Final Checklist

Put the rest back together

You may have to wiggle the caliper assembly to get the rotor to go between the new pads, they are much closer now eeh? But patience and careful prying will get it back on. Now tighten everything back down.
Replace and tighten the (2) 14mm caliper mounting bolts,
Be sure to put the (2) brake line clip/clamp (8mm) back on.
Tighten the (2) 5mm allen head pad retaining pins.
Replace the cap to the fluid reservoir, be sure that you clean up any brake fluid that may spill when you replace the cap.
Check the fluid level now too and adjust as needed.
Replace the reservoir cover and re-tighten the 8mm holding bolt for the reservoir assembly.
Now is a good time to check that the rear wheel turns as well. If not, go back and check your work.
At this time, after you have checked that all bolts are tight, you should press down on the rear brake pedal. It may be mushy for 1 or 2 pushes, but it should then be firm and positive after just a few pushes.
Beware! You now have brakes that work very well, much better than the last time you rode your bike. Be sure the rear wheel turns before going for a ride. AND be careful for several stops as you get used to the new gription you have.
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