub and tip a few...then call each other on the way home...after all you're SMART so you can't get drunk or be distracted by something as simple as a phone...

Sorry my life ain't worth your ego!

THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42
Re: Irrelevant Truths
satxron #309492 01/13/2009 11:21 PM
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Re: Irrelevant Truths
RobBA05 #309493 01/13/2009 11:32 PM
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Kinda like seat belt laws. You have to wear your belt. You have to belt your kid. When you drop the kid at the bus stop the bus pics up your kid with no belts.

Get real! If you wear your seat belt or not has NO effect on my life on the road! If your chatting away and drift into my lane, slow suddenly, or miss those brake lights in front of you it DOES effect my life on the road!!!

if you're going to make comparisons...then keep them relevant...should they say you can't drive under the influence...
Should they say you have to obey traffic signals...

Should they say you have to drive in the correct direction on a highway...

You watch SOON the IRON CURTAIN will drop...dogs and cats sleeping together...anarchy and chaos!

Fu(k IT! Lets legalise drinking and driving...dump the traffic laws and let "common sense" rule...THEN WE WILL BE TRULY FREE!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! APPLE PIE!!!! AND MY CELL PHONE FROM MY COLD DEAD (cause I T-BONED that poor ****** at the light) FINGERS!!!!

THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42
Re: Irrelevant Truths
RobBA05 #309494 01/13/2009 11:51 PM
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THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309495 01/14/2009 1:16 AM
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It drives me crazy when these words are misused.
But, my mom was a school teacher(masters from Columbia),
and my grammer was always corrected.

Also, break and brake.
Hi Ian!
Uncle Charlie

When I went to school it was Grammar, or have you yanks altered it as in :-

Honour - honor
Colour - color
etc ??

Bill, my good man, by this time I would have hoped that most, if not all of our dear native english speaking "cousins" around the world who appear to still be "stuck" using that "superfluous U" in such words as "honor" and "color" would have realized by now that a certain american lexicographer of wide repute, who went by the name of Noah Webster(1758-1843), took it upon himself in his lifetime to revise the english language on the North American continent,(south of the 49th parallel of latitude ONLY of course, as those Canucks up there north of it have always seemed to wish to hang onto to those old "british cultural coattails" for some strange reason? ), AND in such a manner that said revisions would make the english language much more logical in everyday practice.

(ya know what I'm talkin' 'bout here, dude?!)

Those "British" cultural coattails regarding the superfluous "u" are actually French cultural coattails that that the English obtained from that period which began around 1066.

Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, también
Re: Irrelevant Truths
bigbill #309496 01/14/2009 1:23 AM
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Well, in THAT case Bill, I'd say we yanks owe yet ANOTHER tip of the hat to good ol' Noah Webster then, wouldn't ya SAY???!!!

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Dwight #309497 01/14/2009 1:38 AM
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The Normans were actually descendants of the Vikings (Norman-Norseman).
They just adopted the local Romance language of the northern coast of France before they decided that they would rather have that li'l ol' island.

And regarding that "invulnerability comment earlier:
I know for a fact that I was invulnerable when I was fifteen.
The proof is typing this .

(I am, however, quite mortal these days )

Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, también
Re: Irrelevant Truths
bigbill #309498 01/14/2009 1:55 AM
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The Normans were actually descendants of the Vikings (Norman-Norseman).
They just adopted the local Romance language of the northern coast of France before they decided that they would rather have that li'l ol' island.

I hope you know that this is startin' to sound like a abridged version of "Ivanhoe" here, don't cha dude???!!!(ya know it's always cooler to root for the Saxons, right?!)


And regarding that "invulnerability comment earlier:
I know for a fact that I was invulnerable when I was fifteen.
The proof is typing this .

Now THERE'S a coincidence! I just happen to have a 12 year old sittin' right next to MY keyboard here right NOW!!!(two fingers of 12 y/o SCOTCH, that is of course)


(I am, however, quite mortal these days )

Yep! You and me both! You and me both, ol' buddy!!!

(and seeing as how I've had this friggin' Cold, FLU, Chinese Crud, or whatever the heck it is in my LUNGS for a week and half now, that's ESPECIALLY how I've been feelin' lately, dude!!!!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
Re: Irrelevant Truths
RobBA05 #309499 01/14/2009 2:28 AM
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I need to restate my point I guess.
First of all. I don't text. Never have-never will. I don't use my cell phone while driving. My wife doesn't either. I totally agree it is a dangerous distraction and I have almost been the victim of it on the bike or in my truck many, many times.

