geezer magnet
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Worn Saddle
Worn Saddle
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Had the geezer magnet turned up on "full power" today. The wife and I took a day trip to Hannibal Missouri, just to look around. Parked the bike in a lot, right downtown. As we strolled the downtown area, four older guys, at seperate times, stopped me to talk about the BA which they'd seen in the lot. My wife was starting to roll her eyes and give me that "c'mon, lets get back to shopping look." Anybody know how to turn the darn magnet setting off?
Fidelis et Fortis
 Re: geezer magnet
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Start riding a hot pink 50cc scooter? It is bad on the BA, it is far worse on my T100. They move old guys to teary fits of nostalgia (which may be why I own one).
I might be wrong, I sometimes am.
 Re: geezer magnet
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I wish it were a hot chick magnet instead...last week going to work, I notice this BMW m3 "racing " me on the highway..so I juice it a little more, pass some cars, turn off the highway, and he's still there. Pass a bunch of cars, he's still there. Pull up at a light, he pulls next to me on the shoulder..Here we go, I thought...when he sticks his head out the window, and says in this English accent,I say mate, that trumpy sounds great, I live 10 miles from the factory, and so on an so on and so on...the light changed and away I went..done been geezerd again!  G
I never wanted to lead, and I never wanted to follow.
I just wanted to ride.
 Re: geezer magnet
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LOL...i parked my bike at target two weeks ago, and just when i'm headed into the store, this 'mature' fellow started walking around it, saying 'nice bike, that's a nice bike you got there'. his blue-haired OL was just rolling her eyes...
there are 10 kinds of people in the world. those that understand binary, and those that don't.
 Re: geezer magnet
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Had the geezer magnet turned up on "full power" today. The wife and I took a day trip to Hannibal Missouri, just to look around. Parked the bike in a lot, right downtown. As we strolled the downtown area, four older guys, at seperate times, stopped me to talk about the BA which they'd seen in the lot. My wife was starting to roll her eyes and give me that "c'mon, lets get back to shopping look." Anybody know how to turn the darn magnet setting off?
Throw a set of 18" ape hangers on there and pull off the badges. Good bye geezers (I'm gettin there) and hello hotties (they think it's a Harley)
 Re: geezer magnet
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I wish it were a hot chick magnet instead...
It is. All the hot chicks OWN one.  
"Let your soul shine,
It's better than sunshine,
It's better than moonshine,
****** sure better than rain."
 Re: geezer magnet
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Chick? Ok where's the PC police?
The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
 Re: geezer magnet
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Chick? Ok where's the PC police?
Over in the debate about hats in bars. 
"Let your soul shine,
It's better than sunshine,
It's better than moonshine,
****** sure better than rain."
 Re: geezer magnet
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"Lighten up, Francis."
"Lighten up, Francis."
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I wish it were a hot chick magnet instead...
It is. All the hot chicks OWN one. 
 Re: geezer magnet
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Where the He11 are you guys ridin? Just yesteday, a 30-sumthin young lady came up to me in a restaurant parking lot and complimented the bike. If I wasn't married, that would have been a *much* longer conversation. 
'08 America Blue/White; Custom Headlamps, Custom Lowers, Clearview 20", Bafflectomy
 Re: geezer magnet
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Wait! Someone define "Geezer" please. And, if 40's can still qualify as "Hot Chicks" they seem to be attracted to my SM as much as Harleys.
 Re: geezer magnet
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Chick? Ok where's the PC police?
Over in the debate about hats in bars.

The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
 Re: geezer magnet
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I wish it were a hot chick magnet instead...
It is. All the hot chicks OWN one. 
John....Let me qualify- All the smart, hot chicks with exceptional and discerning taste in motorcylces own one. 
"Let your soul shine,
It's better than sunshine,
It's better than moonshine,
****** sure better than rain."
 Re: geezer magnet
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Where the He11 are you guys ridin? Just yesteday, a 30-sumthin young lady came up to me in a restaurant parking lot and complimented the bike. If I wasn't married, that would have been a *much* longer conversation.
If you were single she probably wouldn't even have noticed you were alive. Unfortunately that's how that works. It's some kind of cruel joke or something. 
 Re: geezer magnet
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
 Re: geezer magnet
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I wish it were a hot chick magnet instead...
It is. All the hot chicks OWN one. 
John....Let me qualify- All the smart, hot chicks with exceptional and discerning taste in motorcylces own one.
Okay Paula, allow me to FURTHER "qualify" that here, if you don't mind....
