Like many on the forum, have been looking for the right bags and fixing system for the Speedy. Found these from a firm called Ledrie and they're on with Ghost Brackets.
The bags are excelent quality but perhaps not as big as they could have been.
I needed the space as the wife is very short and her legs cant reach over bags fitted nearer the springs.

They seem to match the rear mudguard/fender pretty well.

They dont seem too wide, but I would have preferred them to be nearer the bike.
The Ghost Brackets seem top notch as well, very solid, only problem is even though they are bike specific all that means is you get a handfull of washers with them. Luckilly I have sourced a matching stainless spacer of the right size so looks okay.

I wanted them to look good without the pillion pad as well for solo trips. That white contraption that looks like a cobbled up riders backrest is a garden chair that I should have moved. Then again could be an idea for the future.

And dead easy to take off and return to how she usually looks with just two pegs on the fender strut, just like easy brackets.
What do you think.