Posted By: mrt202 Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 2:01 AM
These are suppose to be actual comments made by 16 Police Officers. The comments were taken off actual police car videos around the country:

16 'You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just
went through.'

15 'Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll
stretch after you wear them a while.'

14 'If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth
certificate a worthless document.'

13 'If you run, you'll only go to jail tired.'

12 'Can you run faster than 1200 feet per second? Because that's the
speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you.'

11 'You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can
write anything I want to on the ticket, huh?'

10 'Yes, sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think
it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?'

9 'Warning! You want a warning? O.K, I'm warning you not to do that
again or I'll give you another ticket. '

8 'The answer to this last question will determine whether you are
drunk or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?'

7 'Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go
to ride on rides, eat cotton candy and corn dogs and step in monkey poop.'

6 'Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster

5'No sir, we don't have quotas anymore. We used to, but now we're
allowed to write as many tickets as we can.'

4'In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC.'

3'How big were those 'two beers' you say you had?'

2 'I'm glad to hear that the Chief is a personal friend of yours. So
you know someone who can post your bail.'


1 'You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we
don't. Sign here.
__________________ OUCH!
Posted By: roundy77 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:23 AM
cop - I've been waiting for you all day.

speeder - I got here as fast as I could.


The cop approached the car and he asked "Maam do you know why I pulled you over?" With a big smile she replied "Sure, you are selling tickets to the policeman's ball."
He then said, "Mam, I am a State Trooper, we don't have balls."
Posted By: whirlybird Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:34 AM
I was a cop for 30 yrs and believe it or not, on several occasions, someone I stopped for a traffic violation would say to me..."You shouldn't be giving me a ticket...I pay your salary!" My standard reply was......"Then, I suppose this is a bad time to ask for a raise."
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:53 AM

...."Then, I suppose this is a bad time to ask for a raise."

Posted By: Stretchermonkey Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 10:56 AM
I always remember back when I was in the army and posted to an airforce base. One day I went into town with a mate who was in the airforce during a lunch break in his car.

We were both in uniform and to be honest he was a bit of a speed demon when it come to driving.

Well the inevitable happened and he got pulled over by a traffic copper.

I nearly peed myself when the copper peered in and said "what's the problem wing commander - having trouble taking off are we?"

Luckily the copper was ex army and let him off with a warning because despite speeding it wasn't neccessarily excessive.

I think he was just waiting to use that line and we provided the opportunity.
Posted By: DunnSpeed Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 1:40 PM
In this day and age...I don't like cops at all and I don't trust them one bit. Yes, there are ONE OR TWO good cops out there but the rest of them are crooked, warped, corrupt, beat up as children, and so on... Then there's their egotistical issues with women and firearms. I have couple cops in my family, including my twin brother(no longer a cop due to his own stupid ego power moves as a cop), and know the life and the ropes of being a cop and I won't think otherwise until this world gets it's values back together again. Just my two cents...
Posted By: mrt202 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 1:47 PM

In this day and age...I don't like cops at all and I don't trust them one bit. Yes, there are ONE OR TWO good cops out there but the rest of them are crooked, warped, corrupt, beat up as children, and so on... Then there's their egotistical issues with women and firearms. I have couple cops in my family, including my twin brother(no longer a cop due to his own stupid ego power moves as a cop), and know the life and the ropes of being a cop and I won't think otherwise until this world gets it's values back together again. Just my two cents...

Whoah. Tell us what you really think.
Posted By: Defaoite Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 2:00 PM
A cop in Ireland stopped a guy who was speeding along the center of the road.
The cop said to the guy –
I suppose your going to tell me you have a licence to speed.
The guy replied – Well the fact is - I have and produced his licence.
The cop look at the licence and said – this is a standard licence – the guy says – look at the bottom of the licence where is says

Posted By: DunnSpeed Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 2:24 PM
A cop pulls a guy over who's had too much to drink.
When asked to walk the white line the man replied,
"I don't do those kinds of tricks without a net"
Posted By: Sandmann Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 2:29 PM
I have to admit that I like cops... I think they're great... when they're doing their job and solving crimes instead of raising revenue.
Posted By: cochran03 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 2:48 PM


In this day and age...I don't like cops at all and I don't trust them one bit. Yes, there are ONE OR TWO good cops out there but the rest of them are crooked, warped, corrupt, beat up as children, and so on... Then there's their egotistical issues with women and firearms. I have couple cops in my family, including my twin brother(no longer a cop due to his own stupid ego power moves as a cop), and know the life and the ropes of being a cop and I won't think otherwise until this world gets it's values back together again. Just my two cents...