So you're sayin' that these here motorcycles are REALLY "Cougar Magnets" then, huh?!
(ya know guys...what's even MORE frustrating than experiencin' this "the ladies seem more outgoing towards already married guys", is the fact that this whole friggin' "Cougar Phenomenon" has seemed to come about AFTER I turned 50 friggin' years old, and I am no longer in their demographic crosshairs!!!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
 Re: geezer magnet
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I got some sorry news for you all. It is not that our bikes are not Chick magnets...It is the geezers that ride em.
The percentage you're paying is too high-priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
 Re: geezer magnet
Joined: Apr 2007
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Joined: Apr 2007
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Had the geezer magnet turned up on "full power" today. The wife and I took a day trip to Hannibal Missouri, just to look around. Parked the bike in a lot, right downtown. As we strolled the downtown area, four older guys, at seperate times, stopped me to talk about the BA which they'd seen in the lot. My wife was starting to roll her eyes and give me that "c'mon, lets get back to shopping look." Anybody know how to turn the darn magnet setting off?
lol. My speedy is the same. It has something to do with the lack of American bikes over here in ye olden days. There no shaken it, I just set them a time limit..."I used to have (insert Triumph, BSA, Norton etc here) and we used to blah blah blah mph...then I fell off"..."thats super!...I have to go now"

...yes, that is a single seat...no, I will not put the other seat on...yes, I am selfish...yes, you should buy your own bike
 Re: geezer magnet
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My neighbor asked me to drive his T-100 to the dealer in Greenville 'cause he had to be away for a week and couldn't drop it off himself. Perfect, because I needed to get there to pick up my TBA, which was finally fixed (you may have read my post about being stranded on the Blue Ridge with an inop starter). So, off I go on the T-100. Got geezered twice on the way...big thumbs up and grins. On the way home, on my TBA, not ONE geezer, not even an admiring glance. I know this isn't a scientific survey but...maybe it's the Sceptres. SteveB
"I live the life I love and I love the life I live."
 Re: geezer magnet
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Last week, I was airing up my tires, and I had the opposite thng happen. A young dude about 21 or so waiting on the hose (Okay, Dwight, I'm ready for your comment...) looked my bike over and said, "A 'Triumph!' You hardly ever see any of THOSE around anymore." (Keep in mind that this was in Little Rock.) He continued to tell me that he'd seen one for sale somewhere for over $100,000.00. I said, "Oh, yeah? $100,000.00? Musta been owned by somebody famous, but I'd sell mine for half that if you're interested." He just shook his head...
"Long live the Duck Force!"
 Re: geezer magnet
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Hmmmmm? "Waitin' on the hose"??? Waitin' on the hose"???  Why John, THERE'S no joke to be made about THAT LINE, now is there?!  (BTW...if ya run into that kid again, tell him I'll sell MY BA for a THIRD of that 100 Grand....though I'd really hate to undercut your price like that, dude!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
 Re: geezer magnet
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I got some sorry news for you all. It is not that our bikes are not Chick magnets...It is the geezers that ride em.
Gee thanks for clearing that up for me, just as well turning in my AARP papers now 
You! Off My Planet!
 Re: geezer magnet
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While I get my share of geezer approaches, every so often a young lad (28)or so , will saunter over and tell me how his dad used to have a Triumph once. 
 Re: geezer magnet
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Complete Newb
Complete Newb
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From another "chick" perspective: Riding the 07 America I pull up to a light. Two good looking men are hanging out the passenger window just looking me up and down. I'm smiling to myself, flipping my ponytail, when one of them says, ". . . man! Beautiful Bike!" 
 Re: geezer magnet
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It is. All the hot chicks OWN one.
From another "chick" perspective: Riding the 07 America I pull up to a light. Two good looking men are hanging out the passenger window just looking me up and down. I'm smiling to myself, flipping my ponytail, when one of them says, ". . . man! Beautiful Bike!"
Last edited by tmspeedy; 09/20/2008 10:13 AM.
Women and cats will do as they please. Men and dogs should just get used to that fact and relax
 Re: geezer magnet
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I got my first compliment on my geezer magnet on Saturday. I was riding to the dealer, to pick up some chrome, and I was the only one not on a Hardly. Reno Street Vibrations in full swing. A car pulled up next to me at a light at a 20 something girl gave me a smile and a "Nice bike." I felt pretty good seeing how I was drowning in a sea of HD logo wearing folks.