Making Custom Pipes From Your Stock Pipes
Add Some Muffler Packing
I decided to add some additional glass packing after riding with these guys for about 500 miles. I have to admit, they still made my ears hurt and ring after riding for extended periods of time. I installed some Moose Muffler Packing that I purchased from my local Triumph dealer, it is the same price pretty much everywhere online($5.95/sheet) but I prefer to use my dealer, especially if the price is the same.
(Moose's Directions)
I bought 2 sheets of the material which is just fancy fiberglass, made to withstand extreme heat and pressure (don't bother using regular household fiberglass insulation, you will need to change it more often, it's not made for this application) Don't be a cheapskate, just buy the right stuff that is made for the right job. A couple of bucks saved can burn you later. Geez, they're only $6 each and good for a couple years at least!
You will also need about 20 feet of the small wire used for hanging drop ceilings (a.k.a. mechanics wire/safety wire) to secure the wrap to the baffles.
Snatch them baffles out
Either remove the baffles if Re-Packing, or add packing at this step. By the way, the pictured baffle was removed after about 500 miles and was so black/filthy that I had to give it the old G'Aould Photoshop look to even see the thing. The baffles are not really glowing blue, unless you've been over for a few homebrews.
Cut the glass to fit the pipes from the end of the baffles to the other end, you do not want to wrap everything, just the baffles and their holes. Cut off about 8-10 pieces of the wire that are about 18" long. Have these ready before you do the wrap, it will ease assembly.
After you wrap the glass around the baffles (you remembered to put on your work gloves first didn't you? Ouch, fiberglass stings for days as you pick and pick and pick at the shards...) you take the pieces of wire and wrap them around the glass material to hold it FIRMLY in place. Hint: Wrap the wire in the same direction as the glass is wrapped.
This is what the TIGHTLY wrapped and secured glass pack should look like after the wrap job.
At this point I just "Screwed" the baffle assemblies back into the pipes (screwing inward in the same direction as the wrap makes this much easier and keeps the glass packs intact) DO NOT just pound them in with a hammer or whatnot, they will come apart inside and you will have to start all over. The screwing in method is perfect and by just applying slight pressure inwards while screwing you will see how easily they slide right in and the pleasure is ...oops, getting carried away. Anyway, just slide them in while turning.
Just screw the baffle holding screws in, or replace themn if this is a repack job, and you're ready to re-install them babies..
On to the next step, Let's put them back on.
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