Whoah. Tell us what you really think.

Agreed. It's a very corrupt political game anymore.
Posted By: DunnSpeed Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:01 PM
Just yesterday, my wife and I went to Gordman's and 3 police cars were outside. Wife says, "Uh Oh, someone's in trouble." Well, I park the car and as we're walking in...a single cop walks out with two attractive females in their latter teens, maybe 20. While passing I hear the cop say...and I quote, "I could hold you and press charges if I wanted to but I'm not. So I'm doing something for you, but that means you have to do something for me now. You understand."

hmmm...wonder what he meant by that?

uh...the store presses charges, not the cops.
Posted By: Lazyrider Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:26 PM

In this day and age...I don't like cops at all and I don't trust them

The law isn't based on morality, so swearing to uphold it means abandoning one's obligation to always act in a moral manner. You can't trust anyone who's agreed to that.
Posted By: frijoli Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:33 PM

In this day and age...I don't like cops at all and I don't trust them one bit. Yes, there are ONE OR TWO good cops out there but the rest of them are crooked, warped, corrupt, beat up as children, and so on... Then there's their egotistical issues with women and firearms. I have couple cops in my family, including my twin brother(no longer a cop due to his own stupid ego power moves as a cop), and know the life and the ropes of being a cop and I won't think otherwise until this world gets it's values back together again. Just my two cents...

one or two? I guess we know what your 2 cents are worth
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 3:48 PM

The law isn't based on morality....

Well Jackson, if that's TRUE, then I say, it's a DARN GOOD THING then!!!

Yep! 'Cause I'm kind'a thinkin' that maybe, JUST maybe, laws ought'a be based on a sense of "fairness" and maybe EVEN 'equality"!!!

Uh HUH!!! And ya wanna know WHY I kind'a feel that way! It's 'cause...the idea of "Morality" tends to more often then not be MIS-associated with another whole concept out's PERSONAL religious beliefs, which OFTEN DON'T belong in the PUBLIC ARENA!!!

And trust me here dude...I've lived long enough to have observed that QUITE OFTEN some of the most "religious" folks out there, INCLUDING COPS, aren't exactly the most "moral" indiviuals you'll ever have occasion to run into.

(and that's MY 2% of a friggin' dollar, folks!...and so what say we NOW RETURN to the JOKES here, HUH?!)
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 4:14 PM
And THAT CASE, I've got one here that goes waaaaaay back....

Cop - "Not ONLY does it appear you've had a few too many here sir, BUT you were ALSO driving the wrong way down a one way street here TOO, and evidently didn't see all the ARROWS pointing the OPPOSITE WAY you were driving???

Drunk - "ARROWS, Ossifer??? Heck! I didn't know this was INJUN TERRITORY!!!"

(I TOLD YA this one goes waaaaaay back, DIDN'T I???)
Posted By: FriarJohn Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 4:33 PM
Dwight, you mentioned the R word. That's two minutes in the penalty box for you.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 4:43 PM
Well SHOOT!!! Then I suppose it's REALLY a good thing that I didn't mention anything about that new [fin-challanged] Triumph motorcycle that's supposed to be comin' out real soon TOO then, huh?!

(THEN I'm guessin' that the Commissioner of the League 'round here would'a probably hit me with a 3 game suspension here TOO, huh?!....sorry)
Posted By: Shamus Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 5:12 PM
Well, it's been a while since I have posted, so I guess I feel the need to add my two cents. Now understand what is said about opinions, mine included. I have been a cop for twenty years. I am a third generation cop. I can say that my grandfather, father and I have all served faithfully and honorably. Like any job there are good and bad. Hopefully Dunnspeed has only seen a few of the bad out there. I have worked with cops who I feel should not have been put in their positions. All employers make those mistakes. I am sure that everyone here can think of someone who should not be doing the job they are doing, no matter what the profession. Everyone loves a fireman, and look at how many get caught setting fires because they want to be a hero. Y'all know what it says on the diplomas of the folks who graduate last in their medical class, dont you? "Doctor." I am not going to one of them any time soon. It is the same for lawyers. I am proud to be a cop and proud to work with some of the finest men and women in the profession. There. I am now stepping off my soapbox. I guess I will not be welcome on some rides, but so be it.

