Dang it Wade, was gonna call you today and see if you wanted to ride up with me and Larry saturday morning...Oh well, we'll get together...Kimmy says hi
Enjoyed meeting everyone in Tellico yesterday. Sorry I couldn't do the whole Skyway to Robbinsville with you, but had a good time for the part I did ride.
Hope everyone had a safe ride and enjoyed the scenery.
Had a great 2 days with everybody, beautiful country and great roads. When I discribed everything to my wife she said "We aren't moving there are we honey?" Made Fla today, off to Ark in a week then Ariz then home. Thanks again to everybody. Will talk about this often.
I think i'm gonna come anyway. I was confused about the other things that i "must do", and i ain't skeered of rain, so i will make a brief appearance after all.
Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come; He will guide you in all truth:
Well i made it home uneventfully. It was great to see you folks again. I must say i was rather impressed with the Moto400 showroom. Nice selection of Trumpets! The whole demo ride thing was a bit of a joke though. Oh well. I hope everybody else gets home safe.
PS, A big THANK YOU! to Gordon (lynchphoto)for keeping me company when i was having technical difficulties. You meet the nicest people...
PPS, The rumors are true. Fasteddy is a helluva nice guy!
We made it home last night. 10 o'clock by the time we picked up our son, the dog, and yes got the bike off the trailer.
Smallest GA rally for me. Missed alot of people but was easier to spend time with people as well so bittersweet in the end.
Chy and Di did a great job and Nancy just loved it. Wants everyone to know she loves you all. Understands now why I won't be an old Canadian retiring to Florida in the future.
Met some great new people. Ron, who made it early but just had to ride the Blue Ridge before heading home. Mike who could only stay a couple of days on his way to Florida and then on to Arizona for have a burger and Keith. Who after going of the road and we got him up and running again was offered to be taked back to Dahlonega by Moe simply said, "why what am I going to do there?" All true riders in my eyes.
Thanks everyone, Trailer King out.
Like a dog on a car ride with my tongue in the wind
It was a hit and run affair for me but I was pleased to see so many Triumphs together in one lot. It was great meeting Fast Eddy (along with the rest of you mugs) and I enjoy being able to attach faces to forum names. Too bad about the lack of rides at TWO but that's life. I did find it ironic that it seemed (but probably not the case) the Triumph demo lot was overrun by BMW riders looking for a change.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Day 8, STILL loving it, sad to see people leave but as usual we have had an absolute blast. Everyone please check in to let us know that you've made it home safe. We missed several folks this rally, did see several new faces, very glad to see others returning. A big thanks to all for the help and organization!! We couldn't do it without you!!
I'm home. Headed out from the rally around 10:00 up 60 north. Wow it's was thicker than pea soup, but I loved it. No rain to speak of until just outside of Tellico,Tn and the skies opened up. Dang I was wetter that a Georgia bullfrog. Whipped out the ol wallyworld rain suit.This suit is simply amazing, it has this uncanny knack of allowing water to find it's way inside the suit. But the truly amazing part is how it can hold the water inside.If your looking for rain gear I highly recommend you....... stay as far away from this thing as possible Thank you Chy and Di for everything. You are truly southern hospitality at it's finest. Thank you to Ms Sheppard for the wonderful cakes, to Larry for the sausages. Moe for his BBQ skills, and everyone else I'm forgetting. The friendships and bonds grow stronger and stronger with every BA Rally. I had a blast. Mike
A VERY last minute decision allowed us to go...a 22.5 hour ride each way gave us a full Friday there...No bike...but thanks to some kindness from Chy I was able to take my Son Brad up Blood, down Wolf Pen and back on 60...in the rain...but then what would a rally be without Rain... Here are some pics Aunt Cathy took...
