Chrome wheels
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Cummings, Georgia triumph dealer in their accessories catalog offers chrome wheel sets for the America and speedmaster for $999. but show no picture of either. Anybody seen these yet?
Beautiful Black, T Bike pipes cross pipe blocked 18 tooth.
 Re: Chrome wheels
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No but I would love to see them. Have you tried calling them?
 Re: Chrome wheels
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I found them on another website for 849 but still no picture. I emailed them & requested one. I figure they cannot be the same ones (current stock) but chromed because the cureent stk ones run nearly 1400. I'll reportback if I get anything back...
 Re: Chrome wheels
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the site says chrome wheel KIT..not chrome replacement wheels..I would love to hear their response about pictures..1400 for stock and 1000 for chrome!!!We would all be riding on factory installed chrome for sure!!Keep us posted!!
life is good..I am retired..sold my America in 2008,bought a Rocket and sold that in 3/2013 and now own a new Triumph Bonneville T-100
 Re: Chrome wheels
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Hi to all I am the parts guy there. They look very cool and will be in triumph warehouse in about a month. I seen them on one of triumphs show bikes. They are set up for speedmaster duel front rotars!
Ride Hard!!! Ride Safe!!!
 Re: Chrome wheels
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I wil call triumph tomrrow and get a ETA date and let you guy know!
Ride Hard!!! Ride Safe!!!
 Re: Chrome wheels
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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Triumph OEM Chromed wheels, I hope they are done properly, with all the hassle Triumph have had in the past with Chrome issues.. 
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Should be Riding
Should be Riding
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Myra is my parts gal there.  When all else fails, look in the miscellaneous bin.  Machines in Motion: Your North Georgia mom and pop home town shop.
Blowing gravel off rural roads
 Re: Chrome wheels
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Not 100% sure if you guys are talking about chromed one piece rims or different spoked rims, but I'm going to jump in anyways (you might give me a stink about it).
But I really like the looks of the classic spokes once they are all polished and shined up, and I've seen "Kits" and exchanges for a wider rear rim, but I really don't like the cost of those services. I was talking to a local bike shop who specializes in customs (mosty HD of coarse but would love to work on a Triumph again) and he said he could re-string the rear wheel for about $250 + Parts providing it is a "normal" spoke pattern. Which leads me to my question cause I really couldn't say for sure, but are our spokes standard or are they goofey (the more intricate the longer it will take the guy and the more pricey it will get)?
 Re: Chrome wheels
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I am having my Solid Cast BMW wheels (17 & 18 inch) Chromed for $450.00.  Wire wheels would be something else. 
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Triumph has a part # for both speedmaster & america but triumph said the america are being made now. The speedmaster ones will be a little longer from what I was told. Krista is the parts person & service writer. Me Chy & JOHN are service techs. Myra is the front end manger. We can all help with any needs you have & reminder you get 10% off. Matt is sales manger.
Ride Hard!!! Ride Safe!!!
 Re: Chrome wheels
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Triumph has sent us a email this morning. The chrome wheels for the AMERICA'S or in triumph's warehouse. If any one want a set let me know A.S.A.P. There is limited sets at these time. Please call Triumph of North Georgia @ 770-205-4435 & ask for krista,Myra or me (Andy). Thanks
Ride Hard!!! Ride Safe!!!
 Re: Chrome wheels
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 Re: Chrome wheels
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"Lighten up, Francis."
"Lighten up, Francis."
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Are those the old style speedmaster  wheels in chrome or the new ones? 
 Re: Chrome wheels
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We just got a set in. The chrome seems a lot better than their other chrome bits.  
 Re: Chrome wheels
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Call me if they sell a red powder coated version.
Just kidding...I am one who likes the rims on the america....I just wish they had a hub cover for the rotorless side.
thank you for posting the picture for us!!!!!
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I'm planning to powdercoat my SM rims red sooner or later and the trip trees and lower legs black.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
 Re: Chrome wheels
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So the photo on this thread is the America version? Any ETA on the speedmaster version & pics for those?
Thanks! Bill