Rick Brown
Proud owner of a 2008 America and somewhat less proud newer member of this site.
Posted By: mrt202 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 5:21 PM
You're always welcome to ride with me. I don't care what you do for a living. The point of this thread was humor, not opinions on cops. The point of riding is to ride.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 5:21 PM
NAH!!! Don't worry Rick!!! We invite ALL motorcycle ridin' LEOs to fully participate and join into the festivities each and every year at the...SOUTHWEST TRIUMPH FEST in PRESCOTT ARIZONA!!!

And for details just go to the Rally Forum at this very website!

(man...I'm LOVIN' these opportunties I'm seein' lately for these shameless plugs o' mine here)
Posted By: Lazyrider Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 5:27 PM


The law isn't based on morality....

Well Jackson, if that's TRUE, then I say, it's a DARN GOOD THING then!!!

Yep! 'Cause I'm kind'a thinkin' that maybe, JUST maybe, laws ought'a be based on a sense of "fairness" and maybe EVEN 'equality"!!!

You've just named two constituents of morality. I said nothing about religion. The parallel between morality and religion is a common misconception, a holdover from the days when people were forbidden to think for themselves.

If you prefer, just replace my reference to "morality" with the phrase "doing the right thing." It's necessary to distinguish that from the law, which is an entirely different concept.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 5:35 PM
Yep! I'm in total agreement with ya here, Jackson ol' boy!

But watch it, dude!...this here Penalty Box I'm sittin' in right now ain't got much room left over for YOUR carcass TOO!

(BTW...did ya hear the one about the cop askin' the drunk if he noticed the arrows on the one-way street???....OH! You did already, huh?!...okay, never mind then)
Posted By: TxSpeedster Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 6:09 PM

I guess I will not be welcome on some rides, but so be it.

Why is that Rick? In my opinion each individual stands or falls on their own merit regardless of all other considerations. I get along with most everyone based on mutual respect. If you were there to enjoy the bikes, the rides, and the company of other enthusiasts, relax and enjoy. However if you were checking helmets, measuring exhaust levels, or examining registrations and insurance... well suffice to say different story. A matter of dealing with a person or a badge. I disagree with old Dwrong ()on a few issues, yet am trying to make it down to his place for the SW fest anyway.


Proud owner of a 2008 America and somewhat less proud newer member of this site.

Again I ask why? I like this place, but feel no pride due to the association. Fun is fun, and it is generally fun to be here. Some opinions I agree with, others I don't. Opinions reflect on the individual rather than the site as a whole anyway. Lighten up man.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 6:18 PM
"Dwrong"???!!! Hey! I know a couple couple o' guys who I think were stationed at that Air Base around '68 or so!!!

(wasn't that just right down the Ho Chi Minh Trail from Saigon???)
Posted By: PES Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 6:19 PM
Please don't take it personal Shamus. Someone hijacked a thread meant for humor, to rant. I think you will find most here are pro law enforcement. We have several officers on the site. I have a friend I met here on the site, Angelis, who is a state trooper and there is even a ADA in Arizona who is a long time member. So enjoy and maybe you could make the southwest Rally and meet Dwight. Now there is a character worth riding with.
Posted By: FriarJohn Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 6:27 PM
As a stand-up member of the Moderator Corps I would never, EVER, add fuel to the fire...
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 6:43 PM
Okay John! Take off that striped shirt you're a wearin' there and join me in this Penalty Box here!!!

(so tell me...why would you link THAT to this thread just as we seem to have returned it back to a more lighthearted nature?)
Posted By: The_Dog33 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 6:59 PM

In this day and age...I don't like cops at all and I don't trust them one bit. Yes, there are ONE OR TWO good cops out there but the rest of them are crooked, warped, corrupt, beat up as children, and so on... Then there's their egotistical issues with women and firearms. I have couple cops in my family, including my twin brother(no longer a cop due to his own stupid ego power moves as a cop), and know the life and the ropes of being a cop and I won't think otherwise until this world gets it's values back together again. Just my two cents...

I agree, I deal with them all the time when out towing. There are a few good humored nice cops out there but it seems the power trip "I'll do what ever I want" cops out number them. It also seems the female cops have the biggest chip on their shoulders.
Posted By: Shamus Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:10 PM
Hey y'all, sorry about my rant. I love cop humor as much as the rest. I guess I am just sick of all the crap talking about how corrupt we all are. I dont like being lumped in with POS's in this profession. Just like I am sure we, as riders, dont like being lumped in with the people who make our sport/pastime/lifestyle seem bad. Unfortunately, in my current position, I have had to investigate fellow cops for misdeeds and criminal acts. They do not get any special treatment and I have arrested those who needed arresting. I was also taking out a bit of frustration caused by our wonderful governor. He has told us (Nevada LEO's) that we will not fly flags, at state facilities at half staff, and we will not shroud our badges in honor of the Oakland guys who were killed.

