Owner: Paul Molloy (chopperpaul)
Location: Westborough, MA USA
Model: Speedmaster
Year: 2003
Odometer: 15,000 miles
Member’s Ride Forum Thread
Owner: Paul Molloy (chopperpaul)
Location: Westborough, MA USA
Model: Speedmaster
Year: 2003
Odometer: 15,000 miles
Member’s Ride Forum Thread
Several years ago Bob Scoggins picked up a Bonneville America that had been in a wreck, the front end completely trashed. Rather than source stock Triumph parts for the rebuild, he adapted a Harley Davidson narrow glide front end with a 21″ wheel. If I recall correctly*, he welded a Harley steering head onto the Triumph frame. About the only original Triumph parts attached to the front end are the hand controls. Of course that wasn’t enough and this bike is chock full of little custom touches, including:
*Get used to reading that phrase in these retro articles.
If you have more information about or photos of this bike please contact us.
I’m going to try a new little spin on the Featured Member Rides concept. In the 9 year history of BonnevilleAmerica.com a lot of cool bikes have come and gone. I saved pictures of a lot of them. I can’t get in touch with those former members to gather the usual information that we include in the regular Featured Members Ride posts, so I’ll just throw up whatever pictures I have and whatever details I recall and whatever other people can recall. This is especially sketchy when it comes to members who left before the major forum upgrade of 2005, when we effectively lost everything from the old forums.
So here in a little while the first one will show up. I don’t plan on a regular schedule for these, just as I come across the photos and have some time to write up a blurb or three. Comments will still be disabled so you can either contact us through the contact page or watch for a thread in the Member’s Rides forum.
I think I’ll name the category, “Blast from the BA Past.”
Owner: Dennis Oakes (dertbikdennis)
Location: Elkhorn, WI USA
Model: America
Year: 2008
Odometer: 589 miles
Member’s Ride Forum Thread
Owner: Doug Farrell (Soul_Survivor)
Location: Torrance, CA USA
Model: Bonneville America
Year: 2003
Odometer: about 5,000
Member’s Ride Forum Thread