Mike (Alvis), Rick and I left the Days Inn around 8:50. Rode in clouds or fog and light rain over 60. At Coker Creek it started raining in earnest. Rick loaded up his bike in torrential downpour just outside of Tellico Plains. I never put on the rain suit as I should have done it when I left the motel and once your wet, your wet, and I was wet. Teeth started chattering just where 129 intersects with 411. Was braking with front brake only by the time we made it to Seymour (1 p.m.) because I couldn't get my right hip and foot to function properly. But we made it and had a great time. Chy and Di thanks for sharing your home and your knowledge of Northern Georgia twisties. No trouble with gas tank vent after we removed the shut off valve thingy. Thanks All, Bob
Just got home about 10 minutes ago and only got sprinkled on a little bit. Had a great time as usual and really enjoyed meeting the members who made this their first GA rally. Now I just have to get cracking on re-assembling my Speedy.
It's Jennifer here posting under Ryan...just wanted to let everyone know I had an amazing time at my first Rally! I can't wait until next year! I will post the pictures as soon as we get home. Amazing view, amazing people and an amazing time. Thanks for having me!
I made it home this afternoon. Put on rain gear before I left Dahlonega, and then never got rained on...sweated a lot though because I never felt like I was safe to take it off. I wish I had gotten there a day or two earlier, but I had a good time Friday night and Saturday. It was good to see everyone, and to meet some new people too. I had a great time. Thank you Chy and Di for your hospitality, to everyone who made food Saturday, and to everybody for just being a great group of people.
Dagnabbittall ! I missed it . Miserable contractor had us on standby due to rain . The whole project got cancelled Saturday night . I was SO PO'd . To keep occupied whilst we waited , I changed out 4 U-joints on the truck Sat. and whilst bangin' em out with a 75 pound square steel trencher driveshaft , it slipped and bashed myself on the forehead HARD . I thought of Natasha Richardson's untimely death , so's I called my RN wife on my cell , could barely form a coherent sentence and almost shorted the thing out with blood pouring down my face . It was a mess . Black grease and red blood , a manly palate . I'm otay now , just more dizzy than before .
Made it home a decent time on Sunday. I rolled down 75 to the 16 split and headed toward Savannah. I managed to miss the rain down 75 and uncloked on the first fuel up after 75. The sun was bright and shiney and themps about 95 when I hit the FL line. Thanks to Chy and Di for the great time again. As was said, met some new folks and rekindled some old friendships! Hope to see all of you again next year BUT, time will tell. Thanks to Larry and his Mrs. again for the great eats and Moe for the glove dryer?! Ya'll stay safe and see ya again!
Chy,just a note to let ya know how much we enjoyed our weekend with you and the guys&gals that made this years rally.I know of all the effort you and Di put into makeing our stay so much fun and we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts!!On a sad note,got an e-mail from Triumph saying my new bike will not be here till July so I got yet another month to wait.
Arrived home last night about 9 pm. Waited at Tellico Plains for an hour hoping the rain would let up some. It didn't. Saw MikeMM03 go by about noon, he looked wet too. Loaded bike on to trailer about 1:30pm Sunday in a down- pour, made it to Indy in 7 1/2 hours. Good thing I had the Jeep and trailer. Spent the day today drying things out. Its funny how so called rain suits have ways of letting water in! Thanks for everything DI and Chy, you are the perfect host. It was great to see everyone and met some new riders too. Yall take care, see you next year. Steve_Sixmil
Quote: We made it home last night. 10 o'clock by the time we picked up our son, the dog, and yes got the bike off the trailer. ... Thanks everyone, Trailer King out.
sorry I couldn't make it this year but I enjoyed hearing about it. Next year for sure.
