If you find value in what you see here, please contribute to BonnevilleAmerica.com.
About the Fund
BonnevilleAmerica.com was started in June 2002 with the goal of helping motorcycle enthusiasts gain knowledge and information about a new Triumph model called the “Bonneville America”. Since then the popularity of this site has exploded due to the wonderful people that come here and contribute their knowledge, their wit, and their wisdom.
In approximately 2004, due to this rapid growth, this site had quickly outgrown itself, and was in need of a serious hardware/software upgrade. In order to put aside money for this expense we accepted donations to the BonnevilleAmerica.com Future Fund. Donations went directly to site upgrades, including the UBB Threads software license.
While no current major upgrade is looming, there are ongoing costs regarding hosting and bandwidth. In January 2011 the site was moved to a new Internet Service Provider (ISP) and an upgraded license for the UBB Threads software was purchased. The future fund is now simply an operations fund, and while completely voluntary, costs are ongoing. Any funds received beyond the needs of basic operation will go into enhancements to the site, whether additional software/features or enhanced bandwidth speed with the ISP.
If you would like to make a donation to the operations fund click the button below. During checkout be sure click the link to enter your BonnevilleAmerica.com screen name and the type of transaction, be it donation, patch, avatar, custom title, etc.
If you would rather mail a check or money order, make it out to James Dressler and send it to:
James Dressler
565 Parkside Ave
Merritt Island FL 32953
Please include your user name from the forums with your contribution. Thanks!