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My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
#212143 10/24/2007 8:06 AM
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Hi Folks,

I submitted a thread earlier in which I inquired about the Triumph America.
In that thread I stated that my first and only motorcycle, a 2007 Suzuki Boulevard C50 was rear ended and totaled.
Well, here's a picture of it.
It happened on October 8th, just a couple of weeks ago.
I was coming up on some railroad tracks and had down shifted one gear to go over the tracks...which are quite bumpy.
I was moving at about 25mph when a 20 year old girl driving a Honda Accord smashed into the rear of my motorcycle.
She told the police officer that she was looking at a sign on the side of the road advertising a Halloween haunted house.
My motorcycle was knocked 120 feet from the point of impact.
I was of it, and landed, hard, face down on the road. Fortunately, I was wearing an armored riding jacket and a full coverage helmet.
But, even with that protection I still ended up with some large, painful bruises, scrapes, and a grade 2 concussion.
Fortunately, there was no car coming from the opposite direction, or I would have been run over, because I ended up landing in the other lane. I'm fortunate also that I didn't get ejected off of the back of the bike, or to the right, or I would have probably been run over by the girl who rear ended me.
The collision happened in broad daylight, my motorcycle was silver and white, and the armored jacket I was wearing was bright yellow...and still she smashed into me.
I was very fortunate to not be hurt any worse than I was.


Last edited by Ward_Cleaver; 10/24/2007 8:08 AM.
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212144 10/24/2007 8:10 AM
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She told the police officer that she was looking at a sign on the side of the road advertising a Halloween haunted house.

Very scary!
Glad you're OK. Good luck & ride safe.

Kevin - Luceo Non Uro
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Speedmaster05 #212145 10/24/2007 8:26 AM
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Good luck & ride safe.

Hey, I'm not even sure if I'll get another motorcycle.
When I was originally window shopping for my first motorcycle I was was very enthusiastic about it.
But now, when I look at pictures of motorcycles out on the internet or read about different motorcycles, the thought keeps going through my head of that car smashing into me and me hitting the pavement hard with my head. Incidentally, without a helmet I most definitely would have been killed.

Also, I'm now getting the "I told you so's" from different people.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212146 10/24/2007 8:31 AM
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Hey, lightening hardly ever strikes the same place twice.

I doubt there are many people riding motorcycles that HAVEN'T been involved in an accident before.

There is only one person that can put you back on a bike ... good luck if you get another one.

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" : William Shakespeare
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212147 10/24/2007 8:52 AM
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Good luck & ride safe.

Hey, I'm not even sure if I'll get another motorcycle.
When I was originally window shopping for my first motorcycle I was was very enthusiastic about it.
But now, when I look at pictures of motorcycles out on the internet or read about different motorcycles, the thought keeps going through my head of that car smashing into me and me hitting the pavement hard with my head. Incidentally, without a helmet I most definitely would have been killed.

Also, I'm now getting the "I told you so's" from different people.


Ward. I understand your concern about buying another bike. But think for a moment. Would you give up driving cars if you were rear ended. Look at some of the pictures of wrecked cars. Some of them are so horrific it is amazing that anyone ever got out of them. Some dont. And would all your naysayer friends tell you to give up driving cars if you had a car wreck. I think not. Wrecks happen, always have and always will.

I think i read statistic somewhere that every rider will crash one time. Well if this stat is true, then from now on you should be fine. I myself have had a number of wrecks, so I think i have taken some wrecks for others. Ive always viewed wrecks as a lesson on what not to do. Every wreck i have had i can pin point a mistake i made that attributed to the crash.

Get back on the horse old boy. And now you have a reason to buy a Triumph.

Arsenalfan. AKA Mark Able Seller of fine automobiles. Jaguar, Land Rover, Porsche of Chattanooga 423-424-4000
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212148 10/24/2007 9:15 AM
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Also, I'm now getting the "I told you so's" from different people.

I (and most others) understand the differences in weight (motorbike vs 4 wheeler) and the relative risk we accept when both try to occupy the same place at the same time, regardless of right-of-way.

What gets me, even when the 4 wheeler is clearly the cause, somehow a measure of "fault" is placed on the motorcycle for simply being there in the first place. Had this (unfortunate) 20 year old rear-ended a yellow school bus, would the reaction been different?