Trailer King, John! And there I was telling Claire how you guys had ridden down in one day - she thought Nancy must be SO hard core!
got home at 7:30pm monday. just took me a while to get out of the rain suit. and even longer to get my wet boots off. but the new triumph one piece rain suit worked great. light rain now and then until about 5pm and then it rained med to heavy the last 100 miles home.
great to see every one. and a big thanks to Chy and Di for a great week.
got home late last night, all is good. sorry to see some faces missing this yr but, nice to see some new ones, nice to see a few more wives show up. Wojo!!! its obvious why you married, she is a keeper!!!!. it was good that this yr there was only a couple minor incedences, no one got hurt to speak of so thats a good thing. anyone thinking about getting a back rest for the driver of the bike should consider the one that fasteddy sells. i have never had one before and really never gave it much thought untill last yr when i sat on Chy's bike and got a sense of what it might be like if i had one for my size. so this yr when i was able to set on one that fit me i thought, this might be nice for long rides, but after just rideing around a little bit with it there i realize, this is a nice thing to have . anyway, just wanted to say, we had a great time this yr, THANKS TO Chy and Di and all the rest for the welcome feeling we always seem to get when we go to THE BEAUTIFUL Blue Ridge Mtns of Ga. for a weekend in May. Cant wait till next yr. Good food (not as good as larry shep might have made ) Good friends, Good rideing....who could ask for anything more???
Lynn and I had a blast! Wow! Great Rally! Can someone loan me an exclamation point?! Thank you Chy and Di for a great Rally!
While Lynn slept on Sunday the Rally officially wound down. Warmed pig and fowl, cold Australian sweets and some minor maintenance as we sat in the pole barn and reveled on the past week. Finally rolled out round late morn/early afternoon. Rode Old Dahlonega Highway to 60 then South to GA 15. Ate some mex grub with that infamous WHITE SAUCE in Vidalia, then rode to Blackshear for the night. $35 rooms aren't too bad either.
Awoke to a balmy foggy misty Monday morning, bike still on her side stand outside the room, and rode US1 to AIA to 95 then home. Stopped at one of our favorite places for breakfast. Steamboat Lilly's in Hilliard FL.
Got over 400 pictures and lots of vids. Here's a taste.
Paul and I made back Monday night at about 8:00 PM. We had serious rain all through till we got to Mount Vernon, ILL for the night, Tuesday we had sun and warm. I pulled my bike off in Eau Claire, WI hoping to ride the last 140 miles on the bike. I only made it 80 miles before my shoulder said enough! See the Doc on Wed, I have a bad feeling it is not something simple. But enough whining!
It was so great to meet you all, really. It was well worth the time to come down and enjoy some true Southern Hospitality and kinship!
Thanks to all for making me feel welcome at my first Georgia Rally. Great hospitality (and food) at Chy & Di's place. Arrived home safely, but soggy on Sunday evening. Hope to see everyone again in the future. __________ alvis2008
Saturday morning May 2nd, 2009. After an evening of pizza, pickin, and drinking. Most everyone hitched a ride home Friday evening in one of the chaser's cages, leaving a plethora of trumpets in the pole barn. Di and I arose at 4:30am to get the turkey and ham started on their slow and low odyssey, then we watched the sun rise. A little peek at the solitude of English iron and roosters for all yous sleepy heads.
Saturday, April 25th, 2009. Plains Georgia. While Lynn slept I rode to see some sights. After photographing some sights round Plains:
I rode to the site of Camp Sumter in Andersonville, GA. Mosquitoes and I where the only living things when I arrived at the Andersonville National Cemetery. This vid was taken at the entrance. No one was anywhere to be seen. I removed my helmet and stowed it on the sissy bar pad. Rode a bit into the cemetary then walked amongst the spirits. Traveled a bit further then walked again. Over and over. The birds were chirping, the sun rising intense and vibrant as I paid respects to those souls so interned.
I rode to Andersonville the day after Moe took these pictures. Pictures do not usually do a place like Andersonville justice. Not so with these shots Moe. Great, great stuff.
Man, can moe take some pics or what? Sorry I couldn't make it again this year, but all the pics make it better. It hurts worse having been there before, and knowing what is missed. The pole barn with a shot of Grrrrr in moe's video. That little dog never took a like'n to me. Even after I got a box of cookies for him, and then got yelled at for givin' 'em to him. I miss Bubba, even though neither of us made it this year. Ride on my friends! Uncle Charlie