I would be proud to ride with anyone on this site, and I am not a stickler for the traffic laws. In fact when I was a patrol cop, I used to get written up for not writing enough tickets. I like to drive a bit fast, and I find it hypocritical to write someone for speeding, when I have been known to do it. Now I really wanted to write a ticket to the idiot (State Legislator) I saw driving with his knees while using both hands to eat a bowl of icecream. I was off duty and being a detective, I dont have a ticket book, but I figured this was probably one of the guys sponsoring the bill to keep drivers from texting.

Posted By: Shamus Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:14 PM
Speaking of cop humor... Did you hear about the woman who was stopped for speeding by a cop using a radar gun at the end of a long bridge? When the cop asked the woman what she did for a living she replied that she was an A%%hole stretcher. The cop asked how she did this and she explained that she starts by inserting one finger, then another, and so on until she can get both hands in. Then, she explained, she keeps stretching until the A$$hole is six foot. The cop asked her what you do with a six foot A$$hole and the woman said, "Give him a radar gun and put him at the end of a bridge."
Posted By: TxSpeedster Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:17 PM

(so tell me...why would you link THAT to this thread just as we seem to have returned it back to a more lighthearted nature?)

Prolly to reinforce the idea that almost any individuals can commit crimes AND that entire groups or organizations should not be judged based on the actions of those member individuals who do so. That goes for ANY organization.

Except of course the federal reserve and its advocates... they are pure evil!
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:24 PM
Okay! I guess I'll buy that, Leno.

(BTW...I like the way you slipped in that "Ron Paul for President" bit at the end there, dude!)

Posted By: DunnSpeed Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:27 PM
I don't want anybody to get me wrong...I did make a rant and I immediately made my joke right after but I want to make it clear that I respect law and I respect good cops who do their job. They are certainly getting harder to find but they do a tough job and I can see how it would be easy for an officer to become jaded or corrupt just as my own brother did. But that's no excuse. If the job has that kind of effect on somebody, then they shouldn't do the job. So hats off to any cop who does his/her job as it was meant to be done.
Posted By: Shamus Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:32 PM
Thanks DunnSpeed. And sorry for my rant. I know they are out there, and I deal with the ones I am assigned to deal with. I bought my America to help de-stress. Mrs. Shamus says it was well worth the money. Now I have to add accessories to aid in the de-stressing. She's not so happy about that.

Posted By: Shamus Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:34 PM
DunnSpeed. I just noticed that you say it best at the bottom of your posts. Oh who cares, let's go for a ride!

Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:39 PM

I don't want anybody to get me wrong...I did make a rant and I immediately made my joke right after but I want to make it clear that I respect law and I respect good cops who do their job. They are certainly getting harder to find but they do a tough job and I can see how it would be easy for an officer to become jaded or corrupt just as my own brother did. But that's no excuse. If the job has that kind of effect on somebody, then they shouldn't do the job. So hats off to any cop who does his/her job as it was meant to be done.

WHEW!!! Well I'm certainly GLAD we've got THAT settled around here now then, Chris!!!

Yep! For a second there I had envisioned you kind'a like THIS GUY sayin' somethin' like THIS here....

"M-yeah, see! No copper's ever gonna get ME, see!!! M-yeah! M-yeah! You mugs got that?!!!

Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 7:54 PM

Thanks DunnSpeed. And sorry for my rant. I know they are out there, and I deal with the ones I am assigned to deal with. I bought my America to help de-stress. Mrs. Shamus says it was well worth the money. Now I have to add accessories to aid in the de-stressing. She's not so happy about that.


And SOOOOO Rick...I guess that brings us to THIS question here then....

"So tell me mugs wants ta know if yas is comin' to that little gets-togetha down there in Arizona this comin' May or NOT, see?! M-yeah! M-yeah!"
Posted By: Shamus Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 8:00 PM
I'm checking the schedule. I think we stopped planning the trip to visit the outlaws in May because I had to bail out on two. We have a bike festival in Winnemucca, NV that weekend called "Runamucca." Unfortunately, I have had to cancel vacations twice due to homicide investigations during the festival. Interestingly enough, with all the outlaw groups there, neither of the homicides involved bikers. One was kids killing another over a rumor and the other involved two rival families with a shooting in a bar. The shooter was shot and killed by a soldier who had recently returned from a land of sand. They gave him an award once the investigation was complete.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 8:11 PM
Well see what you can do about attending! It'd be great to have you and the Mrs join in!

