Install cams and valve buckets.

Oil up the valve stems really good. Now re install all of the valve buckets in their original locations. and replace the shims. This is critical so that the valve clearances do not change. Oil everything when you get them in, especially under each shim. Also be sure to place any new shims in their correct locations.

At this time you should also re-install the cam chain tensioner assembly. The spring and center bolt should be removed while you install the body. Be sure to fully reset the plunger by pushing down on the ratchet pawl to release the tension. Then slide the center plunger all the way back into the body of the assembly. Stick a new washer on and insert the body back into position and tighten the two mounting bolts to 9Nm. Using a socket so that you can apply pressure, re-insert the spring and center bolt back into the assembly. Pushing in while turning to prevent the spring from coming out at all, tighten the center bolt to 20Nm. Do not allow the pressure on the center bolt to release while re-installing this part. If you take the spring out before it is tightened all the way down, you should remove the tensioner body assembly again and reset the plunger and start again. If the spring tensioner is too tight, the cam chain can become damaged as can the motor and gears. Verify at this time that the cam drive gear is still positioned with the TOP mark facing exactly at 12 o'clock position. If not, make it so, do not proceed until it is perfect.

You can now safely remove the wire securing the camchain. (Glad you tied it up aren't you?)

Oil the grooves with lots of oil where the cams will sit and the caps hold them in place. Re-install the camshafts so that in the rear of the cams the exhaust LINES are lined up with the drive gear lines and the intake DOTS are inline with the drive gear dots like they were when you took them off.
I can't find my picture of this alignment, but there are several in the manuals. (The one on the bottom of this page is close though) Be sure the cams are put in correctly with the exhaust going in the front of the motor and the intake cam in the rear of the motor. Refer to the manual for the identification groove for the intake shaft. Oil the crap out of the camshafts and especially where they will be held by the cam caps. It takes a while for new oil to get up here so be sure to start with a lot of oil already there to prevent friction from causing any damage. Don't be shy with the oil here, too much is way better than not enough in this case.

Install all of the cam caps in their original locations and hand tighten them. Check that the locating dowels are in each of the screws and that they do not bind.

Go around and tighten them in criss cross order, starting with the outermost one on the end that has two caps, then go to the other end, then back to the inner cap. Tighten them all to 10Nm. Once tight they should all look like this one:

Replace the oil feed tube, oil the o-ring first, and tighten the two banjo bolts to 8Nm.

Be careful with these bolts, I snapped one off and had to remove the cam cap to pull the broken part out. I used a small torx bit to reach in and unscrew it, I was lucky. I ordered two more to replace them both and they cost $8 each!!

Do not forget to remove the backlash retainers now!! When I made dumbass mistake #2 and had to take it all apart again, I stupidly forgot to insert the backlash retainers before loosening the cam caps. I had to take one of the cams to the local dealer who was kind enough to let me use his retaining tool for a rocket 3 to reinsert one of the retainers. Bzzzzt, Dumbass mistake #3!
This picture also has a decent shot of how the gears should all be aligned at this point. Double check, then triple check the the motor is still at Left TDC and that the cams exhaust gear is aligned with the LINES on the drive gear, and the Intake cam is aligned with the DOTS on the cam drive gear.
If this alignment is not correct, STOP! Do not proceed until it is 100% correct. If you have to tear it apart, now is the time, not later.

Squirt some more oil on everything, slime everything up nice, all the gears, the cam lobes, the camshafts, EVERYTHING in the top of the motor. I used almost 1/4 of a quart/liter doing this. Not to worry as any excess will just drizzle down into the motor where it belongs anyway.

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