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#15026 06/19/2005 10:23 AM
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Just curious,who has it and who does not have it? Anything else you want to add about it please do!!


Joker #15027 06/19/2005 11:09 AM
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I have the FREAK. I also have BUBS dresser dog/megaphone pipes and have rejeted. There is a huge difference in performance, with a little degradation in gas mileage. Well worth the price IMHO. I have not had the K&N filter problems falling off as some here have. I just took the plastic toolbox out and left that space open.

BA has Freak, 160mains, 44pilots, air mix3 1/2 to 4 turns, BUBS dresser dogs. Never had more fun on any bike - 2nd bike 2008 RIIIT
Jack_D #15028 06/19/2005 11:14 AM
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I've been called a freak a couple of times, does that count?


Soren #15029 06/19/2005 11:27 AM
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Holy cow man, if that counts I guess I have two FREAKs I need to report on! (my BB "bad blue" and myself) On second though, I will leave myself out of the topic, better for all here

BA has Freak, 160mains, 44pilots, air mix3 1/2 to 4 turns, BUBS dresser dogs. Never had more fun on any bike - 2nd bike 2008 RIIIT
Joker #15030 06/19/2005 11:31 AM
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First let me say this to Brent: No offense meant to you bud! You da man!

Now on with it: (Just MY opinion here, it does not reflect anyone else, let them speak up for themselves)
It is WAY WAY overpriced for what it is. You can gain similar results by cutting holes in the bottom of your airbox and air filter.
They do not fit right, at least every single one I have seen needs some mods/bending/grinding/swearing to get it to fit and hold the covers on correctly. Another culprit has been the little side tab on the rear bracket that holds the tookbox in. They hit the chain and clank everytime you go over anything larger than a coin laying in the road. I cut my tab off with a dremel and now the belt drive has sliced the entire side of the toolbox off completely. Good thing I don't put anything in it.
All of the holes that are used for rubber grommets on mine had to be ground out so the grommets were not distorted. It felt like the side cover plastic tabs were going to snap off everytime I removed them. The enlongated holes were stamped out vs. drilling and the fit was less than stellar.
I had to bend and rebend the left cover many times to finally get it so it would allow the faux cover to screw back on too.
It is made of steel, it will eventually rust, I would have preferred stainless for the $$ it costs.
With that said I will state that it is nice to be able to use the dual K&N filters and makes working on the carbs vastly easier. You can pull them off in minutes since you don't have to dick with the airbox anymore.
I do like it, I just don't like the price when compared with the quality of the thing.
You make the call though.

Flame suit on and ready for attack.

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Dinqua #15031 06/19/2005 11:40 AM
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i kind of agree with you, at least that is what I hear alot! Why could'nt someone just use the K&N filters alone, why do you need the "freak kit", is it's main purpose, to mount the filters?

Joker #15032 06/19/2005 12:23 PM
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The main purposes are to hold the faux cleaners and the side covers on. You can fab up a bracket easy enough to hold the carbs I would imagine, if you wanted to go the K&N route.

A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice. Pat
Dinqua #15033 06/19/2005 1:29 PM
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It is WAY WAY overpriced for what it is.

I would not really say that.
it is similarly priced to other similar products for other bikes from other manufactures.
No , it is not prefect , but it is what is available to those who cannot fab up something themselves.
I am happy with mine , and it did need a bit of a fiddle to fit properly.
I do not know anyone that has the freak that has had no problems.
everyone has had some difficulty.

But hey , this is america , if more than 1 persons buys it , then it is not over priced and if everyone buys it , it is under priced.

I bought one and I will do it again .

Dinqua #15034 06/19/2005 2:13 PM
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Pat, I kinda agree. I got mine to work ok, but my faux covers aren't the same height. Maybe someday, now that I have a bench vice, I'll bend up some stainless.

As for supporting the carbs, I ordered the carb support brace from bellecorse last night. I'll let you guys know how that goes in. Quick hole in the engine mount should do it. That would eliminate the need for THAT portion of the freak bracketing, basically leaving the side covers and the "mud flap"/tool box holder.

I get thank clank too. I was worried it was the carbs whacking the bracket, I'll check that tab around the chain...

Benny Black & Silver '02 Too many mods to list Not enough miles ridden
Dinqua #15035 06/19/2005 4:04 PM
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I am behind Brent on this because he had the balls and the know how to help the BA/SM crowd out. I have the freak kit, I love it. Is it high priced? Maybe it is but a lot of people are buying it. Its all relative to everything else. I think Brent is the only MFG that has an "airbox removal kit". Maybe there is another MFG but if I remember they were roughly the same price. That makes two MFG's in the whole world with 'Airbox Removal' Kits for the BA/SM. What price would you put on it?