(and ah BTW...I could never do what you folks do for a livin', 'cuz I've always just been teetering right on the edge of total cynicism all my life, and I KNOW if I would'a ever become a LEO, that would've probably put ME right over that keep up the good work Officer!!!)
Posted By: Dale Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 9:46 PM
Agree with you 100% Rick. Your profession has my respect.
Posted By: roadworthy Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 10:29 PM


(so tell me...why would you link THAT to this thread just as we seem to have returned it back to a more lighthearted nature?)

Prolly to reinforce the idea that almost any individuals can commit crimes AND that entire groups or organizations should not be judged based on the actions of those member individuals who do so. That goes for ANY organization.

Except of course the federal reserve and its advocates... they are pure evil!

I feel the same way about my union, and all in unions in general. I get tired of the people who have not been in one to fully understand the benefits that talk about how lazy and greedy we (all unions) are. I challenge anyone to come and hang with me on a job and try to keep up with me. As far as LEO's go, do what you do, it's cool with me, I know when I'm doing something wrong, it's up to you to catch me. We all have jobs to do. Personally, I could not be in law enforcement or border patrol, believe me I've thought of it, but I would be as crooked as they come. Too much temptation for me. Nor could I be in a lifesaving situation like paramedic, I just couldn't help the drunk douche who just waxed a family of 4 on the way home from the movies or whatever....
Posted By: The_Dog33 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 10:46 PM
I think most respect the law and the men and women who enforce it. I have a problem with the cops who think they can do what ever they want when ever they want with impunity. As I stated above I know quite a few and I have not always been on the right side of the law, in fact I went to a cop shop once where a cop turned around and said " Hey! I remember you! You're trouble!" At the time I had forgotten to leave my 9mm outside and it felt like a bazooka in the small of my back about that point! Anyway some know when they need to do their job and others don't and it's the others I don't like. Even when I was in trouble some cops went way too far when arresting me. Then again I wasn't always the most cooperative. As stated above speeding is a big issue I have, I regularly see cops flying but then they will bust you for going half that fast. I don't want to hear any BS about training either, the law is the law. I also understand that there does come a point when speeding is dangerous and that person should be ticketed and brought back to reality. One of the guys I used to party with when I was a kid went away to become a cop then came back and busted all the places we used to party. That is just being an A$$hole and all he accomplished was driving us into town where we bothered people. We used to party up in the slate quarries where we didn't bother anyone but when we started getting busted there we decided we might as well just party in town.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:00 PM
Speakin' of, as you said here, Dave..."As far as LEO's go, do what you do, it's cool with me, I know when I'm doing something wrong, it's up to you to catch me. We all have jobs to do." THIS below and then tell me what's wrong with this picture. I'll give a little hint here...MAYBE some morons out there CAN'T seem to grap the CONCEPT that NOT STOPPIN' AT A RED friggin' LIGHT when you're making a RIGHT TURN, is STILL NOT STOPPIN' AT A RED friggin' LIGHT!!!!

And soooo, BEFORE this turns into the topic of those lousy cameras out there, tell me folks....How many times have YOU out there been ridin' down the road with a GREEN LIGHT going YOUR WAY, and THEN some MORON in a CAGE decides that HE doesn't have to STOP at HIS RED LIGHT and then juuuuust CONTINUES ON making that RIGHT TURN of HIS and starts to SWING OUT right in FRONT OF YOU as you're going THROUGH that INTERSECTION? HUH???!!!!

And THESE morons have the AUDACITY to be INDIGNANT about receiving a TICKET???? HUH????!!!!!

