Pictures for the Big Bore Installation Site
Not really in order, just for shits and grins

Here's my Shim Calculator program. Guaranteed Virus Free.

Pat's Carb Site

Pat's Triumph Home Page

The Disassembly section

The Sears Torx 30 socket you should have to prevent damage to the torx bolts
The early stages after seat, gas tank and carbs are removed.
Damaged Air Filter - caused by Freak Bracket
Spark plugs after removal and the Thruxton needles that will go in after the Big Bore
Tie up the wiring harness to give more room for cylinder and head removal. This should be done a lot sooner than I did. Much more room after this.
Remove breather tube
Rags stuffed into breather tube hole
Cam gears and proper alignment
Checking valve clearance with feeler gauge
Inserting backlash retainers (Tools Courtesy of BUDWEISER on BA Board)
Rags stuffed under the cam chain to prevent crap falling in while removing small parts.
My valve worksheet - notice only 2 are off, can you figure what size would be needed?
Cam chain secured so it won't fall inside motor
Camshaft caps and oil lines
Removing the valve shim buckets
Using micrometer to measure shim. This one was 0.026 to tight, so math is in order
Valve shims and their buckets - two out need replacing. They are laid out in the same formation they will go back in
Cam chain tensioner removal
Cam chain tensioner mechanism and the low oil switch
Holding the thrust washer with magnet during removal to prevent dropping them into the motor
Removing the bolts that hold in the front cam chain guide blade
Front Cam chain guide blade removed
The rear nut you need to remove to remove the rear cam chain tension blade guide
Rear cam chain tensioner guide blade removed
Loosening the camshaft drive gear retaining bolt
Camshaft drive gear retaining bolt out
Use a magnet to hold the thrust washers or you be fucked!
Camshaft drive gear taken out
Front cylinder head nut and bolt removal
Cylinder head removed and on table
Lining up pistons and securing for safe removal
Rags stuffed into the opening in the motor, after piston removal, to prevent crap from falling in
Wooden slats to prevent damage when removing pistons
Rags stuffed under pistons before piston removal
Jugs out and the two locating dowels
Piston Circlips and grudgeon pins
Everything all set on bench

The Reassembly Part

Cylinders all back from Wiseco Piston Service and in the wash basin to remove all oil and bore slime
Install the rings correctly - Notice the "N" is the tops of the rings
I used Stainless radiator clamps to hold the rings in like a ring compressor - cheap and slick
Here's both pistons ready to go back on the motor
The grudgeon pins and circlips are installed and the pistons are back on the connecting rods
Here's the pistons all assembled and ready to get lined up. Use lots of Oil!
Got them all lined up and ready to push back down - be sure to have gasket on correctly and push evenly.
Barrels and pistons all back on - GET HELP! It was a lot easier with 4 hands.
Cylinder Head in wash basin cleaning port job fine pieces off
Exhaust ports after port job
Intake ports after port job
Align the head gasket and locating dowels
Cylinder head back on and ready to bolt down