I am sure Brent would appreciate feedback on how to improve his products. Maybe he should look at the fitting and price if a lot of his customers think that.

It does take a lot of time and money to make 'custom' parts for any bike. Most of the prices have to cover a lot of the R & D of his products. For every big seller Brent offers they are probably 5-10 products that don't sell well. We have to Keep in mind that Brent isn't Kuryakyn or a big manufacturer. We have to pay some premiums for custom parts.

Dinqua, I am like you in regards that I am not intended to flick harm on anybody's feelings. I just see the situation from a different light.


Man, you must be fast because you were haulin' A$$ when I passed you back there. . .
FRYGUY #15036 06/19/2005 4:35 PM
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I didn't buy the freak due to the fact I didn't particularly like the faux air cleaners. If you do decide to go without it you need to fab something to hold your fuseblock, ignition, and starter solenoid. I think boogieman has a relocation kit he is selling as well. I used a pasta tin from the kitchen and it serves its purpose. It got me back on the road for now. Next winter I,ll fab something a little more traditional. Also if you put the K&N's on take off that silly little hose clamp and use a regular hose clamp to hold them on the neck of the carburetors, that little lesson learned after a 50$ replacement for the right side. I also used some 30 lb. test threaded through the mesh of the K&N and tied to the frame just in case. Just my .02

Dinqua #15037 06/19/2005 4:48 PM
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The main purposes are to hold the faux cleaners and the side covers on. You can fab up a bracket easy enough to hold the carbs I would imagine, if you wanted to go the K&N route.

Yes, it's stupidly simple. How do I know? I made one and I'm stupid. Caretaker | Friarsride |
FriarJohn #15038 06/19/2005 5:01 PM
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I have one, installed by myself, and I like it, the bike just BREATHES better.

I am not a mechanic or someone who can "fabricate", so I really appreciated the "kit". Different strokes for different folks....

Faye 04 America
FRYGUY #15039 06/19/2005 5:26 PM
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What I'd like to see is an oval air filter modified to clamp onto the carbs. I know I have seen one that would be about right, expanded metal screen and all. I'd even be willing to sacrifice the fake oil tank for that.

Anybody have measurements handy for the carb spacing and diameter? I think I may have found just such a thing here.

Last edited by Greybeard; 06/19/2005 5:43 PM.

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Larkfarms #15040 06/19/2005 5:43 PM
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Be prepared for more quirks in jetting. I agree with pat in having been down both roads I think the modified air box works just about as well. I does make rejetting easier. And the 160 supplied jets do not neccessarily work for everyone. I'v had more success running uni pods on mine. And I think performance is effected more by changes in temp and elevation than with the stock air box. But on a good day you can make more power. My fuel mileage was mostly uneffected by the change. Still between 45 and 50 mpg depending on my behavior.

trash #15041 06/20/2005 3:06 PM
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Seeing as everyone is throwing in their 2 are mine. I love the performance I now have after installing the Freak. I am no grease monkey but enjoy tinkering on things and get satisfaction when things work out well. I am very satisfied with the outcome of the Freak installation. It took a good while for me to install, but I did it so the instructions and hardware supplied work fine. To date, I have not had any problems with my chain rubbing the tool box either. I check it now and again because I keep reading about the problems others are having with it. The thought of stainless or aluminum for the brackets would be a great improvement for longevity though. Anyway, as the commercial goes....18 Tooth Sprocket $20, Freak Kit $295, HUGE SMILE on my face riding my black beauty around town PRICELESS. Thanks Brent. My 2 cents anyway.

Greybeard #15042 06/20/2005 4:22 PM
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Hi ya Greybeard, I posted the same wishes here awhile back in the K&N filter drives 1. I think it zoomed over heads as there was no comments on the matter. I spoke with a K&N rep and supplied drawings of a cool filter that needs to be made for our bikes, I'm shure it made the trash before I left the building. Anyway It seems you and I have a common desire in a filter setup, take a look see at this. Unable to post a pic so the url is: Look up Mikuni carbs and then look up vintage. They are round pancakes. I know that our carbs are Keihin and the throat size different but this is what I'm talking about. Cool I think! a REAL filter straight on the carb that will look good. Wish I had a way and the funds to build an exact filter to fit our bikes. I run the freak and like it! but the fake cheese graters are fake and all it would take is the right filter. Let me know what you think I would like your and others opinions. Tmax

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BullBiker #15043 06/20/2005 7:44 PM
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I agree that overall I am very pleased as are most. My problem usually is that I'm an engineer and I REALLY put everything under the microscope, ya know? For the do it yourself-er wanting a pre-fab set-up they can install themselves, hard to beat!