(okay...NOW do see why I said what I said earlier about me "perhaps" not possessing the qualities of being a LEO...COULD it BE that I'd want to drag their sorry asses OUT of their vehicle and "maybe" show them the error of their so-called "THINKING"???....there's entire TOO MANY morons out who THINK certain LAWS don't pertain to THEM, but EVEN WORSE is the fact they FAIL to see WHY certain laws EXIST!!!
Posted By: unclecharlie Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:04 PM
Hey Shamus,
I hope you don't condemn this site because of posts from a couple of people.
Just as you wouldn't want to be judged by the misdeeds of others in your profession.
I've met way more good cops than bad cops. But, there's bad apples in every barrel.
Get on your bikes, and ride! Spring is here!
Uncle Charlie
Posted By: The_Dog33 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:06 PM
Well Dwight, I do think law makers in certain cases have gone too far. They regulate what I do in my own home or on my own property too much. There are some laws that I think are unjust. Many zoning laws in my opinion are wrong. If I want to have junk cars from one property line to the next I should be able to if I own the land. If I want to build a castle and surround it with a moat I should be able to. That is just and example and I think there are quite a few other laws that have nothing to do with that that go a little too far, The smoking law for instance. I love it but I don't think it's right to tell someone that they can't let people smoke in an establishment that they own and operate.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:26 PM
Well, I agree with ya about the "going too far" part, Ian. But remember, THAT'S what THOSE morons[the legislators] get paid to do. And it's OUR responsiblity to keep an eye on those morons, and then "suggest" to them that "maybe" their working "overtime" and they're not gettin' paid for it!
( I forgot about all the lobbyists who are payin' that "overtime" by throwin' money into their "reelection fund" shoot me!!!)

Well ANYWAY...sorry, but I'm not agreein' with some of the stuff you're proposing here. I think some zoning law ARE neccesary because without them development is often "willy-nilly" out there, and whenever that happens locations can and often DO turn into a dump WHERE a dump has no rhyme or reason to exist.

AND, as you may know, I AM one of those MORONS(a little self-realization there) who hasn't the stick-to-it-of-ness to QUIT this lousy habit of smoking! HOWEVER, I have NOOOOOO problem at ALL steppin' outside(and even steppin' whatever distance the local ordinances say about how far from an establishment's doorway I must stand) whenever a craving for a cancer stick comes my way, BECAUSE I feel it's WRONG to subject others, EVEN IF some of those "others" might mostly BE smokers TOO, because I know, MAYBE some of those folks who CAME to said establishment WITH those "others", may NOT particularly CARE for MY SMOKE within a CLOSED environment!!!

(but I guess I'm just one of those rare individuals out there today who still think that to be CONSIDERATE of OTHERS doesn't mean that you're any less of a "Real Man" or think that it's neccesarily taking away any of my so-called "freedoms"!!!)
Posted By: TxSpeedster Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:44 PM

At the time I had forgotten to leave my 9mm outside and it felt like a bazooka in the small of my back about that point!

Ahaha! Back in the days before universal metal detectors I found myself squirming in my seat in the municipal courthouse one afternoon, then it dawned on me what was causing the discomfort; I was still wearing a belt holstered .45! Holy Federal Offense!
Like you said, it felt like having a 4x8 sheet of plywood under my jacket.
Posted By: The_Dog33 Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:51 PM
Like I said I love the law since I don't smoke but if I owned a bar I wouldn't be so happy about it. I have had many a meal ruined by someone smoking where it invaded the taste of my food since I had to breathe it. Having a smoking section in an eatery is like having a peeing section in a pool.

The zoning was an exageration and hits home for me since I tow for a living and have junk cars here. I by no means have them all over but I do have about 35 cars at any given time on my 3 acres. Zoning hassles me from time to time but I am in a commercially zoned area and was here long before the friggin city people who want me to change my ways. My property is wooded and I have a 6' tall privacy fence along the front so if anyone can see anything they are where they don't belong. As I said though that is just an example there are many many more I can think of that go too far.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:55 PM

I think most respect the law and the men and women who enforce it. I have a problem with the cops who think they can do what ever they want when ever they want with impunity. As I stated above I know quite a few and I have not always been on the right side of the law, in fact I went to a cop shop once where a cop turned around and said " Hey! I remember you! You're trouble!" At the time I had forgotten to leave my 9mm outside and it felt like a bazooka in the small of my back about that point! Anyway some know when they need to do their job and others don't and it's the others I don't like. Even when I was in trouble some cops went way too far when arresting me. Then again I wasn't always the most cooperative. As stated above speeding is a big issue I have, I regularly see cops flying but then they will bust you for going half that fast. I don't want to hear any BS about training either, the law is the law. I also understand that there does come a point when speeding is dangerous and that person should be ticketed and brought back to reality. One of the guys I used to party with when I was a kid went away to become a cop then came back and busted all the places we used to party. That is just being an A$$hole and all he accomplished was driving us into town where we bothered people. We used to party up in the slate quarries where we didn't bother anyone but when we started getting busted there we decided we might as well just party in town.

And speakin' of "a little self-realization" Ian...Do ya maybe THINK that ol' "Bazooka Incident" juuuuuuust might've ALL come down to THIS ONE little "self-realization" of YOURS here???....