My point is that I don't trust the current crop of lawmakers to legislate who can and how cell phones are used. A law is needed, but I don't feel a total ban is the answer. Just my opinion...

And I gave up having an ego a long time ago....

More flags More fun!
Re: Irrelevant Truths
Deon #309500 01/14/2009 3:07 AM
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I think a law is a bad idea just because I could see cops pulling people over because they "thought" they saw them on the phone. Giving them a way to find a reason to then do a search. Among many other senerios. I use my phone on the road and will law or no law since I use speaker phone and a cop would have no way to tell if I am on the phone, singing a tune , or talking to myself. Most of the people that talk and not pay attention to the road will still not pay attention to the road and just find another distraction.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
Re: Irrelevant Truths
The_Dog33 #309501 01/14/2009 3:43 AM
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How difficult would it be for car makers to hook up a cell phone jammer that would be activated when the vehicle is put into gear?

If a call come into that number when car is in gear the phone will not ring but take a message only.

When will common sense prevail and save some lives on the highway?

07 Speedmstr, Long Tors, bags, sissy bar and rack, windshield, engine bars, 2 ww lights, 2 fast eddy stickers and a .45 ACP.
Re: Irrelevant Truths
DanCorrigan #309502 01/14/2009 10:07 AM
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Rob, you seem to miss the point.

There are no laws specific to:
Leaning over the seat yelling at kids.
Messing with a CD.
Adjusting your volume on the radio.
Putting on makeup.
Petting your dog.
Eating a sandwich.

There are very effective laws that already cover it. Inattentive driving, careless driving, improper lane change, impeding traffic. Whatever.

Long before you make a law banning cells you should pass a law banning consumption of food or beverage while driving.

When passed some industrious cops will set up a sting in a traffic jamb. One spotter will tell the others of the dozens of people on the phones in the stopped traffic jamb telling people they will be late. Dozens of tickets will be written generating revenue for the city.

Thank goodness! We ran a sting and kept them all safe today.

How bout enforce the laws we have first before we make new ones.

This is a circular conversation with no resolution as noted before.

I try to aggravate one person a day. Today may be your day.
Re: Irrelevant Truths
airguy #309503 01/14/2009 11:13 AM
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We listen to books-on-tape. I think that is just as bad as using a cell phone. I get involved in the plot and loose track of time.

I can see mandating hand free calling, but I can't see us being able to ban calling. Do we want idiots pulling across 3 lanes of traffic so they can answer a call on the shoulder or ramp?

Re: Irrelevant Truths
satxron #309504 01/14/2009 11:59 AM
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Long before you make a law banning cells you should pass a law banning consumption of food or beverage while driving.

I disagree in terms of level of distraction.
True, consuming food or drinks are a distraction but they could never absorb our concentration to the level or duration a call on a cell phone would.
I would think that this is the point.
Also, if a cell phone is hand held, it also blocks peripheral vision to a certain degree.

Bedouin. Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Re: Irrelevant Truths
satxron #309505 01/14/2009 12:30 PM
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you seem to miss the point

no I think you do...


There are no laws specific to:
Leaning over the seat yelling at kids.
Messing with a CD.
Adjusting your volume on the radio.
Putting on makeup.
Petting your dog.
Eating a sandwich.

yes there are..YOU covered them...


There are very effective laws that already cover it. Inattentive driving, careless driving, improper lane change, impeding traffic. Whatever


Re: Irrelevant Truths
biker #309506 01/14/2009 5:00 PM
Joined: Jul 2008
Posts: 76
Joined: Jul 2008
Posts: 76
Okay, I have been absent for a while (knee surgery) and I feel the need to chime in here. As some of you may know, I am in law enforcement. The investigation end not the street enforcement end. The cell phone was one of the greatest tools we ever received as major crimes investigators. It allows us to communicate off of the radio and keep the media and others who listen to scanners away from crime scenes. I will admit that I am regularly on the phone responding to cases, coordinating other agencies and such. I now use a hands free device, but prior to that it was one hand on the wheel and one on the phone. You should see a narcotics or surveillance operation. Driving, using a phone and a radio. I agree that these practices cause distraction. Some people can multitask with practice. A few years ago I was sent to a law enforcement driving course. During one round of driving I received an important call about a case. The instructor told me that I could stop the car until I finished the call, but I did not. After the class that day, the instructor remarked that several detectives took calls while driving. He also noted that all of the detectives drove the course better while talking on the phone, than they did when they were concentrating on what they were doing. It is something we do all the time and we have adapted. Sorry for the ramble, but I have been out of commission for seven weeks and it just backed up in there.


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