Carb Jetting Instructions For CVK Carbs

Next you need to refit the carbs onto the bike

Again, straddle the bike and carefully slide the carbs in so you can wiggle/tug/shove them back onto the rubber front pieces. This takes some tweaking and also care not to damage any parts at this point. Be sure not to damage the throttle cables or linkage at this point. I accidently ended up turning the entire carb assembly at one point and when it was done it would not release the throttle. I had to take it all apart, twist it one revolution and put it back together again. Don't make this error. You might want to check for throttle operation before the final manipulation of the carbs back into the rubbers. Follow the reverse of removal and they slide on pretty easy if you have the airbox shoved way back. Once they're on, be sure you have all the rubber aligned correctly before replacing the retaining clamps. You will have to shove the airbox forward and carefully get the airbox rubbers aligned. Try not to use any tools for the rear rubbers, some people use screwdrivers to walk the rubbers on, but I don't like the idea of that. I believe it would be pretty easy to damage a rubber that way. And if you do, you have to pull the airbox to replace one, which involves removing the entire rear wheel and fender assemblies. Way too much work for trying to hurry another job. Take your time, if it doesn't go on easily, take a break, relax, don't worry, have a homebrew. Then come back for another try. Once you have done this a couple times, it gets easier. I can pull my carbs in about 15 minutes now, that includes the tank and all the extras as well. This picture also points to all the places to check for proper alignment, it also shows the gas hose for the tank.
On to the next step.

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