Ok , I did some thinking
the stock rear sprocket is 42 teeth.
front 16t = ratio 2.625
front 17t = ratio 2.47
front 18t = ratio 2.33
front 19t = ratio 2.21
Now with the belt drive the rear pully is a 59 tooth.
at least that is what I counted on my bike.
the front is what I am looking at.
front 24t = ratio 2.458
front 25t = ratio 2.36
a 24 is nearly the same as a stock 17.
and the 25 is closer to the 18.
Ozz said the 25 was the largest that would fit on the bike
So if you have a belt drive , count your front pully
I am curious , thats all.
every one may have the 25 or the 24, but I remember it was up for discussion at one time.
Ps: my belt is 135 tooth, I was counting pullies , so I counted the belt also.
yea , I am looking for things to do this weekend , can you tell.