Benny Black & Silver '02 Too many mods to list Not enough miles ridden
bennybmn #15044 06/20/2005 7:53 PM
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I've had the Freak for over a year and a half. Yeah, I had some issues with installation (a little bending here and there) but they were minor. As up until lately I am very happy with the look of the cheese graters (uh-oh! Do I smell a mod coming up?) and the Freak, I thought it was a good deal. I had the chain clank problem and as I used the toolbox that came with up in my toolroll, I just bent that tab out of the way.

I would buy one again in a heartbeat....

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity" - Robert Heinlein
bonnyusa #15045 06/20/2005 8:14 PM
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The "Freak". Why do you need it. I have had a couple of TBA/SM's. The only advantage is in straight line, full throttle speed. Most everyone that rides a TBA/SM can not ride a stock bike as fast as it will go thru the twisties, why do you wish for extra "power" that you can not use. Don't get me wrong..I have used the "Freak" and it is great for stop light to stop light...but in the mountains and the twisties for the average rider..useless. Just an old mans opinion..don't want to start a war.

larryshep #15046 06/20/2005 8:21 PM
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Hey Larry,

I agree with you completely but what the heck are twisties in South Florida?!?

To paraphrase a great song:

"I live in the land of stoplights"

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity" - Robert Heinlein
Dinqua #15047 06/20/2005 9:32 PM
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Pat, cut off that tab and opened up those holes for the side cover tonight. Might tweak it a little more. Looking back I wish I bent the tab... but oh well. I also plan on dabbing some paint on the bare metal to fend off the rust for the time being. Spraying some rustolium onto some cardboard and dabbing it with one of those foam paint brushes should do it.

Benny Black & Silver '02 Too many mods to list Not enough miles ridden
bennybmn #15048 06/21/2005 1:13 AM
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Freak kit $300... Big Bore kit $300.... hhhhmmmm

BonnyBeemer #15049 06/21/2005 10:02 AM
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Big Bore kit $300....

We wish! More like $400 on sale and $525 normally. Let's not forget the additional $169 for sleeve work and misc bits about another $80. ~12 hours labor the first time, probably do one now in about 8 hours now. That includes 5 hours of drinking.

I get the impression a lot of folks think I don't like the Freak, I do. I just stated I though the price was a little high, but I paid it anyway. I did, and would again, probably.

A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice. Pat
bennybmn #15050 06/21/2005 10:06 AM
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Next step with the dremel is to take the left covers off and dremel off the half moon shaped plastic part that is directly covering the flow for the air cleaner. Underneath the cheese grader thingy, the front most part can be cut out to give a more open air flow. Compare the other side, the cheese grader is all that is over the filter. On the other side, the big black plastic part completly impedes the flow. Cut it up. I am even going to drill some large holes the size of the chrome cover holes to get more side flow.

A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice. Pat
Dinqua #15051 06/21/2005 4:42 PM
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You mean like this?

Actually, I cut out the mounting tabs FROM the side cover, and screwed them on simply as a means of mounting the macaroni strainers. Works great, and takes one more step out of getting at the battery.

Benny Black & Silver '02 Too many mods to list Not enough miles ridden
bennybmn #15052 06/21/2005 5:11 PM
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I like mine. Haven't had any problems, other than the standard chain scrape, and from what I've been told, this problem has been solved on all the new FREAK kits.

As far as modifying, etc.: Mine fit great right off the bat. I have since cut the tab, and gotten rid of all the crap that supports the cheese graters, since they look stupid.

As far as designing your own: Go crazy. However, time is money. The time it takes me to modify anything makes the price tag for a ready made item worth it.

As far as cutting off the tab and getting another toolbox: Go to Fry's electronics, you will find a ton of little plastic tool boxes that are exactly 1" shorter than the one that comes with the FREAK. Then, cover the top with some weatherstripping tape. Problem solved. Cost = $10. Of course, this statement applies to both the consumer and the manufacturer, with the manufacturer probably better able to bear the burden.