Glad you're OK, glad you were geared up, good luck whatever you do

Ride safe (2 & 4 wheels)


"It's not what I say that's important, it's what you hear" Red Auerbach
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
freedom #212149 10/24/2007 9:22 AM
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I dont remember if someone told me this or if it was in a movie, but the bottom line was that the sooner you get back on a bike and on the road, the bettr off you you will be. The longer you wait, the harder it will be.

Hopefully you will be able to get that America and get back on the road soon.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212150 10/24/2007 9:43 AM
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Motorcycles are like women, sometimes they get you in bad situations and you get slammed into the pavement. After my big wreck a couple of years ago I found a beauitful new Speedmaster, was really nervous for about 45 minutes and I've had thousands of miles of pure pleasure riding ever since. It's your choice and we will respect you either way. I just figure "This ain't no momma's boy picnic, get on, turn her out and let her buck!"

Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Old52 #212151 10/24/2007 12:02 PM
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the picture alone looks scary, couldn't imagine being on the bike. glad you alright


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Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212152 10/24/2007 12:11 PM
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i'll just bet that from now on when you are slowing or stopping, you will be looking in your rearview to see whats happening back there.(even in your car) the old saying is, if you fall off a horse you need to get right back on. its a choice you and only you can make but like somebody else said...doo doo accurs so dont let somebody else's stupidity ruin your life or change what you want to do in life. rideing involves thinking constantly, thats why some of us ride, its to take our minds off the day, how does it do that??? by makeing you think only of what you are doing in the moment and 10 moments from now.

ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Frank #212153 10/24/2007 12:12 PM
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I totaled my '02 in June of '06. It sat in the back of the garage until I started rebuilding her in August. I spent alot of time telling myself that I wanted to have all my stuff on hand and planning every aspect of the rebuild, but what I was doing was healing.
Give yourself time to heal especially in the head. You will know when your ready. Triumph will still be selling motorcycles next year.
Take care.

Your not the boss of me!!
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
ModelMaker #212154 10/24/2007 12:25 PM
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I know this is but I saw people have asked in other threads about alternate dash clusters,looks like that one may fit. If you end up with an America or SM maybe you could test fit it.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
newt #212155 10/24/2007 4:41 PM
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i'll just bet that from now on when you are slowing or stopping, you will be looking in your rearview to see whats happening back there.

You know, what's ironic about me getting rear ended, is that I used my rear view mirror and stayed aware of my surroundings probably much more so than most motorcyclists.

I had taken the MSF course before I even got on a motorcycle.
I was constantly practicing and reading about safe, proficient motorcycling and technique.
I had read David Hough's "Proficient Motorcycling," and was applying techniques I learned from that book.
I was always reading about technique on the internet.
I was in the process of reading "Twist of the Wrist Vol. 2" by Keith Code at the time of my wreck.

When I turned off of the highway onto the road where I ended up getting hit, there was no one behind me. There was no one in the turn lane behind me and no one in the oncoming turn lane.
When I was going down the road and approximately 50 to 75 yards from the tracks that I down shifted for, no one was behind me.
Then, while starting to go over the tracks...Bam!! Blindsided from behind.
The only conclusion I can come to is that she must have pulled out of a BP gas station behind me during that 50 to 75 yards to the railroad tracks.

She received 2 citations from the cop, plus she wasn't wearing her seatbelt. She also sustained $2500 worth of damage to her Honda Accord.
My 2007 motorcycle is totaled.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212156 10/24/2007 4:45 PM
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reading "Twist of the Wrist Vol. 2" by Keith Code at the time of my wreck

Well Duh... here's the whole problem - You can't read and ride at the same time!

Stewart ....... "It's outside your field of expertise." "Poppycock normally is."
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
newt #212157 10/24/2007 4:51 PM
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sent a pm too.

Sorry about your wreck. Sounds like it could have been alot worse on your body than it was. I have had two wrecks myself....both slow and minor damage but still makes ya nervous.
If you decide to get back out there check out the classifieds....I got a nice 2002 for sale for a good price.

2003 Red and Black Speedy. What do I want to change on my bike next????
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
roundy77 #212158 10/24/2007 4:58 PM
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So at what point did she realise she had rear ended you when she finally turned round and thought "Ooh" what was that!

Looking at the remains of the bike, you were lucky to come away with what you did.

Hey Ward, so if you got run over by a car crossing the road, you would never cross another - lighten up brother, go and ride your dream and stop other people spoiling it for you.

If my Mrs had her way I would never of ridden another bike again after my last crash, but if its in your blood to ride, then ride bro'.

Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212159 10/24/2007 6:31 PM
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Hey, I'm not even sure if I'll get another motorcycle.
.... when I look at pictures of motorcycles out on the internet or read about different motorcycles, the thought keeps going through my head of that car smashing into me and me hitting the pavement hard with my head. Incidentally, without a helmet I most definitely would have been killed.

sh*t I bet that hurt Ward. The America is a great bike but I don't see any need to rush out and buy one. There's not a lot of riding left for most of us this year and you can honorably take the winter off.

Years ago I went thru a phase where I just wasn't willing to take the risk of two wheels. I got myself a cheap vintage sports car to get some of the kick - something to think about over the winter.

Good luck whatever you do.

Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Bill #212160 10/24/2007 7:21 PM
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Sh*t, I bet that hurt Ward...There's not a lot of riding left for most of us this year and you can honorably take the winter off.

Yeah, it hurt plenty. Mainly, my head hurt. I was off balance and felt awful. I knew something was wrong in my head, but I didn't know what. After I got to the hospital and had a Cat Scan and then later an MRI of the head, I was diagnosed with a grade 2 concussion. I actually thought that I might have a bleed in my brain, so I was actually glad to hear that it was a concussion that would go away in a few weeks.

Regarding riding weather, I live in an area of North Carolina where a fellow can pretty much ride all year long.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
birchr #212161 10/24/2007 7:33 PM
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So at what point did she realise she had rear ended you when she finally turned round and thought "Ooh" what was that!

The cop theorizes that she hit me at the exact moment that she turned back around from reading that sign, because her lip was bleeding from not wearing a seat belt and hitting the steering wheel.
There were no skid marks, the cop said she never applied any brake pedal. My bike was rammed 120 feet down the road by her. Her car came to a stop at 110 feet down the road, right behind my bike.
After she initially plowed into me, she pushed me for about 20 feet in an upright position with me wobbling the handlebars trying to keep it upright, then the bike was knocked over on it's right side, and I was knocked off...hard...on the left side onto the pavement.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
ModelMaker #212162 10/24/2007 7:34 PM
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Ward,I totaled my '02 in June of '06.

What were the circumstances...and results...of your wreck?


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Frank #212163 10/24/2007 7:39 PM
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the picture alone looks scary, couldn't imagine being on the bike. -Frank

It was actually quite horrid for the first few seconds after she rammed into me and pushed me in an upright position down the road and me trying to keep it upright.
However, after I was ejected off of the bike and my helmeted head hit the pavement, I was basically dazed and just sort of confused (concussion).


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
freedom #212164 10/24/2007 7:44 PM
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What gets me, even when the 4 wheeler is clearly the cause, somehow a measure of "fault" is placed on the motorcycle for simply being there in the first place.

You know, you're absolutely correct. That's the impression I'm getting from a lot of people.
I'm getting comments like..."See, I told you motorcycles were dangerous," etc.
A guy at work told me..."You were lucky this time. Take my advice and don't tempt fate again."


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212165 10/24/2007 7:53 PM
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guarenteed she was on the cell phone with one foot up on the dash painting her toe nails also

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Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
jerry #212166 10/24/2007 9:56 PM
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I'll understand if a bad wreck scares you off, but really, this is a once in a lifetime kind of freaky thing. Hope you get back on two wheels, but I agree with Bill, a British vintage sports car is a close second for fun, if only marginally safer. I know, cause I have two Brit bikes and two Brit sportscars! I really enjoy all of them.

Fidelis et Fortis
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
arstaren #212167 10/24/2007 10:08 PM
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Dang! You're lucky to have survived that. Hope your neck & back aren't compromised for life.

You're one of 5 or 6(?) here who've had this happen. Seems like a high % for a small group of regular posters.

...and some folks wonder why I run extra brake lights...

Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Bucky #212168 10/24/2007 10:33 PM
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You're a lucky lad. Now, get back on the pony and ride, it's waiting for you.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Bucky #212169 10/25/2007 4:41 AM
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Dang! You're lucky to have survived that. Hope your neck & back aren't compromised for life.

In addition to a concussion, I also got a "whip-lash" type of strain to my neck and a very large bruise and swelling to my lower back, from, I assume, my rear fender being shoved into my back.
However, nothing was broke and I'm healing up.
Yeah, I was quite lucky, considering all the various things that could have happened.
I was off work for two weeks because of the wreck. In fact, I justed started back to work this week.

I can't really explain why, but it's doing me good to read about the mishaps that you fellows have had, and how you started back riding.