...Then again I wasn't always the most cooperative

Posted By: Stretchermonkey Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/27/2009 11:56 PM
I certainly don't think I have the aptitude to be a copper because in these politically correct days it would seem that they are the ones being targeted by the law rather than the ner do wells.

So respect where respect is due to the folks who go out there to try and make the place a bit more bearable for the rest of us.
Posted By: airguy Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 1:03 AM

BECAUSE I feel it's WRONG to subject others, EVEN IF some of those "others" might mostly BE smokers TOO, because I know, MAYBE some of those folks who CAME to said establishment WITH those "others", may NOT particularly CARE for MY SMOKE within a CLOSED environment!!!

Dwighty ol'boy, I am with you on the being a considerate smoker. However, these laws and ordinances are not about forcing people to be considerate smokers. These laws are about control and even though it is still legal to smoke and it is politically correct to tax your tobacco, it is not politically correct to smoke anywhere anymore and it is not politically correct for a politician to say that we don't need a smoking ban. If there needs to be a law regulating where we can and cannot smoke it should be left to the individual business owner. A small little sign at the entrance of an establishment stating that this is or is not a smoking establishment is all that is needed. I am a big boy, I can then read that sign and decide if that is a place where I do or do not want to go. I have seen that applied in Europe and I would have to say it works quite nicely. I do not need some well, meaning save the world from itself politician telling me where or where I cannot have a dang cigarette. In larger venues, yeah, a smoking ban makes sense since so many people will want to attend. Lots of issues and exceptions to the generalization I make above but I think you get my point.

Sorry, no cop jokes but did just retort to Dwight. That should count for something.
Posted By: TxSpeedster Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 1:06 AM

I challenge anyone to come and hang with me on a job and try to keep up with me.

Deal! Of course I'll have to be under contract...
Posted By: frijoli Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 1:50 AM

I don't want anybody to get me wrong... I respect law and I respect good cops who do their job.

Both of them?
Posted By: DunnSpeed Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 2:20 AM


I don't want anybody to get me wrong... I respect law and I respect good cops who do their job.

Both of them?

What is that supposed to mean? Generally speaking, I would say yes to both? BUT...I respect law and rules but that doesn't mean I believe in all of it. Just to accept something because it's a law or because someone tells you to is certainly not MY style. Sorry, I think a little more than that. Just because something is a law doesn't mean that it is right OR makes sense.
Posted By: roadworthy Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 2:27 AM


I challenge anyone to come and hang with me on a job and try to keep up with me.

Deal! Of course I'll have to be under contract...

right on! come on up when it picks up and we'll get you in the apprentice program.
Posted By: frijoli Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 2:44 AM



I don't want anybody to get me wrong... I respect law and I respect good cops who do their job.

Both of them?

What is that supposed to mean? Generally speaking, I would say yes to both? BUT...I respect law and rules but that doesn't mean I believe in all of it. Just to accept something because it's a law or because someone tells you to is certainly not MY style. Sorry, I think a little more than that. Just because something is a law doesn't mean that it is right OR makes sense.

You said there was one or two good cops out there. I was asking if you respected both of them.

Posted By: DunnSpeed Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 2:53 AM




I don't want anybody to get me wrong... I respect law and I respect good cops who do their job.

Both of them?

What is that supposed to mean? Generally speaking, I would say yes to both? BUT...I respect law and rules but that doesn't mean I believe in all of it. Just to accept something because it's a law or because someone tells you to is certainly not MY style. Sorry, I think a little more than that. Just because something is a law doesn't mean that it is right OR makes sense.

You said there was one or two good cops out there. I was asking if you respected both of them.


ABSOLUTELY, SIR. Actually, more than 2 Clay but I won't give any names.
Posted By: Dwight Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 3:43 AM
I know what you're sayin' here Keith, however SOMETIMES "the choice" simply isn't there to be made.

Let's say you're going through a town and want mexican food that day. And then you find that every mexican restaurant in that town, in order to cater to the widest possible customer base, has decided to have a smoking section in their resturants. Okay, good so far, RIGHT?! Well, I think you know how cigarette smoke doesn't exactly stay where it belongs, RIGHT?!

So then you maybe say, well in THAT case, I just go to Denny's(as a last resort, you understand ) and then you discover that they ALSO allow smoking in there, for that very same reason I mentioned earlier: the widest possible customer base. So THEN you spot an Italian restuarant, and...well, maybe you see my point about so-called "choice" and allowing "The Marketplace" to dictate the allowing of patrons to smoke.

