Re-install Cylinder Head

Here we are, scrub-a-dub-dub, cylinder head in the tub.

Here's a picture of the intake after the port job. The machinist said they had a lot of bumps and now they are like the engineers wanted them to be when they designed the motor. They should breathe a lot better and allow fuel to flow much easier and more efficiently. Cool. The machine work cost me $100 from Seely Engine Machine, 3904 Old Mill Road, Stanley, New York. (585) 526-6663. A good price and a fine job. They are a high performance racing shop and they actually specialize in the old Triumphs. Steve was all excited to work on mine as it was the first new one he has seen. He showed me a bunch of other Triumph heads he was working on and they all looked fabulous. He can also increase the valve sizes and convert to shim under bucket or even do cam grinding. It seems to me that he really knows his shit.

Heres a shot of the exhaust ports after the port job too.

Next step was to install the head gasket per the directions. Being sure to place the little rivets correctly and that the locating dowels are properly placed on the correct two posts. The cam chain needs to be fed up through the center hole and secured again.

Be sure you install the breather tube first when you slip the head back down!!
Doh! I forgot to do this and had to rip the sucker all apart again. Dumbass mistake #1.

Here we go, just slip the cylinder head back down over the rods carefully, being sure that the cam chain is again fed through the center and secured. After the head is back on be sure to cover the holes with rags again.

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