I'm actually a middle-aged guy who got a late start at motorcycle riding.
I was never on a motorcycle before in my life until May of this year. I took the MSF Rider's Course and bought my motorcycle (Suzuki C50) in May.
My wife was actually excited about the motorcycle also.
I told her I would ride solo for 6 months and then I'd be ready to ride two up with her.
We live in a fairly rural area in North Carolina with lots of really good rural roads with very low traffic and just enough "twisties" to make it interesting.
6 months would have been in November. I had planned for us to take our first ride together on Thanksgiving weekend.
My wife actually had her helmet and jacket picked out (a pink colored armored jacket).
And then this girl plows into my motorcyle 2 weeks ago and totals it.
Now the wife doesn't even want to look at motorcycles.

I'm starting to feel like I should not let this stop me from ever riding again, and I really, really like the Triumph America...but the wife doesn't seem to be "on board" any more.

Maybe I could start a thread specifically for the wife to read so some folks on the forum could send some positive words her way to help get her back "on board?"


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212170 10/25/2007 8:25 AM
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The only one who can get you back on a bike Ward is you. We can give you all the words of encouragement in the world but ultimately the decision has to be yours. You have to be comfortable on it again to ride or you become a danger to yourself. Give it some time and think hard there's no rushing this decision.

John Like a dog on a car ride with my tongue in the wind
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
wojo #212171 10/25/2007 10:51 AM
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You have to be comfortable on it again to ride or you become a danger to yourself. Give it some time and think hard there's no rushing this decision.

I agree, you have to want to do it. Don't try to be macho that'll just get you (and maybe someone else) hurt.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212172 10/27/2007 2:47 AM
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Ward.. I recently had a 'misadventure' and wrote off my bike. Broken leg in 3 places, ground left elbow to the bone (no I wasn't wearing a jacket.. I'm a dummy who's learned his lesson). Been in cast for 9 weeks now and may.. if I'm lucky get rid of it Monday.

I wasn't sure if I was going to ride again either.. but my wife who was very supportive said she was ok with it if I wanted another one. (providing it was another Triumph.. Love that woman!!)

Anyway, long and short of it is that I ordered my new scoot today. Should be ready this time next month

If you want to ride, you will.. if you don't.. you don't. Either way its your choice and it will be a tough choice but not irreversible in any event.

You do what's right for you!

just my 2 cents


07 TBA Pacific Blue and White.. stock for now! A bike has half the wheels my cage does.. but 3x the fun factor
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Fillo #212173 10/27/2007 12:28 PM
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"Lighten up, Francis."
"Lighten up, Francis."
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Well, that answers my question from another thread about whether you were all healed up or not. Caretaker | Friarsride |
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
FriarJohn #212174 10/29/2007 1:07 AM
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Good advice , you definately have to want it. Don't force yourself or you are asking for trouble in my opinion.

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Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
The_Dog33 #212175 10/29/2007 2:16 AM
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Not to dissuade you Ward, but it takes years, not months, of riding to get to the point of recognizing ALMOST all of the dangerous situations in which a motorcyclist can find himself "setup" for.

And, not to imply that this accident was your "fault" at all, but in this case, as a novice you missed one of them:
ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS whenever you're stopped at a red light, CHECK YOUR MIRRORS until at least that first car stops behind you. Always keep your bike in 1st gear in that situation, and never in neutral, just in case you might spot that cager behind you coming up too fast, and you then "get that feeling" something bad could happen and you then begin your "exit plan" or evasive maneuver.

You see, "that feeling" is what I was talking about. And as I said above, "that feeling" usually takes years to perfect, and even then it's not "perfect", as even those of us with years of riding under our belt(40 continuous years and counting for Yours Truly here) can forget some of these "feelings" now and then or discover a "new feeling" every once in a while.

One of the great things about riding a motorcycle is that it takes your mind off of all the petty and not so petty problems in your life, because it takes ALL of your concentration to ride it correctly and reasonably safely.

This not only pertains to the ability to perform the basic function of riding, but also you should be "inside the mind" of everybody else out there on the road with you. In other words, you should be too busy anticipating the actions of others out there on the road to have any time left over to think about that mortage payment that's due tomorrow. That's "the paradox" of riding these beautiful machines.