I THINK, and maybe I'm wrong here, BUT, I THINK(once again) that the reason AMERICANS ESPECIALLY(it seems) resent some laws that promote public health(as in this case when we're ESPECAILLY talking about a KNOWN CARCINOGEN here) is that they, like small children, don't want to be told what to do...PERIOD, even IF it's for they're own good! Once again...just like little kids!..."WAAAAAAAAA!"

We now take this break to advise those who may be reading this that the author FULLY understands that by saying the above he acknowledges that it will not make him a very popular person...BUT...just like MOST of what he says, he REALLY doesn't CARE!!!...and now BACK to this authors treatise.

Ya see Keith, a while back I went to my urgent care center because I JUST couldn't shake this cold and cough I had. I told the doctor there that, yes, I smoke and told him I fully understand that I'm a moron for doing it, and if he wanted to give me a lecture about the evil of smoking to go right ahead.

And do you know what THAT moron told me??? Well, he told me that he didn't think lecturing people was right! NOT that it didn't do any good, BUT that it wasn't RIGHT for him to tell me to quit smoking!!! Can you BELIEVE THAT???

Well then I told him that that kind'a thinking was pretty darn dumb, and to go right ahead and lecture AWAY!!(he didn't though, the shmuck)

And reason I didn't mind him lecturing me you recall the somewhat heated debates he often get into around here whenever I call someone "a moron" who doesn't wear a helmet when they're ridin' around??? Well, ya see I WOULDN'T mind it so much IF those folks would just ADMIT that they WERE a moron for not wearing a helmet, just like I admit that I'M a MORON for smokin'! But THOSE morons ALWAYS seem to wanna give me a HARD TIME about that by DENYING that they are morons JUST LIKE ME!!!

And BOY, does THAT ever p*ss me off to no end!

Ane just proves to ME that the less someone is likely be a little "self-aware", the MORE likely they'll whine just like those the little kids I mentioned earlier WHENEVER somebody tells 'em what's GOOD FOR 'EM!!!

(note: ALL the facts given in the above argument are true enough, however some of the suppositions, though meant to be taken somewhat seriously, were presented as "tongue-in-cheek" as to be a mite more "entertaining"...and how much you FIND it "entertaining" is ALL up to YOU!!!)
Posted By: airguy Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 7:11 AM
Well, Dwight I have a reply but this ain't the thread to do it in and it is 2am here. Just finished my last smoke for the evenin' and all. Would be happy to carry on with the discussion in another thread. And you know, it just might get political or something too so maybe another venue altogether would be better. Godd nite bro'. Stupid smokers (that includes me so keep those panties all where they belong and stuff).
Posted By: Hermit Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/28/2009 8:58 PM
WOW, a triple play!

Known a lot of cops in my day - some good, some bad, some on my side and some determined to bring me down. Been my experience that the ones who grew up wanting to do the right thing became the good ones. Others grew up getting their butts kicked on a regular basis and are using their newfound power to get back at the world. Cowards with badge and a gun. Been in a few situations where the good cop had to put the bad one in his place!

Unions - no problem with the concept, but as a former union member who has spent the past 13 years as a management Labor Rep. , there are some on both sides who're just determined to push the envelope. Same thing, the ones who used to get their butts kicked now use their position in management or the union to stir up trouble. Those without an axe to grind understand that National Agreements work both ways.

Smoking - quit 10+ years ago and still stand downwind to get a whiff, but let me choose when that is, please.
Posted By: Greybeard Re: Cops say the darndest things... - 03/29/2009 1:51 PM

I THINK, and maybe I'm wrong here, BUT, I THINK(once again) that the reason AMERICANS ESPECIALLY(it seems) resent some laws that promote public health(as in this case when we're ESPECAILLY talking about a KNOWN CARCINOGEN here) is that they, like small children, don't want to be told what to do...PERIOD, even IF it's for they're own good! Once again...just like little kids!..."WAAAAAAAAA!"

I think it often has to do with people having difficulty believing that someone who presumably goes into politics because they can't hold a real job knows what's good for anyone else.
If you look closely at most of the more recent laws, it becomes obvious that they serve little purpose that wasn't already dealt with by existing laws if they were enforced. Instead, they serve to:
1. Show that the politicians are doing something and should be re-elected.
2. Cater to some group of people in hopes of gaining their votes.
3. Increase revenues.
4. Otherwise benefit the government and/or politicians.

By enacting smoking bans and other such laws, the government does not give a hoot whether you live or die of smoke related problems or if your business goes broke because your clientel all smoke, they want the support and votes of the "clean air" people.
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