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So I was heading to work Monday morning about 0645, when I come to a pretty busy intersection. The light was red so I am down shifting and slowing down for the light, not rasing ****** just piloting the pony like I was a good driver. The light turns green befor I stop, I look down I am going aobut 25 MPH or so, so I throw the bike in 2nd gear and slowley give it some gas. Here is where everything goes WRONG!!!! All of a sudden the back tire is spinning and the bike starts to fish tail. It is geting pretty violent by the time I figure out whats going on. So I tink to my self "Matt look for something soft" I lay the bike onto its right side heading toward the grass. In theory it was a good plan, only as the bike was heading to the right it snapped violently to the left and sent me sailing through the air. Now for some reason as I am taking a noncharterd flight through the air I get this thought in my head" You know this is gonna hurt". About this time I land and land HARD. The first bounch hurt like a mofo. Not real sure what happend after that but I wound up in the median 12 feet fro where I was only moments ago. Ever hear of how people dony know they are hurt after a accident cause of endorphins in the blood stream and so on? Yeah well I mush be running a little low on them cause I was in MAJOR pain assoon as I sat up. I looked across the landscape and see the bike on its right side in the grass just like I had planed, only I wanted to be over there as well, 2 or 3 people running up to me, one person running up to my bike, and a cop with blue lights on talking on his radio ( he was right behind me) I strart to feel a little light headed so I pulled off my helmet and lay back down. Next thing I remember was the crew from the ambulance telling me this is a pretty crappy way of getting out of work. seems the crew chief on Medic 12 iswho I was to relieve in 15 min. Yeah guess he worked over that shift lol.. Anyhow get to the ER get my x-rays and so on. seems I had dislocated my left shoulder, road rashed ,my left hand, broke 4 fingers (odd they did not hurt at all lol) triswed my ankle and drive a twig 8 inshes into my left leg. Soafter some mionor surgery some IV meds and 24 hours in the hospital i get to go home, but not befor stopiong by work lol.. Hand my supervisor the paper work and tellhim I wont be back till next week. Fastfoward to today, well yesterday woke up was a little sore, not a big deal it is to be expected, but it kept geting worse as the day went on,. Took my muscle relaxers and motrin and so on, the meds seemed to work, then I woke up today, and almost screamed when I tried to move. Jess hears me and runs in, seems i am coverd in bruses, my left hip is black andblue and green and some other pretty colors from my mid thigh to my rib cage, my left shoulder all the way down my arm to the elbow is brused and my left hand is swolen 3 times its normal size.. Oh and as for the bike? I was on the TT600 not the bonnie but it has a few minor scraches and the left turn signal is broken..
So how was yalls week? lol
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 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Yikes, Matt! I'm sorry to hear your story!!! Big OOOOOUUUCCHH! Really, the only thing I can say is I'm glad you weren't hurt worse, or hit by an oncoming car or something crazy like that. Even at slow speeds bad sh@t can happen. Feel better.
"Let your soul shine,
It's better than sunshine,
It's better than moonshine,
****** sure better than rain."
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Ouch, I hope you start healin up soon. What caused that fishtail stuff anyway?
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Monkey Butt
Monkey Butt
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OUCH, glad is wasn't worse. 48-72 hours after were the worst for me 15 years ago when I last wrecked. It should get a lttle better each day after that. I hope you're back out there soon.
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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And I thought my day sucked when I got pooped on by a bird in the rain. OUCH! Glad you're able to fine a bit of humor in it. Waht did cause the fishtail?
"Despite all the amputation, you could dance to a rock 'n roll station..."
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Should be Riding
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Yikes man! Glad you are ok enough to tell us about it. Someone musta popped an oil filter right there or something, that stinks!
Black & Silver '02
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 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Bar Shake
Bar Shake
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Dang! Nice? description of an almost classic high side. Usually the worst for injuries. Glad yours aren't worse, bad as they are. Intersections are where the leakers leave most of their stuff. Oil, anti-freeze and various other fluids.
Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, también
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Old Hand
Old Hand
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Must be something going around. I was talking to one of the few Triumph owners in town the other day and his father recently crashed his Rocket 3. Seems he also rides a wee 175 and, after some serious libation, forgot which bike he was on and gave the throttle a big twist in second gear. Not sure how the bike is, but he's now the poster boy for Ace Hardware.