(if you can still get back on a bike after accepting what I just said....welcome back!...hope to hear you did)

Last edited by Dwight; 10/29/2007 2:32 AM.
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Dwight #212176 10/31/2007 5:43 AM
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Dwight wrote: takes years of riding to get to the point of recognizing ALMOST all of the dangerous this case, as a novice you missed one of them:ALWAYS whenever you're stopped at a red light, CHECK YOUR MIRRORS

Dwight, there's just one problem with your assessment of the situation...I was not stopped at a red light.
I was riding down the road at approximately 30 miles per hour. A 20 year old girl slammed into the rear of my motorcycle while her head was turned to approximately the 5 o-clock position to read a sign in a parking lot she had just passed.

Also, your assessment goes to show the partial guilt that is assigned to motorcyclists (sometimes even from other motorcyclists) when a collision occurs between a car and a motorcycle.

If this same rear end collision occurred, except it was a car that got rear ended while driving down the road instead of a motorcycle...then it would be considered cut and dry that it was totally the fault of the car behind that negligently ran into the other car.

But, when the same collision occurs, except it's a motorcycle that gets rear ended, then non-motorcyclists somehow think that the motorcyclist bears part of the fault simply because he's riding a motorcycle on the highway.
And some motorcyclists think the motorcyle rider bears part of the fault because he should have avoided the rear end collision.
However, as I said, car drivers are never told that they should have avoided a rear end collision.

Very much a double standard indeed.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Ward_Cleaver #212177 10/31/2007 12:09 PM
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Dwight wasn't saying it was your fault at all he was just speaking to things more experienced riders do that help avoid situations such as rear end collisions at a red light. In your case an experienced rider may or may not have seen it comming. I watch my mirrors alot while riding but not always since in many cases a car has to be going pretty darn fast to catch up to me.Learn you danger zones and be very alert to your surroundings is the point he was trying to make.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
The_Dog33 #212178 10/31/2007 1:30 PM
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It's why both of my mirrors look directly behind me and I always turn my head to change lanes. It's also why I have modified the rear signal lights with that Electrical Connections kit for visibility, when I'm on two wheels I trust no one on four. Paranoid? Yes.

That said, your circumstance was an abnormality in the world of motorcycling and shouldn't make you swear off the sport only make you more cautious and determined to be defensive at all times. We're always at fault, just ask anyone...

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
newt #212179 10/31/2007 2:05 PM
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Hey, Ward --

Glad to hear you're still kickin', man! I'll echo the sentiments of the folks on here who said "get back on the horse!"

You've repeatedly pointed out (correctly) the hypocracy around blaming motorcycles for accidents that weren't their fault. Likewise -- just as a point to consider -- you shouldn't blame the bike for getting hit (nor should you let Mrs. Ward bust your ****** too badly).

You're living proof that GEAR WORKS. You wore the appropriate gear which mitigated much of the worst effects of the crash. In a sense you're proving more that motorcycles CAN BE SAFE -- or, at least, safer than modern American culture gives them credit for.

Ask any of the Limey members of the board -- the guys in Ol' Blighty ride year round in all weather, and y'know what? They do fine. They treat their bikes like real transportation rather than a toy, and they reap the benefits thereof (better millage, better insurance, easier parking, etc).

I won't say that bikes are as "safe" as cars, but virtually nobody gets in an automobile accident and says "I'm never driving again!" Thus, why should you swear off bikes from a wreck? That, and think of all the folks who're killed every year in cages!

The upshot is that life is not safe, and to pretend otherwise is folly, I don't care how big your SUV or the speed of your airbag. And motorcycles are just more fun.

Hang in there, man! Good luck, and hope you're back up on 2 soon!!!

Oh, yeah -- and get a Triumph.


Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
JAEGER #212180 11/02/2007 1:32 AM
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Joined: Apr 2007
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I know a young guy in his early 20s.He was dirt biking a few years back.Went down,broke his back.Him and his dad put a side hack on a Kawasaki for him.He puts his wheel chair in there.He's makes the best of things,happy person.Sure was cool seeing him ride up on his bike.Goes to our RAT meetings sometimes with his parents.IF you want to ride again you will find away.

Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
Speedblue #212181 11/02/2007 1:49 AM
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Fe Butt
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Fe Butt
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I have a quadrapalegic friend who had a side car specially built so he could drive the wheel chair up into it and paid another friend to take him to the big bike events. Unfortunately a couple years ago it was stolen in Daytona.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
Re: My Wrecked Suzuki - Photo
The_Dog33 #212182 11/02/2007 9:31 AM
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Should be Riding
Should be Riding
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Ditto what Jaeger said.


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