Looked to be a good day out, first RAT run of the season, sunshine, great turn out, around 30 riders I think. Run started off OK but we soon got split into two groups and later into three groups, two a tad unsure of the route! Encountered a bit of rain as we headed west but this deteriorated as the day went on and after lunch rain with thick fog over the moors. Unfortunately the bad conditions led to one of the lads ending up in a ditch. He took quite a bad fall but looks like he’s going to be OK.
He wasn’t lucid at first, it was quickly decided that he’d need to go to hospital, we were worried about head/ neck injuries. In the middle of nowhere and even worse no signal to call an ambulance! Someone had first aid kit with a foil blanket so we tried to keep him comfortable and his head still. Luckily soon a passing driver pulled over and drove on to try and find a point to ring the services. After what seemed like hours, probably 30-40 mins still no sign of an ambulance so one the lads went off to try and find a landline. He did try and explain that a call might have already been registered but anyway we eventually ended up with three ambulance and the police! By which time things were thankfully looking a lot better for our mate, he was coming round a bit and starting to make jokes, hopefully he’ll be fine, good job it wasn’t life or death.
His bike looks like it might be written off, extensive front end damage. Police contacted a local salvage firm and arranged for us to meet the guy in a pub a couple of villages away. Again another long wait but at least the opportunity to dry out with a welcome cup of coffee and chat with a friendly but very talkative landlord (ex biker and racing driver

Good to be back home, enjoyed the riding but not the ride – the accident coupled with the fact that our lead man wasn’t keeping an eye on and losing the rest of the pack….Mike, good job you were there mate!