Let's hope there's intelligent life somewhere in space 'cause it's buggar all down here. -- Monte Python
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Yet another good reason to NEVER ride in the center of the lane, especially at intersections. Hope you heal fast, and glad it didn't damage your sense of humor.
'05 TBA, Freak/152.5 mains/48 pilots/Gutted Shotguns/AI/Custom rear hangers-Chain Guard/Sport signals/Ness Mirrors/Kury pegs/Driver's Backrest/LOTS OF CHROME!
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Glad you're still with us to tell us about it - you'll heal up and be back on the bike before you know it.
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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3/4 Throttle
3/4 Throttle
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Get well soon friend!
Metal can be welded, plastic replaced.. rider is irreplaceable
07 TBA Pacific Blue and White.. stock for now!
A bike has half the wheels my cage does.. but 3x the fun factor
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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as long as your ok, amazing how fast some things can happen. that is a horrible thing but on the bright side it still could of been worse. hope you heal up good and fast
(Former)05 BA tbike pipes, ai removed, Freak, mikuni hsr 42's, 904, ported/polished head, 1mm oversized valves
NOW-2010 silver and black tbird
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hang in there dude!!!
2006 neon blue speedmaster
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Ever realize what caused it all? Road wet? Tire slip? Rear-ended by the police car?
Keith Houston Ridin'Texas '04 Speedmaster AI removed, Pingle, UNI Filter, 1 shim, straight-through slash-cut TORs, Stage 1 DynaJet, 140 mains, 3 turns, 16/42 final drive, 115K 2020 T120 Black
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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High sides suck. Glad your okay. Bones heal, scars fade, but the stories last forever! (chicks dig it, too)
2002 Bandit 1200/ GSXR cams/ 1277 BB Kit/ Holeshot header and can/ 38mm flatslides/ a good head/lotsa hp/lotsa tq- lots of rear tires...
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Hey yall thaKS for the kind words. I will heal up and get bakc out there, kind of enjoying my time off. These muscle relaxers ROCK lol.. As for the reason, The officer told me there was some oil or somehting on te road that caused the back tire to spin ( hes a motor cop but was in the car that morning) I was not charged for the accidnet, the officer told me there was nothing i could do. He was impressed with my dismount tho, gave me a 10.0 but the Russian judge only gave me a 9.6 lol..
Dont like what you see??? Big red X in the top right of your screen will fix it!
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Glad you are still here, and glad that you are waiting till you get back on a bike. That's the worst bit... though whether the first ride or the waitingforthefirstride is worse I'm not sure...
03 America - Pretty stock - except the TBS wheel... 
06 America - missing, presumed in bits. With it's TBS wheel... 
09 America - It's very blue....
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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No one can fault your sense of humor. Hope it turns out well.
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Hey yall thaKS for the kind words. I will heal up and get bakc out there, kind of enjoying my time off. These muscle relaxers ROCK lol.. As for the reason, The officer told me there was some oil or somehting on te road that caused the back tire to spin ( hes a motor cop but was in the car that morning) I was not charged for the accidnet, the officer told me there was nothing i could do. He was impressed with my dismount tho, gave me a 10.0 but the Russian judge only gave me a 9.6 lol..
You're lucky it wasn't the Cuban or Chinese judge, you know you'd never get over a 8.5 with either of them....  Glad you made it out in one piece, and no worries, not like SC has a short riding season ya know!! Miss 3 weeks up here in CT, and you're pretty well screwed... 
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Glad your O.K., heal quick, and enjoy those muscle relaxers. Sounds like you nailed the dismount, no need to practice anymore.
 Re: CRASH boom BANG
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Sorry to hear you dropped the bike, regardless of which one it was. Those slow speed drops can put a hurting on ya for quite a while (yeah I know about that, dang ribs anyway  ) Happens fast and then THUMP. I never did figure out why I went down. Hope you heal fast and well
BA has Freak, 160mains, 44pilots, air mix3 1/2 to 4 turns, BUBS dresser dogs. Never had more fun on any bike - 2nd bike 2008 RIIIT
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Bar Shake
Bar Shake
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Legal pharmaceuticals  mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, también