As far as overpricing: Come on people, what motorcycle part isn't overpriced. I personally get tired of people who complain about the price of apples. It is what it is. A motorcycle falls into the category of "luxury item" for most of us. If you can't afford to spend more on parts, you probably shouldn't be owning a "luxury item" in the first place. Go buy a boat, then you'll really know what "overpriced" parts are. Better yet, go b!tch at Triumph if you want to talk about overpriced parts; Ask them about their $400 fenders, $1000 "custom" tank/fender kits, $200 bearings, and $50 OIL for 4uck's sake...the list goes on and on. Or if you really want your @ss to feel 8 inches wider, go buy a Hardley.

Just my 2 cents, and I really don't care who I p!ss off.


Last edited by Coker; 06/21/2005 5:31 PM.
FRYGUY #15053 06/25/2005 8:25 AM
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I've had mine about a month and am happy with it. There is minor alignment problem with the pins into the grommets when installing the faux oil-tank cover on the right side. I would definitely do it again.

I should have final information on my "Cuts Out after Performance Improvements" posting after a bit more tweaking this weekend of the idle mixture screws for popping during deceleration.

Joker #15054 06/25/2005 11:04 AM
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I've had mine in for a year and a half. It made a big difference. I mounted the supplied crankcase breather filter between the new K & N air filters (see pic below).


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Dinqua #15055 06/28/2005 2:53 AM
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Your right... Bella Course puts them on-sale every few months for $3 99 . I'm a hundred bucks off, buy hopefully everyone got the "jest" of my post.
Still,$300, er, $297, is alot for a couple of K&N filters.

BonnyBeemer #15056 06/29/2005 3:06 PM
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I got my Freak on. (Sorry)

Two areas of improvement:

Yes, the chain goes "tank" everytime I hit a bumpty. But then again, so does my back.

The crankcase breather hose needs to be loinger Yes, "loinger," dammit.)in order to mount the breather filter properly.

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JCBullen #15057 06/29/2005 3:52 PM
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Solutions for both those problems.... Saw or grind off that tab the chain clanks on, and if you get a "Krankvent" to go inline with the breather, the extra hose makes it possible to mount the breather anywhere you want. My krankvent is zip tied to the underside of the right side Freak bracked, basically under the right filter, and the breather is right behind the rearmost edge of the right side cover.

Benny Black & Silver '02 Too many mods to list Not enough miles ridden
bennybmn #15058 06/29/2005 7:44 PM
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How is the Freak when you ride in the rain? I've heard that open filters tend to have problems in the rain.

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Fishercat #15059 06/29/2005 9:19 PM
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I got the prefilters from Brent...

No more problems.

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity" - Robert Heinlein
Fishercat #15060 06/29/2005 10:26 PM
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I also have the pre-filters, but haven't ridden in more than a drizzle.

Benny Black & Silver '02 Too many mods to list Not enough miles ridden
Fishercat #15061 06/30/2005 9:47 AM
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Hey Fishercat, I got the prefilters and wash my bike at the car wash jump on and ride also I have rode in rain storms total deluge downpours, Not a single problem those prefilters are amazing. Tmax

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tmax #15062 06/30/2005 10:18 AM
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I ride in Florida...

Nuff said?

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity" - Robert Heinlein
Joker #15063 06/30/2005 10:49 AM
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"I'm not a freak; but I like to FREAK!" - Billy to the New Orleans hooker in "Easy Rider."
But seruoisly, havn't got one,(Freak or N.O. hooker) but cleared out and opened up air box, SS long slash cut pipes, removed AI and 140 main jets, balanced the carbs and it's pretty nimble. Going to try the TB needles. PS If I had any money left I would have tried the Freak.

Joker #15064 07/02/2005 12:53 AM
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I have the freak w/the pre-filters. Been in "hell-A-ish" down pours and I got soaked (gotta break down and get that rain gear one of these days) but the filters stayed dry & worked fine thanks to the pre-filters. In my opinion this mod along w/free flow pipes turns a nice bike into a great running bike. It inhales and exhales as this bike was meant to before the "tree huggers" legislated mandatory suffocation of all combustion engines!!! And now, we have to have 4-stroke Motocross bikes-what's this country coming to??? (sorry to get off on a rant)

JCBullen #15065 07/02/2005 12:36 PM
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Just take the pesky crankcase breather hose and route it so it drips onto your chain, ziptie it somewhere and fuggetaboutit. Deep six the little toy filter thingy. I set mine so it just drips onto the road and destroys my little part of the environment everytime I ride. (no more chain so lube not needed, man is my wheel clean too!) It almost never drips though once I put the Krankvent on.

A word to the wise is not necessary. It is the stupid ones who need the advice. Pat
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